Once,there was a beggar .He had very little to eat.He was often very hungry.
One day , the beggar was very lucky. Someone gave him a potful of gari. He was very happy and took the pot home. He hung it near his bed. Then, lying down on his bed, he started to imagine "I wish I were rich," thought the beggar.
"Then I don't have to beg from house to house anymore. " soon the beggar fell asleep and began to dream .There is a lot of gari in that pot. There are many hungry people in the streets. I can get a good price if I were to sell it . I would go to the market and call out to people who want to buy my gari.
" I wil buy for 10 cedis" said the buyer. Another will offer me 15 cedis. The third one will want to buy my gari for 20 cedis. I will sell to the third buyer . Now that I have 20 cedis , shall I buy a shirt or a pair of shoes ? No, I'll start business. First, I shall buy. Pair of goats.
I'll feed them with a lot of grass and leaves until they become fat and health. Later the she-goat will bear little ones. After a few years , I shall have at least ten goats . What shall I do with ten goats ? ''I shall go to the market and shout out" Goats,goats . Who will buy my goats ?""I will buy a goat," said a man. " I'll buy it for 100cedis. "One goat for 100cedis!. He managed to sell all the goats , I would hve 1000cedis! " I shall buy two cows in time the cow will have calves. After a few years they will produce milk ,cream,cheese and ghee.I will be a successful trader and open a bug shop along the Main Street .
I will start selling sweets . Children will come to buy my sweets . All sort of sweets are offered the children will come with silver coins in their hands. They will pull out along their parents. Everyone will enjoy my sweets. My business will become very big and I shall become richer .What shall I do with the money? Shall I buy an elephant or big house? No, that's not good enough. I shall buy pearls, diamonds and rubies . Then I dressed up in my best uniform and appear before the king ." Pearl's , Diamonds.rubies specially for your majesty , I shall say only the best! "Marvelous l" the king will say,just the right thing for my queen."
What shall I do with the money? Shall I buy an elephant or big house? No, that's not good enough. I shall buy pearls, diamonds and rubies . Then I dressed up in my best uniform and appear before the king ." Pearl's , Diamonds.rubies specially for your majesty , I shall say only the best! "Marvelous l" the king will say,just the right thing for my queen."Then I shall lie down to rest . But my wife will be busy with her housework and my children will come after me. But I shall not allow any children to disturb me. I shall shout at them and asked them to play elsewhere. But children will always be children. They will not listen to me. And I shall become annoyed I shall take stick and beat them .and beat them. And beat them...
Thinking that he was still beating the children, the poor beggar swung hand into the air . He swung it too high that it knocked into the pot of gari hanging nearby. "Clang!" The pot crashed on to the ground. The gari spilled all over the sandy floor.
The poor beggar looked around him. But there was no princess, no large palace, no beautiful garden, and not even child! It was a day dream.