
The Man who brings his dog for adventures

Grimgrim · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

You are weak

10 years later

Pierce - level 57

Heat resistance - level 49(He can survive in the surface of the sun)

Thermo Nuclear Atomic breath - level 51

Radiation Powered Tail whip - level 60

Radiation Powered Claw - level 60

Radiation Powered bite - level 60

Radiation Powered sprint - level 65

Major instinct mastery - level 58

Gill's - level Max

Swim - level 32(He can go up to speeds of hundreds of kilometers an hour).

Radiation Powered Bitch slap - level 53(Can cause a 6 magnitude earthquake if he slapped the ground).

Radiation Powered Body slam - level 54

Thermo Nuclear Radiation generator - level 43

Thermo Nuclear Pulse - level 29

EMP - level 48

Major combat mastery - level 46(Fights like a veteran)

Environment Blending Physical camouflage - level 53

Environment Blending Stealth - level 53

Life force and Radiation Concealment - level 56

Orb of Radiation - level 32(Shoots orbs of radiation like hadouken each one of them can blow up a 50 story building to Dust).

[Hidden in Plain sight tittle acquired - Your presence is as low as it can be, you can never be seen unless you are trying to be seen, Effect You can now control your presence].

[Apex predator - You are the world's strongest predator nothing can stop you now not even technology, Effect - 1 million years worth of memory from Legendary Godzilla].(No he won't confuse himself with Legendary Godzilla).

[Dog's best Friend - You are the best friend of dogs, Effect - affinity with Dogs are increased by 200%].

Height - 214 meters

Strength - 18531

Dexterity - 1039

Constitution - 27496

Intelligence - 2345

-I wasn't expecting a lower increase in the past few months, but either way I'm finished waiting.

-OH hey buddy you got a whale

I pet Elias he goes back to his own forest and eats it very slowly.

-Hey buddy we're going on an adventure tomorrow so sleep well.

I sleep in my volcano even though i don't need to.

Suddenly i appear in a white room with God in it.

-Is it too easy kid

-Ye- wait am i dead

-No, I'm gonna up the difficulty now since It's very boring.

-Wait i wa-

I disappeared from the white room.

Well change of plans Elias is top priority now

I'll just sneak attack him

-ELIAS come here we're gonna fight some kaiju's

He is now a healthy dog with a height of 50 meters and can absolutely destroy kaiju's stronger than him with his arsenal of abilities.

We went to the ocean going in the direction of mount Fuji.

1 hour later

We arrive at mount Fuji and is there a lot of Kaiju's more than the show even put on screen.

-Elias make sure to fight only the weak ones alright.

Elias nodded

-Such a smart boy, but I'll still follow him

I use my atomic breath at the nearest kaiju, It got killed since i have been grinding a lot.

[10000 exp gained]

I spotted Elias fighting a kaiju but can't damage it properly so i use my Orb of Radiation(Yes dumb name i get it) at it it's arm gets injured Elias uses the opportunity to hit the wound again almost ripping the arm off, but succeeds on the next try.

The kaiju tries to grip Elias but he was too slow to catch Elias, i threw another orb that hit's It's head Elias uses his Atomic breath and decapitates it.

The Jaeger's are fighting most of them but the Mega kaiju seems to be rushing to mount Fuji.

I signal Elias to follow me and immediately sprinted to the mega kaiju which is taller and more bulky that in the show.

I body slammed him which pushed him back, hoh he's not heavier than me pathetic.

The kaiju raises one of It's arms to punch me too bad i disintegrated it with my atomic breath next second it then rushes towards me so i rush forward too.

We both slammed into each other i use my tail to grab one of the buildings, i tried to slam it to him but he uses his tail to blocks, my attack i free one of my arms and use it to pierce him i was successful but he used that opportunity to free himself and grab a building with his tail and his other arm.

I also grab a building with my tail while charging up my atomic breath, he throws the buildings and charges at me i use my tail to block the incoming buildings and let out my atomic breath in a horizontal line.

Wasted that atomic breath

He then comes out from the dust with an injured chest, i then charge at him i use my Thermo Nuclear Pulse and he gets a little bit dazed and it lightly burns his skin but everything is melting around us, Elias then climbs on his back and uses his Atomic breath destroying one of It's brains.

He tries to grab Elias but i immediately bitch slap his hand breaking it, he then tries to use his tail but i pierce him with my tail at that point Elias already ran far away.

I body slam him and use my atomic breath on his head but he dodges most of it, i try to kick him while using that kick to cover my tail attack, the kick of course missed but my tail swiped his leg making him lose his balance, and that caused him to fall down i immediately put my leg on his chest and pierce his tail with a Sharp spear tip from my inventory, i then charge my atomic breath a second later i use my strongest atomic breath yet it disintegrates his head, finishing the battle.

[35000 exp gained]

That was still pretty easy, but what about the other kaiju's and jaeger's of course.

Wait is that Striker Eureka and Old Gipsy

Doesn't matter I'm leaving now but first

"ROAR"(Long duration deafening Roar)

The job is done i open the portal to.....

See you next time


What is art if it cannot be appreciated", - Sun Tzu, The Art of Philosophy.