December 18th is an exciting day for every 18 year old girl and guys in the blue moon pack. Everyone except Accalia. On this day, every year a traditional mating ceremony takes place as which every 18 year old in the pack shall find there mate. Unlike the others Accalia doesn’t want to be mated to someone who she might not even know, she would rather pick who she wants to spend the rest of her life with. Accalia hopes not to get mated, but will that opinion change once the moon goddess fulfilled her wishes, or at least that’s what she thought until Ryne. Ryne is 25 and the Alpha of the Blue Moon pack but is rarely around. Beside his envious high placement in the pack, he is known to take a great interest in partying and miraculously always finds a way to complete his alpha tasks. He doesn’t except to stay at the pack house after the most recent mating ceremony but things take an unexpected turn when after the important event, finds himself with Accalia.
794 years, that's how long my pack has existed, that's how long ago Jerimiah Langston created the pack and deemed himself the alpha. Along with that came the oldest tradition in the Blue Moons pack history, the mating ceremony and all of it's bells and whistles.
Of Course in the eyes of any important pack member, the mating ceremony is an important part of our past and we should thank the moon goddesses for all of the blessing that comes with finding your mate.
Who am I kidding this tradition is the most important event for every wolf in the pack, well everyone except me. It's forced on everyone and taught to be a gift from the moon goddesses herself. It's not like I can argue against it, I'm just a subordinate. Subordinates are like omegas, just a lot more respected, still doesn't stop the warrior and council wolves from having an ego bigger than pack grounds. Even if by some miracle, I would be allowed to pull up the topic with the alpha, I wouldn't be able to.
Alpha Ryne, he only shows up once a year for the mating ceremony and then leaves once again immediately afterwards. Due to the choice the pack gives you to attend the ceremonies are not, is one of the reasons why I haven't seen his face in years.
I decided when I was thirteen that I wouldn't attend one until I had to attend my own and I stuck to that, all the way up to today. It is two weeks till my ceremony and my friends, who are also getting mated, are taking me out tonight celebrate. I've tried admitting to them that I don't believe that it's something to celebrate but they've always ignored my efforts.
They're forcing me to one of the most famous clubs amongst our pack along with the humans in our town. For wolves like myself, it's easier to get in but for humans not so much, probably because the owner thinks we'll pounce on him. The pouncing part is far from the truth but most of us let him believe it because like I said easier access. Plus most humans only come to the club to be in the presence of wolves. I don't get why personally, we look exactly the same with only a few differences under the surface. Only 3 things really separate us from them, 1. We wolf out, 2. Our eyes change to a celestial gold when strong feelings arise, 3. The undeniable mating ceremony. These three things are what separate us from the humans, we'll except for the alpha. To tell them apart from the rest, they are able to make their eyes turn green. So with a simple change in eye color determines who you obey to, or so that is what I was taught.
Currently I'm sitting in my friend Tina's car, trying to block out the repeated belting of the other girls next to me. They call it singing, but I don't think anyone would ever tell them it sounded more like two cats fighting.
"Accalia!" My name is yelled from the front seat.
I turn away from the window and come to face Tina who is in the middle of exiting the car.
"Come on, we're here and the girls are basically already to the entrance," she exclaimed. I sighed deeply, yanked on the side door handle and stepped out of the car. In shutting the car door, I had to pay down the dress I was wearing. It was a short, black sun dress which Ashe insisted that I borrow from her closet. It was short alright, the girl would tell me I'm being over dramatic but in my defense they're a lot more comfortable with their bodies and used to more revealing clothes.
Still, I catch up to my friends and let Tina wrap her arm around my shoulder. Tina was taller than the rest of us and she lets her resting bitch face scare little children but she's the kindest person I know.
We all ignored the line and continued up until two bulky bouncers blocked our way in. "Where's your passes," the bouncer on the right bellowed.
"We don't need passes," Lissy piped up making Tina smile widely at both men.
The same bouncer which was talking previously smirked devilishly, "Then you girls can get to the back of the line." He pointed behind us, seeming dead set on us going until his eyes landed on me. His cold eyes ran slowly over my body, "unless....I can get this one's number." I swallowed thickly with a clear look of disgust painted on my face.
Tina's arm tightened around my own, "No one is getting anybody's number and you're going to let us in NOW," she almost screamed at him.
He bent down to meet her height, his face inches away from her own,"And why would I do that?" he provoked.
Now that's something you don't do, you don't get in Tina's face, "Because if you don't the heel that I'm wearing, will soon have a permanent placement in your thigh." In the same moment she uttered those words, her eyes glowed bright gold in anger.
The smirk was wiped off his face in half a second as he stumbled to open the club door. Tina had a little hum of amusement, we all knew that she wouldn't actually attack him but it was sorta funny to watch his reaction.
The girls strutted in not even thinking about giving the bouncer a second glance while I walked in slowly, staring at the years old black flats on my feet. I would've kept my eyes darted to the carpeted floor if not for the enormous mob of people grinding against each other. I dodged throughout the flying arms, trying to catch up to my friends who had already made their way to the bar. Obviously we were all under aged to drink but humans mostly run the bar so I'm pretty sure you can guess how that goes over. Lissy and Ashe are the ones that get sloppy drunk without any thought and Tina just orders water, being the designated driver and all. I don't usually get anything, I guess you could say that I don't trust people not to slip something in my drink.
I eventually gave up trying to force my body through the crowd to get to the bar. It was useless, I was just getting knocked around. For a wolf I'm not as strong as I should be, some wolves even mistake me for an omega until they smell my scent.
I end up being pushed around near the VIP curtains that were usually closed if occupied. People famous amongst the humans and high ranked wolves usually take up those VIP spots and there is a good reason why those curtains are usually closed. Most of the time there was just a lot more of what was already in the club but then there were the times where things got a little too........nude. I wouldn't know personally, I haven't lost my virginity yet. My mother always told me that it would be better if I just waited for my mating ceremony so when I do lose it, it would be more memorable. I obtained this information from Lissy, who unlike me has lost her v-card. Her mother also told her to wait but in Lissy's words, "I just couldn't wait, it's all just so exciting." She ignored her mom. For me it's not so much listening to my mother about that kind of stuff, it's the fact that no one has been interested in me let alone glanced in my direction.
"Ow" I yelped, tripping over a semi sharp object. My eyes shot to the ground and saw a red heel. Bending over, I picked it up and started to scan for the person wearing the match. I found her, limping from the height difference between her legs. She was heading into one of the blocked off curtains. Right before walking in I caught a glimpse of a VIP badge swinging from her neck, just great. Hopefully there were only humans behind the curtain because if not, things could end bad for just interrupting whoever's "private time". Without thinking any further, I took a leap of faith and pulled back the cloth wall.
Instantly regret electrocuted throughout my figure as countless women with nothing but their bras and underwear covering their privates, stared at me. In the slight shock of the semi nude females, I almost didn't notice a man slouched in a chair in the middle of the girls. His head hung to the floor and his midnight black hair poked in all separate directions. My eyes unintentionally moved to his exposed upper half, tattoos roamed across his chest, flowing down to his lower stomach and eventually going below where they were covered. The dim lighting in the room affected to make out what the features in the ink were but a blind person could even tell that he was built.
A sniff abrupted the silence and snapped me out of my miniature trance. The mysterious man lifted his head from facing the ground and his brown eyes captured mine. A small gasp clung to the back of my throat as he gawked at me in pure confusion. Trapped in his intense gaze, I was unable to move that is until one of the girls coughed to get my attention. I peered towards the lady who's heel in my hand belonged to, "I-it was on the floor and I saw you walk in here so I thought I'd return it," I whispered, swallowing thickly.
She snatched in from my hand, "Thanks," she muttered sarcastically.
"Mhm," I hummed in return.
Realizing where I still was once again, I rushed out of there not bothering to continue taking or any staring. I think it is time to leave.