
Black Fayes


"Good morning my dear, how are you?" A voice pierced through my ear and interrupted me from the daily meditation I always do whenever I woke up in the morning. I ignored the voice hoping that the person would go away, but I can still sense his presence. After a few couples of seconds, I finally opened my eyes and met this vile creature that disrupted me. It the infamous leader of the notorious mafia group, the Black Fayes, and also, my father.

"You do realize that I was busy with something right?" I huffed, slightly annoyed by his sudden interruption. I got up and hugged him tightly.

"Yes I do, but I know you you such at meditation, so I interrupted." He sneered. I giggled in response.

"That's one word for it, but points for trying?" I commented. I may suck at meditation but I am very much gifted with persistence and dedication.

"Sure, why not." My dad replied.


My name is Iris Everheart Faye, I am currently twenty-one years old and a very well known businesswoman around the world. I often introduce myself as Iris Everheart to hide my deepest and darkest secret, being the daughter of Silverfester Faye, the infamous "Gold tooth" that became notorious over the past few years for kidnapping, organizing one of the few devastating crimes in the city, multiple assassinations of famous politicians and actors. We are also famous for making/selling illegal drugs.

My father was very protective of me because of what happened to mom. She, unfortunately, was shot to death on the night of their thirteenth anniversary. It was a hate crime towards my father after he orchestrated the arresting and eventual death of the "Ruby lady", one of the leaders of the other big mafia group, "Deux Lionne". It was a living nightmare after the two ladies died, the black fayes and the duex lionne members orchestrated an all-out war against each other. Bodies upon bodies quickly came afterward and it still is happening up until both parties agreed on a truce two years later. "No fayes shall ever bother nor interact with a lionne, and vice versa" was the rule they eventually agreed upon, and it was set in motion the day after.

The city of Wolas is located in the country of Wallcaster, it is the biggest city in the country. With a land area of 8,947 km2 and an estimated population of 37,953,000, the city of Wolas is a massive and powerful city. It is a dream destination for many tourists due to its magnificent scenery and delicious, one of a kind delicacies. A beautiful city like this also has its downfall and dark places, hidden but not a secret among all of everything good the city is known for. The city of Wolas is the city where the two biggest mafia group in the country is located, the Black Fayes and the Duex Lionne mafias.

The Black Fayes and the Duex Lionne are two different groups. Both are infamous but have separate ways of dealing with their tasks. We, the Black Fayes, rule and deal with everything that happens on the north side of the city. We manage everything that goes around in that part, what goes in and out, various drug dealings, and other kinds of stuff. The Lionnes on the other hand, are secretive, they work behind the scenes and in the shadows, not much is known about them and where their main territory is but it is theorized that their spot is on the south side of the city.

What about the government? Well, the government is active in the central part of the city. Dubbed, "The capital" by many, this part of the city is a safe haven for the rich and wealthy. This place is heavily guarded by the government and there are almost no crimes that will ever happen in this place. In short, the south and north are the parties that people tend to go to and the capital is a place for the rich and entitled party poopers that thinks they are the best among us but they're actually not.

"Have you ate breakfast?" My father questioned me as we walk towards the halls of our manor.

"Yeah, but I didn't quite eat that much, I'm on a diet," I replied. My dad looked at me and sighed. He isn't a fan of my recent choices to my body recently, like getting a tattoo on my shoulder when I was nineteen or having some piercings when I was eighteen. It's funny that he's one of the most feared men in the city but I can only see a kind-hearted father to me and a loving husband to mom in him.

"You know I am not a fan of this "diet". Honey, even if you look as ugly as a blobfish or as fat as a walrus, you would still be beautiful in my eyes. Stop this nonsense you call a diet and start taking care of yourself." He said.

"I know you do, but diet is also a good thing dad. Plus, the general public is savages when it comes to successful women, especially when they are ugly and fat. I cannot handle their criticism that well, you know that." I commented to my aging father. He stopped walking and cupped my cheeks with his hands.

"From the tips of your toes to the depths of your soul, you are so beautiful my child. Nevermind what those scoundrels think of you, your value doesn't decrease base on the public's inability to see your worth." He said. I smile at him and at his beautiful response, he always knows what to say whenever I have some issues and every time his words always make me feel better.

"Thanks, dad. You always know what to say." I replied. My dad giggled at my response.

"I promised your mother that I'll do whatever I can to help you as you grow and start your journey, I may be the worst man on Earth and committed unspeakable crimes but I will never break that promise I made to your mother on her deathbed." He reassured. I could feel tears forming in my eyes due to the wholesomeness of this conversation. I couldn't help but think, what would I do if he's gone? Who will guide me? Who will reassure me? Who will protect me from the bitterness of the world?

"Enough chitchat. We have work to do." My dad suddenly said. All of that wholesomeness distracted me from the fact that we already arrived at our destination. A green metallic door was in front of us, and two guards were stationed at the sidelines. I looked at my dad and gave him an "uninterested look" on my face.

"Why are we in the torture room dad?" I asked.

"There has been a mole, and you know what we do to moles..." He paused, implying that I should add-in.

"We kill them without hesitation," I said. A cold but necessary punishment to those who're astray and backstabbers to the family.

"Good, now let's head inside so we can finish this problem." He requested. I sigh as I entered the torture room, disappointed with the idea of possible blood and brain guts to my newly bought white leather boots and to my favorite grey jacket.


As I entered the room, I saw a very familiar face sitting on the blood-covered wooden chair. His face shows signs of assault, swollen and beaten, blood pouring out of his mouth and nose. As I walked in, I saw a glimmer of hope in his eyes, as if he sees me as his salvation and hope, a way to end his pain and save him. The man was my childhood best friend, Langdon Xued, he is also my current fling that I didn't tell my dad about.

Fearing that I might get caught for looking at him for too long, I painfully looked away and act as if he was nothing more than a soon to be a dead man.

"Who do we have this time Shawn?" My dad asked one of his loyal personal guards Shawn Burkenson. He stood proud when dad called his name and kissed his golden ring as a sign of respect to his leader.

"My supremacy, we have caught yet another mole in our family. Langdon Xued, a rather... close friend to your daughter." He announced and promptly looked at me. I saw my dad's eyes shifted towards my direction but before I could look at it, I simply looked away, not wanting to look at him.

"What did he do?" Dad firmly asked.

"The usual. Hacking into our data, learning all about what' goes on in our place and tried to expose us. A well-thought plan but sadly a pathetic execution." Petra, the sort of leader to our hacking team suddenly chimed in on their conversation.

"It's a shame, I kinda like him and he's kinda cute too." She added, smirking at me as she walks by and sat on the table that was located beside me.

She suddenly leaned forward and whispered, "Slick move by the way. Doing the dirty with this man in places where there are no cameras."

I was slightly taken aback by her comment, I thought I was being discrete and hidden when I want to ravage this man but then again, the person beside me is Petra, the girl who's skilled in everything about electronics and hacking. I'm not gonna be surprised if she tells me that she hacks the camera on my phone. Thankfully it seems like she kept it to herself and didn't spread it.

"You'll have to be smarter if you want to ride a stallion like him secretly," I replied.

"Too bad, your stallion is gonna be slaughtered in any second now." She started. My blood begins to boil at this woman beside me. How dare she talks like this to the daughter of his boss!

"Honey, virgins like you don't know that we have backups, we have choices, and we have replacements." I snapped. I was so close to putting a bullet into her head, but then I remembered that she is a valuable asset and a huge contributor to the Black Fayes.

"Careful with your claws there Iris. I just wanted a spicy chat with you." She replied, she then backed away when she noticed that I was not in the mood for her "spicy chatting".


I immediately turn around when a heard the gun being loaded. My heart dropped when I saw dad getting the pistol ready. I wanted to rum and save him, I wanted to grab that gun and throw it away or unload it, I wanted to save his life.

"Why weren't you careful of your actions, you dumb fuck." I said to myself, dreading and cursing Langdon for his actions.

Before my dad pulls the trigger, I turned around and walked away. I couldn't bear to see his blood all over the floor, I couldn't bear to see him dead.


The loud cry of the pistol was enough for me to open the floodgates and cry. I ran as fast as I could towards my room, and when I arrived, I immediately closed the door and cried myself to sleep. Cursing to destiny as to why it gave me this life, this complicated life.

"Why do everyone and everything that I love dies and leaves me broken inside?" I asked the heavens above. Being a daughter of a notorious mafia leader might be a romantic and wonderful idea to some people, brainwashed by those cheesy. sugar-coated romantic novels, but do you really want to live with a dirty soul and bloodied hands?
