
The Lover's Nightmare

"The Lover's Nightmare" will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page with blending steamy romance in a tale of love, fear, and the unknown. Note: This story is partly horror, partly romance. Partly horror (Chapter 1-49): Richie and Sarah have been dating for a year, desperate for some intimate time together away from their parents. They decide to explore an abandoned house on the edge of Derry. It's rumored to be haunted, but they dismiss the stories. Lost in the heat of the moment, they're startled by the sounds coming from the room above. Their romantic escapade in the abandoned house turns into a fight for survival when they encounter a dangerous man. Partly romance (From Chapter 51 onward): Richie and Sarah's tumultuous relationship finally finds a sense of peace and calmness, but the peace is short-lived. Mark, the seductive new neighbor, sets his sights on Sarah, igniting a fiery spark within her. Richie noticed, which made him feel hurt and Jealous. As Mark's charming advances intensify, Sarah finds herself torn between her commitment to Richie and the scorching attraction she feels for Mark. Her emotions are a tangled web of desire, guilt, and confusion, leaving her questioning everything. Will she choose the comfort and familiarity of Richie, or surrender to the passionate temptation of Mark? The love triangle is set ablaze, and Sarah must navigate the flames to discover where her true heart lies.

Otsanya · 若者
81 Chs

We Need To Find A Place To Hide

They moved swiftly through the living room, searching for Richie's jacket where he remembered placing the keys. The room was dim, and every shadow seemed to pulse with menace. The silence was oppressive, broken only by the faint sounds of their hurried search.

Richie rifled through the pockets of his jacket, his fingers trembling slightly. A wave of relief washed over him as he felt the familiar shape of the keys. He pulled them out and showed them to Sarah, who nodded in acknowledgment.

"Okay," Richie whispered. "We need to get to the car without making too much noise. If he hears us, we're screwed."

Sarah swallowed hard, her eyes flicking towards the door and back to Richie. "Let's go. We have to be quick."

They moved towards the front door, their steps light and cautious. The old floorboards creaked under their weight, each sound magnified by the silence of the night. Richie turned the doorknob slowly, cringing at the faint squeak it made. He pushed the door open just wide enough for them to slip through.

The cool night air was a stark contrast to the stifling atmosphere inside the house. They hurried towards the car, parked a short distance away. The moonlight cast eerie shadows across the ground, making every tree and bush look like a potential hiding spot for the black coated man.

Richie reached the car first, fumbling with the keys in his haste. He tried to insert the key into the lock, but it wouldn't turn. He glanced down, his heart skipping a beat when he realized that the key wasn't fitting. He tried another key, and another, but none of them worked.

"What's wrong?" Sarah whispered urgently, her eyes darting around nervously.

Richie looked at her, panic rising in his chest. "The keys... they're not working. These aren't the right keys."

Sarah's face paled. "What do you mean? How is that possible?"

"I don't know," Richie replied, his voice tinged with frustration and fear. "But we need to move. If he hears us out here, we're done for."

They turned and ran towards the nearby woods, their footsteps muffled by the soft ground. The trees loomed overhead, their branches creating a canopy that blocked out much of the moonlight. They plunged into the darkness, hoping that the thick underbrush would provide them with enough cover to avoid detection.

The woods were eerily silent, the only sounds being their ragged breaths and the occasional snap of a twig underfoot. Richie led the way, his hand firmly gripping Sarah's. He could feel her trembling, and he squeezed her hand reassuringly.

"We need to find a place to hide," he whispered, his eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of movement. "Somewhere we can stay until it's safe to move again."

Sarah nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. She could barely see where they were going, relying on Richie to guide her through the darkness. Every sound seemed amplified, every rustle of leaves or crack of a branch sending waves of fear through her.

They found a thick cluster of bushes and crouched down behind them, trying to control their breathing. Richie kept a lookout, his eyes darting back and forth, scanning for any sign of the man.

"Do you think he's following us?" Sarah whispered, her voice barely audible.

Richie shook his head, though he wasn't entirely sure. "I don't know. But we can't take any chances. We need to stay hidden."

Unknowingly to Richie and Sarah, the black coated man had regained consciousness. He stumbled out of the room where Richie had locked him, his head throbbing from the blow. He cursed under his breath, his eyes blazing with anger. He had heard the commotion downstairs and knew they were trying to escape.

The man moved stealthily through the house, his eyes searching for any sign of the couple. When he reached the front door and saw it ajar, a sinister smile crossed his face. He stepped outside, scanning the area. His gaze fell upon the car, and he knew they had tried to escape in it. He chuckled darkly, knowing the keys had been switched.

Moving swiftly, he began setting a trap. He scattered broken glass and other debris around the area where he suspected Richie and Sarah might run. He placed tripwires in strategic locations, hoping to catch them off guard. His movements were methodical, his mind sharp despite the pain in his head.

Richie and Sarah remained hidden in the bushes, unaware of the man's movements. They huddled close together, trying to stay warm and quiet. Richie's mind raced as he tried to come up with a plan. They couldn't stay hidden forever, but every time he considered moving, the fear of running into the black coated man paralyzed him.

"We can't just sit here," Sarah whispered, breaking the silence. "We need to find a way out of here."

Richie nodded, though he was unsure of the next move. "We need to head back towards the road. Maybe we can flag down a passing car or find someone who can help."

They stood up slowly, their muscles stiff from crouching for so long. Richie led the way again, his steps cautious. They moved deeper into the woods, trying to put as much distance between themselves and the house as possible.

As they moved through the woods, they had to be careful of their surroundings. The darkness was their friend, but it was also their enemy. Every branch seemed to reach out, every root a potential trip hazard. Richie kept his eyes and ears open, alert for any sign of the man.

The drifter, however, was closer than they realized. He had anticipated their movements and was tracking them through the woods. His traps were set, and he waited patiently for the sound of a snare catching its prey.

Richie and Sarah stumbled upon the first tripwire. Richie noticed it just in time, pulling Sarah back before she could trigger it. They crouched down, examining the trap.

"He set traps," Richie whispered, his voice tense. "We need to be even more careful."

They navigated around the trap, moving more cautiously than before. The woods seemed to close in around them, the darkness pressing in. They continued towards what they hoped was the direction of the road, their steps deliberate and slow.

Just as they thought they might have outsmarted the man, Sarah's foot caught on a hidden wire. She fell forward with a cry, landing hard on the ground. Richie turned quickly, his heart in his throat.

"Sarah, are you okay?" he whispered urgently, helping her to her feet.

She nodded, wincing as she tested her weight on her ankle. "I'm okay. Just a little shaken."

Before they could move, the drifter emerged from the shadows, his eyes glinting with malice. "Thought you could get away, did you?" he sneered, brandishing a knife.

Richie positioned himself between Sarah and the black coated man, his heart pounding. "Stay back!" he shouted, though his voice betrayed his fear.

The man laughed, a sound that sent chills down their spines. "You're not going anywhere."

The man lunged at Richie with the knife, his movements quick and deadly. Richie barely had time to react, dodging to the side and grabbing a fallen branch to use as a makeshift weapon. The man slashed at him, the blade narrowly missing Richie's arm.

Sarah watched in horror, her mind racing. She had to do something to help. Spying a large rock nearby, she grabbed it and hurled it at the man. The rock hit him squarely on the shoulder, causing him to stumble.

Richie took advantage of the distraction, swinging the branch at the man's hand. The knife flew out of the man's grip, landing in the underbrush. The man snarled, his eyes filled with rage. He tackled Richie, the two of them falling to the ground in a struggle.

Sarah rushed to help, but the man was strong. He pinned Richie to the ground, his hands wrapped around Richie's throat. Richie gasped for breath, his vision blurring. Summoning all his strength, he kneed the man in the stomach, causing him to loosen his grip.

Richie shoved the man off him, scrambling to his feet. He grabbed the knife from the ground, brandishing it defensively. The man got to his feet as well, his eyes never leaving the knife.

"You think you can stop me?" the man taunted, moving closer.

Richie held the knife steady, his hands shaking. "Stay back," he warned

Richie threw the knife at the man. The man fell on the floor while trying to dodge but the knife still gave the man a cut. Richie and Sarah ran as fast as they could.