
The Lonely Life of a Prince

If I tell my parents, King Kenric and Queen Elena, that I hate being a prince, they just say that they'll send me to boarding school. As much as I would like to go to boarding school, what about Arthur and Alina? Not that I care so much, but what I'm trying to say is that what if a princess does come while I'm gone, Arthur might get her instead of me! Now who wants that to happen? Besides, Arthur already has a twin sister named Alina, why does he need more girls in his life? As if one isn't enough.

Brianna_Pike · 歴史
2 Chs

Wednesday, July 24

I'm soo bored being a prince.

You see, I'm Charles Delafontaine. Technically, I'm Charles Gerard Bexley Arthur Findlay Christoff Delafontaine. I'm 12 years old. I'm the prince of Henlia, a small country between Poland and Ukraine that no one has heard of. Right now it's 1998. I'm mentioning that because later when I'm gone and the royal line is finished, when this journal is found people won't have any problem in telling which year this is from. That's the reason I'm making this so plain for future readers. People are gonna read this journal and know who I really was, not what history says about me.

Anyway, today went good for me, by my standards, I think. I woke up early, on time, and on my own. I went horse-riding with Alina and Arthur, my best friends. We do everything together. I had two ribbon cuttings and one reception. As much as people would love to be prince, I would love nothing more than to be a normal kid for once. There's nothing to do at parties than to get bored. There are only adults at every party. And if Alina and Arthur are invited, I never get to reach them because I'm always stuck meeting and greeting stupid dignitaries of our country. Can't they for once make me meet a princess? Is that too much to ask? Can't I meet Princess Beatrice? I hear she's my age and gorgeous.

And if I tell all of this to my parents, King Kenric and Queen Elena, they just say that they'll send me to boarding school. As much as I would like to go to boarding school, what about Arthur and Alina? Not that I care so much, but what I'm trying to say is that what if a princess does come while I'm gone, Arthur might get her instead of me! Now who wants that to happen? Besides, Arthur already has a twin sister named Alina, why does he need more girls in his life? As if one isn't enough.

Enough of that, Arthur's calling me outside. It seems important. More on my stupid, lonely life later.