
Betrayal in the eyes of truth

"Medusa you're here by banished from Olympus....But if you commit to your crimes you mau be forgiven" Roared Zeus in his mighty voice But Medusa only stared at him, quietly with judgemental eyes..

"Medusa....commit that you were the one to make Poseidon fall in love with you and go astray" Athena smirked...

"No matter how many times you say it a lie will forever be a lie..." Medusa spoke softly just loud enough for the Gods to hear her.

"MEDUSA!" Athena stoof up from her seat but Zeus signled her to remain seated.

"Very well then... Medusa you are hearby banished from Olympus and cursed for eternity!" Zeus announced.

Medusa stared at him,Shocked... "What curse?" she asked heart broken.Zeus sighed and looked down at her "The one who shall lay eyes upon your beauty shall forever be turned to stone " He proclaimed. Medusa froze at her place barely able to breath. Then she mustered up her courage and spoke "A small price to pay for speaking the truth... I hold my place i never attracted Poseidon,He himself desired me...I rejected him and now i am the criminal?" tears rolled down her face and she fell to the ground. "I didn't do it..he betrayed her and i could hurt her..I don't love him believe me he only wants to keep himself clean,Zeus...just because i am a lower God..is that the reason?" she pressed her lips and looked at him,her eyes filled with tears "Don't do this....please" she shrieked.Zeus looked away and sighed quietly "To mentain peace amongst the heavens this is my Order... forgive me Medusa" He spoke and indicated for her to leave. "Atleast leave with pride Medusa!" He spoke

"I have my pride! I Medusa the Godess of Beauty,With pride proclaim that i have rejected this selfish beast Poseidon and now i shall pay the Ultimate price" she smiled as tears rolled down her cheeks . "I shall lead a lonely life till the end of my time" she whispered turned around and left.Zeus kept staring at her direction and watched her as she left.