
The Deadly Three

Naruto and Gaara walked closer and closer to the guards. As they got closer the guards noticed. "State your business!" One yelled steeping forward with a spear in hand. Naruto and Gaara looked forward.

"This place is gonna be under new management soon, we where hoping you guys could move out before they get here?" Naruto responded now spinning a kunai on his finger.

"Turn back or die!" The guard walked up grabbing Narutos shoulder. The man fell down lifeless. The kunai that Naruto was spinning was now in his head.

The other guards seeing this rushed forward. "Sand Trap!" Gaara yelled as the guards stopped and started to sink into the sand. They where neck deep. "Sand Coffin." Gaara said again. The men's mouth spat out blood and there head swung lifeless.

"That was a bit neccesary, dont you think?" Naruto asked.

"why get there hopes up?" Gaara countinued through the entrance.

"True." Naruto agreed walking through. The place looked like a big checkpoint. There where four hits. Two on each side of the path that countinued straight ahead. "Anyone home?" Naruto yelled.

Four guards walked out of one hut to the left while two walked out on the closest on to the right. They looked confused but then saw three dead men behind them. They all charged the duo. Ths two guards bothe came to the right towards Gaara. One threw a kunai while one went for a kick.

Gaara leaned his head to a right and caught the kick thrown at him. He hit the mans exposed leg causing him to fall backwards on his back. Gaara then dodged two more kunai and the threw his own hitting the furthest guy in the stomach.

He threw another one down into the man on the ground killing him as he walked up to the other man now pulling out Gaaras kunai. Swung it at Gaara who easily dodged the slow attack. Gaara grabbed the mans exposed arm and slammed him on the ground and disarming him. Looking up he could see Naruto already took out two of the four coming at him.

The last two look at Naruto and pull out some kunai. The nod at each other and split. One coming from the left and one from the right. They meet at Naruto at the same time one slashes towards his neck while one goes to stab towards his right. Naruto grabs the hand of the one slashing at him and redirects the stab towards the mans teamate making his stab him in the neck.

The man looked in shock as he stabbed his friend in the neck but took to long as he was already on the ground his arm broken and his other behind held down by Naruto. Looking at Gaara they both started to interrogate the men. Naruto asked about the people in charge while Gaara asked about supply runs and when and how much they arrive.

"This one told me everything. Apparently some of the guys in charge of the base is 'The Deadly Three'." Naruto told Gaara.

"The ones from the Bingo book. I didn't think they would work for the Mizukage. They must've been hired. Shouldn't be much to handle, however this one told me there is a list of supply runs and dates for them in the hut over there." Gaara pointed towards the hut the two men came out of.

"Ok, I'll grab it." Naruto said snapping the neck of the man he was holding down and walked towards the hut. When opening the door he saw kunai saying aimed for his neck. Naruto easily dodged it and punched the in the face. The man didn't go down easily as he recovered and went for different attacks. Left, right, and sometimes a kick, but they where easily blocked by Naruto.

"Hurry up. We still have the main area of the first one." Gaara yelled. Naruto decided to listen and caught both fists of the man. He kicked him in the groin and then headbutted him knocking him out. Naruto saw a table with many papers but what stood out was a list of dates and times that he picked up.

"Got it!" He yelled to Gaara walking out. Gaara slit the throat of the guy he was on and stood up.

"Let's go. I want to see what 'The Deadly Three' got." Gaara said walking towards the main fort.

"Well there are obviously three of them. Two are very skilled Chuunin while the oldest is a Jounnin. The reason they are in the Bingo book is because they tried to assassinate the Raikage but couldn't even get passed his personal guard. Suprised they escaped honestly." Naruto said walking next to Gaara.

"You actually pay attention to the Bingo book?" Gaara asked suprised Naruto listens to his advice about it.

"Hey. I amy be an idiot, but I'm not stupid." Naruto responded.

"Arent those the same thing?" Gaara shot back but Naruti ignored and instead focused on the walls ahead. They whe two feet taller that the checkpoint they where at. There whe also three times as many buildings. The wall lead from the water and lead on land for a while before circling around and heading backwards the water where there where docks

"Place seems buisy." Naruto pointed out the man boats coming in and out.

"Mei did say this and the other fort are the main supply lines for the other forts, It would makes sense, but probably has some harder opponents inside. We should be careful." Gaara said.

"Got it." Naruto said as wind picked up. Wind moving wild surrounded him so fast it was visible. The wind the became compacted as it closed around Naruto it didnt even let in a dust particle.

I'll go in on the right." Gaara said walking to the right.

"I guess I'll just go through entrance." Naruto said as he walked towards the opening. Five guards in sight saw Naruto coming.

"You. Go check him out." One ordered the man. The man he pointed out complied and walked towards Naruto.

"State your buisness!" The man yelled.

"Does everyone great people that way here?" Naruto asked as he walked closer.

"Show me your authorization stamp!" The man yelled. Naruto ignore him and walked past him.

"I said stop!" The man yelled and put his hand on Naruto shuolder, or he thought he was. His hand was not touching Naruto. It wasnt even touching him as it was talked off. The mask screamed in pain.

Naruto made a chopping motion at the man sending put a sharp slash of wind down the middle of the man cause to halves to fall over.

"Kill him!" One of the ones at the gate yelled. Before any body could move Naruto put his hand on his shoulder. Looking in front of him his men where now on the ground dead rather decapitated or cut in half. "Y-you m-monster." The man spit out.

"I'm not a monster, only a boy doing what hes told." Naruto said rubbing his finger across the mans neck causing a slash to appear. Naruto countinued through the gate to be met with about thirteen guards in front of him. Naruto deactivated his wind cloak.

"Last chance to surrender!" One yelled.

"Nah I'm good." Naruto said. He held out his palms. Water started to form around him out of the air. Lines of water surrounded him and soon it started to cover his whole body.

"How is that possible. He's just pulling water out of the air!" One shouted fear in his voice.

"Water Style: Water Tornado!" Naruto yelled holding out his hands. A stream of water shot our both hands in the formosa of tornados. Whatever they touched was lifted off the ground and swung everywhere. Prices of building and random carts on the street.

When the attack was done the men where all over the street, some spitting out water while some couldn't move do to the force of the impact. The water around Narutos body slowly disappeared. Instead sparks now appeared. His skin seemed to get brighter as lightnimg seemed to surround him.

"Sorry guys. If this doesn't kill you it'll hurt, but most likely kill you." Naruto said putting up his hand. His voice was sparkly. Like pure lightning was talking to them. The men seemed to notice a ball forming above Narutos hand. "Lightning Strike!" Naruto yelled. The ball grew to the size of a desk as it flew up. Then it soon shot towards the men as it started to stretch making it look like a lightning bolt.

It struck the ground instantly killing anyone near it while letting off a powerful discharge shocking the others. It didnt help that they where also wet, soon it stopped. Left was a large crater and burnt bodies and smoke. The street was trashed.

Over with Gaara he was dodging a kick the went over is head. "Sands Storm!" Gaara yelled blowing a large breath towards six men running at him. The breath was full of sharp minerals of sand. When the dust cloud disappeared the men where severally cut and bleeding most of them blind.

"Sand Spikes!" Gaara yelled again. Spikes rose behind them and impailed them killing them instantly. Eight more arrived. Two threw kunai while six charged. One with a spear and the the others with a kunai. The one with the spear thrusted it towards Gaara. He sidestepped it and grabbed it and pulled it forward.

The man holding it came forward as Gaara created a small sand spike in his hand and shoved it into the mans throat. Gaara didn't go of the spear but instead threw it at one of the men throwing kunai hitting him in the chest. The remaining five coming at him all swung with the kunai.

"Sands Push" Gaara yelled. Sand rose around him in the form of a wall and shot towards the men coming at him. They each got k locked back including the one throwing kunai. "Sand Burial!" Gaara said as the sand quickly covered the men. "Sand Coffin!" Gaara finished crushing the men.

No more came and Gaara looked at a huge lightning bolt hit the ground and shook his head. The sand pulled up his sleeve revealing five seal in his arm that the sand slowly went back into while an extra bit of formed a coffin on his back.

Gaara walked towards Narutos location but stopped when he hear to people land behind him and saw on land in front. "The Deadly Three." Gaara said as he saw who it was. One man with red hair stood in front while a younger woman and man where behind him, also with red hair.

"So you do know us. Guess it'll make it better when we kill you." The oldest said.

"I'm Shing Shung, the guy in front of you is Tang Shung, and my sister Bing Shung." The boy from behind said.

"But that wont matter cause you'll be dead soon." The woman said as she charged in. The man threw a kunai while the younger man charge in with his sister. Gaara caught the kunai and spun and threw it towards the woman who jumped out of the way dodging it. The younger man now caught with his sister and they both attacked Gaara.

Gaara was countinued to dodge there punches but couldn't get is own in. He head a whistle in the wind and moved his head and kunai flew passed him. The younger man threw a kick while the woman threw a rounded kick. Gaara caught both.

Gaara had exposed his body though and the man took it to his advantage and threw three kunai. Gaara smiled as sand instinctively formed in front of him stopping the kunai. Gaara Swung the woman and younger man together making them hit eachother and dropped them.

The man charged at Gaara. He was much faster than the other two. He threw many punches. Gaara blocked most of them and those that didnt got stopped by the sand. Gaara dodged an attack and threw a punch hitting the man throwing him back. Gaara took advantage and attacked the man multiple times. Hit after hot was succes.

After regaining his ground the man pulled out a kunai but Gaara smacked his hand sending it in the air. The man started to try harder as he went for a punch Gaara stepped left. Gaara caught the kunai he hit up and stabbed down into his shoulder and kicked him cause it to through his shoulder and out. The man groaned in pain.

Gaara saw a punch coming at him and caught it before shoving it into the attacker witch was the younger man killing him.

"Brother!" Gaara looked over to see a woman coming at him. She threw a kick and Gaara caught it.

"Sands Hell!" Gaara yelled. The sand on his back shot off his back and into the womans mouth down her throat. She quickly fell down to her knees and screamed in pain as sand burst out of her belly and she fell limp, dead.

The sand formed a coffin on his back. Gaara then heard footsteps behind him and saw the man getting up. "I'll kill you! You bastard!" The man yelled but stopped as felt a sharp pain in his chest. He saw the end of a spear made out of sand throught chest as he fell to his knees and layed down to die.

"Rest In Piece." Gaara said as he walked past the bodies on the ground. He reached to where Naruto was fighting and saw him waiting outside a building.

"Done. I heard a lot of screaming." Naruto pointed out.

"Just trying out the new trick I learned." Gaara said.

"I fell bad for whoever you did that to." Naruto said as he stopped leaning on the wall he was on.

"One of 'The Deadly Three' memebers." Gaara said.

"Good you already took care of them. I searched the rest of this place and other that the supplies, theres nothing really important. Let's move onto the next place." Naruto said as he started to walk out of the place.

"Agreed. The next place is on the other side of the island. It is where the Mizukages men are trained so it'll be heavily guarded. Its getting late so now would be the best time while under the cover of night." Gaara said following Naruto.


Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. I'm not sure if ill make a love intrest as I have no ideas I should do. I got some suggestions, but I'm not good with all that lovey dovey stuff.

But I hope that you have a great day!
