
The Man who brings his dog for adventures

Grimgrim · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

Some background

[Admin: Hello everyone i assume you guys have an idea on what's happening right now.]

[Demon Cyborg: I understand what is happening but why is it us that was chosen.]

[NEET: Okay you still have to explain why i was scammed.]

[King of the monsters: ...]

[Admin: You were all randomly chosen to be members i have no choice on who was picked.]

[Admin: Also i don't know what methods was used to attract you guys here.]

[Announcement: The 'Traveling function' was added.]

[Admin: Anyway there are some things that was never mentioned i don't know why though, but we can take missions and get the currency of this group chat to buy anything that we want for the right price.]

[Admin: Whether those missions involve stealing, killing, helping, or just gathering resources, the depending on the difficulty of those missions you can choose the currency or a skill that is related to the mission.]

[Admin: Do remember that if you do die you will get your currency deducted you can also be in debt to others in this group chat if you need something that they have.]

[Admin: You can also sell materials, abilities, curses and souls if you want to.]

[NEET: I think i am going crazy.]

[Demon Cyborg: Is there any critical information that we need to know of?]

[Admin: Nothing else that's all.]

Okay now a mission icon appeared on my screen so i clicked on it and i was shown some missions like,

[Gather the following materials: Iron 500 kilograms, Copper 500 kilograms, and Aluminum 100 kilograms: Rewards: 1000 Credits. Difficulty:Easy][Semi Repeatable]

[Destroy a city: Mission details will be provided when you accept the mission: Rewards: 9000 Credits or Observe lvl. 5(Upgradable with instructions on how to do it).Difficulty:Easy][Semi Repeatable]

[Defend a Planet from a from invaders: Mission will last a few days: Reward:50000 Credits or Meteorite summoning. Difficulty Easy][Semi Repeatable][Co-op is Optional]

[Protect the designated person: Mission details will be provided when you accept the mission: Rewards: 3000 credits or Stealth lvl. 2. Difficulty: Easy][Semi Repeatable]

[Destroy the anomaly: Mission details will be provided when you accept the mission: Reward: 30000 Credits or Regeneration lvl 2][Difficulty: Easy][Co-op is optional]

I of course accepted the first mission since it was easy enough, I'll make a list on what missions I'm gonna do first.

I grab some meteorites from far away and in a few seconds the job was done

[Credits: 1000](Still the same system voice that he had since the beginning)

Now that the first mission is done i accept the second one, I was immediately teleported to another world.

Or in space, well at least i won't get spotted by the people and, i block the view of any satellite that can see me.

Hmmmm this world sure is beautiful It'd be a shame if something were to happen to it, Nah I'm not that crazy yet.

[Destroy the designated city using any means necessary, Failure is not an option.]

[There will be an arrow in your sight, follow that and it will lead you to the mission objective.]

[Best of Luck]

Well thank you for the "help, I saw a green arrow in my view and when i move my head it rotates itself to still point at the mission objective.

Neat, okay no more distractions, i follow where the arrow is pointing at.

I reached the Mission Objective, this city is certainly the biggest one i have seen before it easily reached hundreds of square kilometers in size.

But It's full of pollution so that makes me a good guy right?

This is certainly going to be hard but at least i won't have PTSD since i purposefully don't see the inhabitants living in it.

I pull thousands of asteroids as big as houses, i also lift the oceans up and make a tsunami.

The moment the asteroids hit the city i make the larger buildings fall down after a few minutes the whole city was wrecked but still not technically destroyed so i release my tsunami and make a town sized asteroid hit the city.

It was spectacular explosion to say the least but not big enough.

[Mission Complete]

[Teleportation will commence in 10 seconds]

But something i expected to happen happened, some "Heroes" appeared.

But it doesn't matter they can't reach me at the rate they're going

Some "Heroes" flying, running and just floating, most of them already spotted me but it was too late for them anyway so i just pulled them to space so that they die.

[Teleportation commencing]

And just where i was before i left.

[Choose 9000 Credits or Observe lvl. 5(Upgradable with instructions on how to do it).]

I choose Observe lvl. 5

[Congratulations you now have Observe lvl. 5]

Alright observe that my Asteroid base now.

[An Asteroid base with It's own gravity keeping it together.]

[Durability: Planet level]

[Lifespan: 1 million years]

[Remark: Crudely made with very little thought on making it good.]

How rude ca-

[Admin: Hello everyone have you done what you wanted now.]

[Demon Cyborg: This is amazing i must tell Dr. Kuseno about this.]

[NEET: I'm gonna sleep.]

[NEET has turned off the group chat.]

[King of the monsters: ...]

[Admin: Please refrain from leaking information about this Group Chat or there will be consequences.]

*Admin POV*

Back then, I was just your normal student walking home and finally deciding that i will get a part-time job to get myself some money.

After all my life isn't going to get better and better if i don't do anything plus my parents are struggling enough providing for me which is a depressing thought.

-Mom, Dad I'm home, i said as i opened the door and being greeted by the sight of a robotic looking skeleton with robes, floating and it was with my parents, seemingly in a conversation with them.

I of course assumed they were going to sell my soul to it since my grades were getting worse and i didn't listen to them as often as in the past.

-WAIT MOM, DAD DON'T SELL ME I'll STUDY HARD AND I'll LISTEN TO WHATEVER YOU GUYS SAY, i said as desperate as a zebra running from a cheetah.

My parents looked at me with their faces basically saying "NO".

My dad started talking and i was horrified at his following words.

-My son i know that you always fantasized about meeting a girl becoming a hero, being strong, and being worshiped as a god, SO WE FOUND YOU A DEAL, you get to live your fantasy we get to live with ours.

-Okay time's up guys I'm taking this dude to where he needs to go, the robotic skeleton said.

Just then a kid appeared next to my parents, he was scared from what he just saw.

My eyes widened realizing they were going to replace me i was actually sad for once being replaced was something that i never wanted, but a part of me was actually relieved.

Finally i don't have to have my parents pressuring me to get a job, finally i can do something that i am not forced to do and maybe sleep like a normal human for once.

So much mental pressure can do wonders to your mind and when it suddenly disappears you'll either find yourself lost or find yourself liberated of a great responsibility.

So i closed my eyes and accepted whatever happens to me but to my suprise i was suddenly in a different environment, i was in a natural flower field untouched by humanity, also it was nice laying in grass that doesn't pierce your skin.

The sun doing It's usual shining, the moon shining on a different part of the world.

Though it was odd, grass for me was very uncomfortable but i attributed it the skeleton doing something.

[Hello human, it is me Grimgrim your friendly neighborhood God with the capital G, if you are reading this then everything went well i have given you some gifts that most would envy for, but onto the main reason I want you to do something for me, I want you to Destroy some worlds and help some worlds but more on the destroying part.]

I thought, why would someone as strong as him do complicated things like this.

[Now now you might be thinking "Why would someone like you need to do complicated things like this" well like many i am bored so i decided to make a ###### as a hobby and for relieving my boredom, well whatever do your job and you won't get thrown to eldritch monsters and the outer gods.]

[P.S. Do Not Make Dumb And Illogical Decisions I'm Warning You.]

Duly Noted, anyway i get up and start looking around for any thing that can kill me.


Hmmmmm i made a side character with a better background more emotions and honestly just better than the MC's past background, have i actually improved?

[1511 words yay!]