
The Mafia's Stubborn Wife

Ashley Kones was forced to marry Dave Harry - A ruthless mafia boss who despises women so much. Not wanting to marry Dave, Ashley hid and sneaked her way into the blacks temple to attack him, so as to end their arranged marriage. She was caught and imprisoned. Dave forced to spent a month living with him, if she want to get her freedom back. Ashley ended up falling in love with Dave, getting entrapped with him in a ruthless family battle involving Dave's stepbrothers, and their parent sins of the past. Read to find out...

GoodnessChiamaka · 都市
86 Chs

Entrusting Ashley

Ashley never expected Dave to be that big and huge down there, what was she thinking, she was the one who wanted him to do it to her and she was still the one screaming loudly. She hasn't had sex before and she never expected it to be that painful as she tried to stop herself from screaming but Dave wasn't helping as he kept thrusting into her.

Ashley gripped on Dave severally to stopped but he pinned her two hands above her head, while he took her to another cloud, All she did was moaned and screamed out for mercy.

Ashley was so embarrassed when Dave finally stopped but was still in hers, as he stared at face and discharged all of his seeds into hers.

Ashley was breathing heavily and was tired to pushed Dave away but Dave came up closer to her face and he kissed her on her lips, and spoke softly to her ears, "I love you.. and will always cherish you, Thank you for making me feel like a man, and been my first," Dave said as he kissed her smooth cheeks and pulled his rod away from hers.

Dave stood up and fell to the side of her bed as he was tired and exhausted and he wrapped his arm around her body, touching her big boobs again as he didn't wanted to let go of her.

Ashley fell asleep after cuddling in his arms, as she didn't knew when she slept off, after she had gone to ease herself in her restroom and returned back to bed, not having a single strength to shower as it was almost morning, so she decided to sleep and took her bath in the morning.

Dave slept on her bed too and woke up late the following morning as he had never slept so long like that before.

Dave turned to looked at the time in her room and was shocked to saw what the time was, as he had some meeting appointment with Lexi and he was sure Lexi would be calling his phone too

Dave turned back and wanted to slided his hand on the bed table to check his phone for missed call only to suddenly touched Ashley's bare body, and reality dawned on him, that he wasn't in his room and as he sat up and stared at the sleeping beauty laying beside him. The both of them were still naked and having only the bed spread covering their bare body. And he turned and gave Ashley a kiss on her lips, while he slided out of her bed to took his shower in her bathroom.

Getting into her bathroom and seeing all the feminine soap and sponge and how Ashley hung some of her things and pants, Dave frowned, but he was already late so he managed to use her bathing soap and sponge while he took his bath quickly.

Coming out from the bathroom and tying her towel around himself, Ashley had already woken up and was surprised to see him in her room and coming out from her bathroom with her towel tied around his waist.

Ashley stared at Dave as she stood up and came down from the bed and just then Dave saw the blood stains on the bed and his eyes narrowed at her as he stared at her.

Ashley walked up to meet him, forgetting that she wasn't wearing anything and Dave stood still staring at her bare body, until she passed her mirror that she realized she was naked and she rushed to him to collect her towel away to cover herself.

Dave frowned as she has already succeeded in getting him in the mood again for another round, even though he was already late. He spoked to her as he went and sat on her bed, staring at her white bed sheet and seeing the stained, he asked her as she came to sat on his thighs too.

Dave asked, "Was it your first time, or you are in you cycle, I mean monthly flow?."

Ashley hugged his neck as her big boobs was standing and flashing at him, while Dave held her back and sucked on one of her boobs, then he asked again, "Tell me, what's that stained about?."

Dave pointed to the bed as he stared at her face and wanted to dipped his hand into her private to check if she was menstruating on his leg, but Ashley finally replied him, "It my first."

Ashley shrugged her shoulders as she looked at Dave, staring at his handsome face, as she leaned more forward to him and initiated the kiss first, kissing his cheek.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Dave asked her, almost sounding annoyed, and now understanding why she was screaming so loudly.

"I asked you to stop but you didn't want too" Ashley shrugged as she replied to him and pouted her lips, while she stood up from his and went to her bathroom.

Dave sighed and left her room and as he stepped out from her room, he meet Helen by the corridor, whom was shock to saw her boss coming out from Ashley room, and tying only towel.

Helen immediately lowered her head as she greeted him, "Good morning sir."

Dave stared at her and responded "Good morning," and he went to his room.

Helen couldn't contained her excitement so she knocked on Ashley's room door, not waiting for Ashley to open it, as Dave had just came out, she went inside the room and was surprised to saw the stain on the mattress, while she hurriedly went out to serve their breakfast so her boss wouldn't catch her, likewise Ashley too, As she observed Ashley was in the bathroom, taking her bath.

Helen ran out from Ashley's room smiling sheepishly as she had thought Ashley and Dave were fighting with eachother and not wanting to saw eachother the previous night, making her worried about them last night that she slept late. And she didn't even knew they were having fun and sleeping with eachother while she was unhappy.

Helen was more than excited as she sang praises song in the kitchen while preparing their breakfast.

Ashley came out from her bathroom and wore her clothes, while Dave hadn't yet returned her towel. She assumed, he might still be using it and so she took another towel from her wardrobe as she had about five new towels.

Ashley changed the mattress and decided to washed it by herself as she didn't wanted Helen to saw it and teased her with it, As Helen was three years older than her and experienced in the field of making love unlike her whom was just a novice. As she was shy to stepped out of her room after much hesitation, she finally came out

Dave was already in the parlour, talking to Mark as Mark came over to the apartment having not seen Dave arrived yet to the company, so he decided to came over to Dave's apartment, and to discussed his recent finding about Norman to Dave, As he thought to used the opportunity to saw Mr Jeff too, as he has heard that the old man had returned home from the hospital.

Ashley decided not to disturbed Dave and Mark discussing, as she walked over to the laundry room and kept the bedspread into the washing machine, while pouring it water and switching the machine on to start washing it, and she left the laundry room and went back to had her breakfast with Dave.

Mark also joined them for breakfast even though Dave didn't asked him too. Mark went and took his seat and asked Helen to served him too as he hadn't eaten anything before coming to saw Dave.

Dave didn't said anything against Mark, as he has already forgiven Mark, for betraying him and going to Thomas behind his back, so they ate their breakfast silently.

After breakfast Dave stood and told Ashley, "I will be leaving with Mark, As I've some important things to deal with in the office."

Ashley didn't said anything, as she knew Dave had lot to handle especially now that his company was under constant attack.

Dave paused wanting to leave with Mark, and he walked back to meet Ashley, and he said to her, "Follow mez I have something to give to you."

"What's that?" Ashley's asked as she followed Dave into.the corridor while Mark waited for Dave to returned in the Parlour, so they could leave.

"What's it Dave,?" Ashley asked Dave again, as she got into his bedroom with him.

"I just want to give you something to keep for me, but I normally forget" Dave said as he sat on his bed and opened his bedside drawer.

Ashley watched Dave silently and he brought out a file opening it, he handed over the picture to her asking her to keep it with the file.

"What's this?" Ashley asked him, collecting the file, while Dave stood up to leave.

"Can I take a look?" Ashley asked him, looking up to meet his gaze, and Dave replied to her "Sure," while he watched Ashley brought out the photo from the file again and stared to it..

Dave leaned forward and gave her a kiss on her cheek, and he said, "I have to be on my way now."

"Wait, who's this?" Ashley asked him, as she stared at the image on the photo from the file and also stare at the beautiful painted portrait on the wall. "Your mother?" Ashley asked.

"Yes," Dave responded.

"But why are you giving me to keep it?" Ashley asked him again, as he came closer to her, and lifted her chin upwards to face him and he kissed her intensely on her lip, parting his lips away from hers, he said, "because I want you to keep it, I will be back, but I might not not be returning today."

"Why?" Ashley asked, looking worried, "Business," Dave replied and rushed out from the room as he was already getting late.

Ashley stared at the man standing beside the beautiful woman in the photo, as he seemed to look familiar, but why was he dressed in same traditional marriage cloth as Dave's mother, carrying a baby too?, Ashley asked herself as she thought, "Does it mean that Mr Jeff is not Dave's really father, or who is the baby his mother was carrying here and whom was this man?."

Ashley kept on staring at the photo, as Dave didn't seemed to locked his room, leaving her in it, so it simple means he now trusted her Ashley thought as she smiled to herself.

Ashley smiled to herself and she walked to his bed, and climbed on it and laid on top of it to inhale his masculine scent that was on the bed too.