
Chapter 8: Business

After Umbra ate and bathed he went to see his father, he wanted to start training how to use a weapon as soon as possible as it would help him in hunting for beasts when he starts taking trips out to the forest near the city. He could find amazing stuff that would help his cultivation, he didn't want to relay on his families wealth a lot as he would leave the clan and go see the world when he was strong enough.

"Father, when can I start training with my weapons?" Umbra asked his when he found his father. Alex looked busy and when he saw Umbra he laughed. "Your teacher will be here in a few days he's coming from a far place, leave I need to sort a few things out for the next tournament that is going to take place here." Alex said this tournament was one of the most prestigious things that happened in this country he didn't have time to talk to Umbra about his teacher he also had to deal with the Heavenly Sword Sect trying to buy out one of the Phoenix Clan's most profitable mines and stop them from tampering in their city. This was to be expected as they were trying to challenge the Phoenix clan's position of power. The top 5 strongest forces were from strongest to weakest the Royal Family, The Phoenix clan, the Ensin clan tied with the Heavenly Sword Sect and the Scarlet Fiend Cult. Apart from the Royal family the other four's position in the ranking had always shifted and they constantly fought over their positions by stealing, killing the talented members of the next generation and tampering with their products to weaken them. A hundred years ago the Heavenly Sword Sect who were second at the time were dealt a huge blow by the Phoenix clan and held a grudge since then. If Alex handled this incorrectly they will fall from their position of power and might never recover in the next millennia.

When Umbra was brushed off by his father he could tell that there was something bothering him and obeyed, since he had nothing better to do he decided to go out into the city. This was going to be his first time in his life going into the city market, maybe he could find something interesting.

He left and ran to the market place. When he got there he entered a few weapon shops and place selling cultivation techniques but nothing caught his eye. This was to be expected he could find better stuff in his clan. Then he saw a rundown shop medicine shop. Something drew him to it and he walked in.

He walked around and thought I could use this opportunity to make his first business partner. With his help the store would definitely attract more and more people. Umbra walked past a herb he never saw or read about before, this was definitely something that was a treasure.


[Scanning… complete showing stats

Name: The fire jade herb

Information: Looks like a red jade, the leaf of the plant grows in hot climates, rare

Effects: will boost the power of fire qi and would help in cultivation fire type cultivation techniques and can help somebody up until the earth realm.

Status: Tampered can be purified with following ingredients …]

Umbra walked up to the counter and dumped a lot of herbs 50% of these were tampered with the other 50% were he was going to use to purify the other herbs. "How much?" he asked

"200 gold." The man said with a slight grin. Umbra looked at the man. 'Display his cultivation'

[Cultivation: 3rd stage of the elementary realm]

Umbra pulled out the two hundred gold and asked "Who is the boss? I have a business proposition!" The man was shocked at Umbra casually pulling out the money; the boy didn't have a simple background he was even more shocked about him asking the boss about a business proposition. "I'll get him now" he said after taking the money and packing the herbs.

When the boss came he was under the impression that a person from the Phoenix clan came but when he saw a child he was underwhelmed but from what he was tolled this kid must be from the Phoenix clan.

"What do you want kid?" the old man said. He was trying to intimidate the kid but the boy just replied with "give me a list of herbs you need and I will get them for you nothing too much though. I also want to help fix up this shop. My name is Umbra Fate and from now on I wish for us to be business partners from now on."

Sorry if this chapter might be a bit short but please vote and leave a review if you like the lord of chaos so far and please leave constrctive critisim in the comments

Hadeslawcreators' thoughts