
Chapter 1

Rose POV:

  I got out of the car going into the school. Saying goodbye to my dad, Timothy, and sighing. Looking at the building as he drives away, thinking I don't want to be here. Walking up to the doors, as a kid after the kid gets out of their own parents' cars. Going inside trying to find my homeroom, when I see my best friend in the hall. 

  Running up to her, and taps her on the shoulder excitedly, "Hey Quinn, how was your summer."

Turning around shocked not expecting to be touched, "Oh hey Rose, it was okay. What about yours?" 

Smiles, "It was good, I got to go on a bowling tournament in Orlando." 

Before Quinn could say anything the first bell rings, signaling time to go to homeroom. Saying our quick goodbyes we walked separate ways to our homeroom classes. Once getting inside the classroom, I take a seat at a desk waiting for the second bell to ring. While waiting I look around seeing if I know anybody from the year before. As soon as, the last kid comes into the room the second bells rings.

"Okay class," says Mrs. Jade. "We are going to learn about each other." Everyone sighed, not wanting to do this, but gets up anyways. 


  After half the day of getting to know teachers and students, it's finally lunch time. Walking into the loud cafeteria, I walked into the line to wait to get food. 

  Once the line got smaller I was able to get food and go to my table. Sitting down at my table my best friend came over and sat down next to me. Beside her was a tall and hazel eyes boy. 

  "Hey Quinn," I said once she sat down next to me.

  "Hey Rose," she said sitting down.

  Looking next to her carefully at the boy who is next to her, eyeing him. Leaning over to her and whispers, "Who is the boy next to you." She looks at me then looks at him, "He is a friend of mine. His girlfriend just broke up with him. Well more of she had someone break it off for her." I look at the boy and notice how sad he looks." Leans back and asks " Well what is his name, maybe we can become friends." Smiling softly saying "His name is Leo."

  Standing up and walking to the other side of Quinn to sit next to Leo. Not looking up from his hands he shifts uncomfortable knowing that I am next to him. "Hi there Leo, I am Rose. I was wondering if you would like to become friends with me?" 


  Leo's POV:

  It's lunchtime and I am not even hungry, after my girlfriend had someone dumped me for her, I'm just not interested in food. Holding back tears, I sighed. Seeing Quinn I walk over to her, and softly say "Hey Quinn." Looking up from what she was doing she smiled at me, then realized I was sad. "What's wrong Leo?" 

  After telling her what my girlfriend did, she gave me a hug. "I am so sorry," she said softly. Shrugging hoping the topic would drop. She turned to someone, I followed her look and saw a young girl. I looked her up and down and started having a small feeling inside my stomach. Confused, I ignore the feeling. Quinn tugs on my arm to follow her over to the girl. Both of them shared their hellos and started whispering between each other, things went quiet a little and I felt like someone was staring at me.

  Then the whispers start up again, and after a couple of minutes, someone stands up. They sit on the opposite side of me, assuming it's the girl and not Quinn, I start to feel uncomfortable.  That's when I heard her start talking "Hi there Leo, I am Rose. I was wondering if you would like to become friends with me?"

  Not knowing what to say, I stay quiet and keep looking down. She waits for a response patiently, arguing with myself I sigh and shake my head. I can tell by the corner of my eye, she slumps over. "Oh, okay. Well, I guess I'll see you around," she says sadly and gets up and sits on the other of Quinn. All of a sudden I feel like someone punched me in the gut. Like why am I feeling this way, I barely know this chick. 

  Before I could figure anything out it was time to go back to class. 


Rose's POV:

  It's about time to go home, as I am sitting in the last class I am thinking about what happened at lunch. I didn't expect him to say no, and I am not sure why I am this sad normally I would be okay with it. Shaking my head to get rid of the thought, I start to think of my boyfriend who lives in a different state. Sighing because I miss him so much, I pull out my phone unnoticed and send him a message.

  "Hey babe, just messaging you to let you know that I miss you :)." - Rose

I put my phone back into my pocket and waited for class to be over. 
