2 Chapter 2 ~Peace Festival~

It was a rather dreary frost-bitten morning. The windswept lakes of Pepisir brushed against the blue marble foundation of the kingdom's castle, high up above, the castle parapets gleamed with a thin dusting of morning snow, leading the whole area to take on an acid-washed appearance.

Acid washed, Eli felt acid-washed, looked at the beautiful scene in front of him, the swaying sycamores and birch trees made him yearn to get outside once more, he even thought he spied the pastel pink flags of the Peace festival being erected on one of the-

"Elizatre Roux Biete! Are you listening?" Eli heard someone utter, pulling him partially out of his daydream, the voice was grating, But it grew only more painful as the sound followed a sudden smack to his knuckles, "ah fuck!" Eli involuntarily shouted grabbing at his wounded hand, his insolence earning him another rap on his head only a moment later.

"Elizatre, swearing really?"... Eli wrestled with himself for a moment biting back an insult, before looking up at his teacher with a wan smile, "I'm sorry miss Adelaide," he said, rubbing his knuckles, only 10 more minutes till it's over, Eli thought to himself, steeling himself over him having to pay attention for the rest of the lesson.

What was the lesson even about? Eli barely remembered, Something most probably to do with ships, or maybe... politics? Eli couldn't decide looking at the collection of small dioramas roughly making out the shape of the western provinces.

What was even the point, honestly, in a day or so it'd be time for the Festival, how could he be expected to focus on damn power hierarchies in these circumstances.

"Miyarde vincent, no wait, the daughter!" Eli blurted out, as he saw the ruler being raised once again.

His teacher sighed, "which daughter, there's an eldest and a younger, tell me and you can go join the preparations" Eli beamed "um, the younger one... Cherice I think, the older one has some witch cursed disease If I remember" miss Adilade nodded, seeming satisfied at his answer she began to pack up her books as she dismissed him.

He jumped up, slowing slightly as he walked not wanting to seem too eager, he managed a curt bow at the door. Making it about halfway down the hallway, before breaking into a run.

he didn't make it far before running into the beginnings of the festival preparations, Pink, orange, red, the streets were already a work of art, what they would look like at night... with all the fires and lanterns lighting up the place, he couldn't wait!.
