

What would you do if you were the last Christian on earth? David Heringer, son of two renowned pastors, grew up surrounded by all the affection and attention of his parents, in the same way that he grew up under the shadow of the tragedy of his brother's death, which he never managed to overcome, thus abandoning his faith and finding in music and in the love that only the beautiful and talented writer Ivy Johnson, daughter of the most powerful and richest man in the world could give. After marrying Ivy, David skyrocketed in his music career, reaching the highest possible rank of stardom, winning numerous awards and on the day he would be the best of his entire life, tragedy took his wife's life forcing her facing a new reality, a world where there is no love a thousand years in the future, the future that his father-in-law, William Johnson designed. With the creation of the Omega Virus, deadly to almost all human beings, William Johnson wants to create a world in his own way, a world where only the chosen will survive, two thirds of humanity will be decimated and the way we live will never be the same. . With a turn of events, not even the President of the United States of America, Jennie Heringer-Wilkinson will be able to change the future that David wakes up a thousand years in the future. The reality we all know can change from one hour to the next, and the world as we know it will never be the same, it is not the beginning of the end, just a new beginning for all humanity.

Rafael_Zimichut · 歴史
78 Chs




NEW YORK — 2029

I WAS NERVOUS — Charles said in the letter he left for his daughter before he died — I was completely nervous in front of the airport because nothing could go wrong that day. Burke's plan was simple, even the ruse to fake his kidnapping, Jennie, was already all set, the blame would fall on Catherine, that would buy them time while the family was internally torn apart.

David got in the car calmly and immediately the scene from twenty four years ago came to my mind, it was that little boy who came out screaming his brother's name, I have no doubt about that.

The trip started smoothly, David never imagined that hell was just beginning. I waited for the right moment to get in the car without David noticing.

— Come on, playboy, drive this shit — I said nervously — this is a kidnapping, you will be worth many millions...

David's reaction when he saw the gun pointed at him was strange, it wasn't fear, but fear of not seeing his wife one last time.

— Of course… all right, but I ask you to calm down — David said.

— How can I calm down? — I screamed — those bastards kidnapped my daughter, said they would only release her if I killed you.

— I know it must be complicated, but I have influential friends, very influential, they can help you...

— Who is more influential than William Johnson?

— William is my father-in-law, go listen to my wife...

The more David tried to argue, the more nervous I got. It was at that moment that David decided to do something his father once did, he started singing a church song...

I'm not sure why I decided to change the course of things and started running around the city. In less than five minutes, half of the NYPD, nobody knew where so many police cars had come from, appreciate an anthill of Hi-lights behind us.

— Hold on, brother — said Charles — the show is about to begin.

David didn't say anything, just continued singing the song his father had taught him as a child, while dodging cars until he reached the freeway, when he was finally able to proceed with the plan.

I noticed that there were helicopters everywhere, which was good for my new plan, they had probably already discovered that my hostage was the famous David Heringer.

Suddenly, David stopped picking and asked:

— What is your daughter's name?

— Jennie.

— Very nice name...

— It was her mother's nickname... it was called Jennifer...

— I promise to take care of her once we get out of here.

I looked at him strangely.

— Are you crazy or what?

— I met a Jennie, she was my father-in-law's secretary, and Ivy's friend, once she saved Ivy who had choked, I think it's time for me to return the favor for some Jennie.

He didn't realize he'd gotten emotional when talking about Ivy and lost control of the wheel.

I WAS WATCHING THE FIREMEN cut the car and I felt frustrated, I knew I had failed the doctor again, maybe the future of humanity too — which depended on my success — would have all gone down the drain.

Suddenly, a ray of hope began to bloom in my heart...

David was alive.

I shouted:

— Remember your promise, David.

David managed to look at me and smiled.

After receiving first aid, David asked to speak with me. Everyone was reticent about it, but David insisted.

— Charles, my promise stands.

— I don't know how I can thank you, David, you showed me a new way forward.

— Maybe, but...

— Promise you'll never tell her about me...

— As?

— Promise she'll never know about my existence, I don't want her to be ashamed of me.

David punched me, just as I woke up from my trance.

— Only those who love would do what they did for her, you idiot, but if that's your will, it will be done.

I consented while the cops took me to the car.

JAIL WAS NOT AS BAD as I thought it was when I ran over David's brother, but the days were quiet.

David tried to visit me a few times, but the jailer said I didn't want to see anyone.

Some time later came the news of David's death.

If everything had gone as the Doctor had planned, David wouldn't wake up for a thousand years...

SEEING THE GATES OPEN felt like a dream, different from what appeared in the movies, freedom brought a different fear, fear of the unknown, fear of the future.

Only one person was waiting for him outside the prison.

Doctor Burke...

— Welcome, Charles, the world has changed a little, but we're on the right track.

I hugged the teacher affectionately.

— Thank you, doctor, thank you, my daughter has a future.

WAS WATCHING YOU, Jennie was already a small woman, she had just entered college, for me that was the joy of my life, nothing in the world could be better than that feeling...

David had really kept his promise...

I stopped to think about the beginning of everything, I never imagined that Burke would choose his own nephew, but after meeting him, David was without a doubt, the most suitable person, not by talent, or intelligence, but he was human.

It was impossible to look at you and not smile, in that trance state, I didn't even notice that John Wilkinson came close to me and said:

— How can I help you, sir.

— There is? — He said without realizing what was happening around him.

— I'm with my girlfriend and you were staring at us, I believe there's a reason for that?

— Oh! Of course... she is my daughter, take good care of her.

I turned my back and didn't even stick to John's words.

MAYBE IT WOULD HAVE BEEN a mistake telling that gangly young man about being her father, Jennie, but David was right, after all these years, that was the moment I really felt the punch delivered by him.


OSCAR HERINGER ENTERED the room and saw Charles lying down, immediately went to meet him.

— Charles… — Oscar shook him. — Charles, talk to me, man, for God's sake.

Gradually, Charles regained consciousness.

— Oscar? Forgive me?

Oscar looked at him strangely.

— Of course, if you're still worried about David, you did what it took to save his life.

The tears in Charles' eyes began to fall.

— The last thing I remember from that day was David desperately screaming Brian's name, I didn't know what to do, I was scared, afraid that something worse would happen...

— What are you talking about, Charles, are you delusional?

— No, Oscar… the truth compels me to tell you everything that happened that day.

Oscar stared intently at that confession, his son's own killer telling the truth, in front of him, there he was, the man who put all the rage he felt for that world, the man who took the life of an innocent child to save yours. Oscar for the first time in his life felt really tempted by Satan himself, he had the man who killed his son in his hands, he could do with him whatever he wanted...

kill him...

Oscar began to go deaf to everything Charles said, the hate, the rancor he felt all those years came back like a hurricane in his mind, the last thing that crossed his mind was his priesthood, at that very moment, Oscar was no longer pastor, was an avenger, that man needed to feel the pain that his son felt...

Oscar's hands began to tingle, his mouth became dry, anyway, he was there, how many nights did Oscar dream about that, it was his moment of glory...

When Oscar's hands felt Charles' skin, something completely unexpected happened.

— Dad? Why are you here?

Oscar Heringer came out of the trance, it took him a few seconds to come to his senses again.

— Daughter?

— What are you doing here, father?

— I... — the two said together.

— Sorry — Oscar continued — I need to tell you something I've been hiding all my life.

— That he's my father?

Oscar looked at Charles who lowered his head.

— Yes, this is your real father.

Jennie knelt in front of the bed.

— I've waited my whole life to meet you.

He smiled and ran a hand over his face.

— You are the perfect image of your mother, I'm happy you became a woman as beautiful as her, the best memory I have in this life is your mother, I'm happy to die with your image in my heart.

— Don't talk like that, we have our whole lives ahead of us.

— We don't have, being hibernated has had terrible consequences on me, because of me, David will survive in the future...

— David?

— It's a long story, daughter — Oscar interrupted.

— I hope you can forgive me, both of you.

Tears fell from Oscar's face, he helped that man for many years while he was in prison, God could not have done this to him, the lie hurt much less than that truth.

Charles' eyes were slowly closing, a slight smile appeared on his face, it seemed that for the first time in his life he was at peace with himself.

The tears on her face started to roll.

— Dad?

— Forgive me, my angel — said Oscar Heringer as he hugged his daughter — unfortunately I don't have all the answers in the world, let's just trust God... Just trust God...