
The grim reaper named Thanatos

On a vast, dark lake stood a grim reaper. His long coat concealed his face, leaving mortals clueless about their ultimate destination. This particular grim reaper was named Thanatos, inheriting the name from his legendary grandfather. Thanatos epitomized the flawless essence of a grim reaper, his grandpa being so renowned that even the human world knew of him. Although most stories about his grandfather were false, Thanatos paid no mind to them.

Having just ferried someone to the afterlife, Thanatos stood on a long ferry boat. The recent passenger happened to be an 89-year-old woman.

"Tell me, are you Death?" Fearlessly, the old woman questioned him, having witnessed many hardships throughout her life and certain that her journey had reached its end.

"Yes, I shall transport you across this lake, where a judgment will determine your destination—Heaven or Hell. If you wish to relive moments from your life, simply gaze into the black lake. It shall reveal any memory you desire, even those forgotten," Thanatos explained, already acquainted with every intricate detail of the woman's life.

"Do you have any final wishes? Every soul is granted one before ascending to Heaven. However, if you are destined for Hell, you shall not receive this privilege," Thanatos inquired, conversing with the old woman in a surprisingly normal manner, which surprised her.

"I do have one, but I shall keep it to myself until the end, as I am uncertain of my fate," the old woman replied, peering into the black river as instructed. True to his words, she witnessed her life unfolding before her eyes. She saw herself playing hide and seek with childhood friends, frolicking with her beloved dog during her younger years, and even recollected memories she had completely forgotten. It was a beautiful experience, in her opinion.

However, as they approached the shore, her memories grew more vivid. At forty years old, she witnessed herself searching for her daughter, until her memories eventually led her to her own demise—a hospital bed and her eyes gently closing.

"And are you content with how you lived your life, or are there any regrets?" Thanatos habitually posed this question to most individuals who reached this point, often witnessing them lose their sanity or mutter incomprehensibly when they realized they had truly departed the mortal realm.

"No, I lived a long and fulfilling life. I simply wish to see my grandson once more. I gave him a watch just last week, and I wonder if it serves him well," the old woman expressed her concern for her family—her daughter, son-in-law, grandchildren, and even her bingo companions.

"Well, if you have led a righteous life, then so shall it be," Thanatos' words inexplicably uplifted the old woman's spirits.

Soon, they arrived at the shore. Thanatos helped the old woman to her feet, aware that she would bear the suffering she experienced in life until her judgment was passed. The woman noticed an imposing statue that both terrified and intrigued her, evoking the image of an angel and a devil intertwined.

"Position yourself on this stone plate in any way you please—whether sitting, standing, or otherwise—just ensure that your body rests upon it," Thanatos instructed.

The old woman slowly made her way to the stone plate, glancing up at the statue. Energy descended from the sky onto her, and soon the statue spoke in a robotic voice.

"Heaven, state your final wish."

"I simply wish to see my beloved ones," the woman uttered. In an instant, she was transported to her grandson's house, witnessing how the watch she had gifted him prevented him from being late for a job interview. The old woman's smile was brimmed with happiness as she also observed her daughter, son-in-law, and three-year-old grandson playing joyfully, while her best friend had just triumphed in the bingo game—a rare victory for her. Normally, the old woman was the one who won. Shortly after, she found herself back in front of the statue.

"Was that sufficient?" Thanatos inquired in his usual voice.

"Yes, I am no longer among the living. I should focus on ascending to Heaven," the old woman replied, prompting Thanatos to set their plans in motion. And soon the woman glows white and disappeard and the sand beneath her vanished. She was now in Heaven.

"Phew, that was a long day of work," Thanatos sighed as he materialized in an expansive apartment, occupying the highest floor of a building in the human world.

When he wasn't in the realm of grim reapers or fulfilling his duties, Thanatos resided on Earth or other planets harboring intelligent life.

Now, his true appearance came into view—a tall, pale-skinned young man standing at 185 cm, with completely black eyes. His slim yet muscular physique radiated handsomeness. His black suit featured a few bone motifs, accentuating his grim reaper persona.

"Right, I must return to Memento. The chief requested something from me," Thanatos recollected his pending tasks in the realm of grim reapers. He traced a circle in the air with his finger, summoning a portal before him. Without hesitation, he stepped through.

Emerging from the portal, he encountered an enormous door obstructing his path. Approaching the door's guardian, a towering man standing at six meters with bulging muscles, Thanatos questioned him in confusion.

"Hey, big guy, why is the door closed?" Thanatos inquired, being a relatively young reaper at only 180 years old—equivalent to an 18-year-old human.

"A powerful Dreadharvester roams outside, and we must seal the door to prevent its entry."

These creatures are the antithesis of grim reapers, hunting the souls of the deceased and killing reapers themselves. While it is the duty of a grim reaper to hunt and eliminate these beings.

But Thanatos was not permitted to engage in those activities until the following day when he would become a fully-fledged grim reaper. This milestone was marked by a ritual held on his 180th birthday. However, due to his involvement in a lengthy 3,000-hour work shift, the event had been postponed to the following day.

"I see, I was unaware of the situation, having just completed a 3,000-hour work shift. I received no report of a successful dreadharvester encounter," Thanatos responded, highlighting that he received daily reports detailing the souls he had escorted to Heaven and the number of deaths within his jurisdiction.

Comprehending Thanatos' explanation, the big guy opened the door, granting him passage. Thanatos expressed gratitude before proceeding.

"See you soon, Bastion," Thanatos bid farewell, causing a faint smile to appear on the big guy's face. Few addressed him by his name, as most referred to him simply as "big guy."

Walking through the streets of Memento, Thanatos overheard conversations among reapers, all of them discussing him. Being the sole descendant of the Grimstone clan, he had gained considerable fame. Young reapers admired him, and older ones advised their juniors to follow his example.

After a few minutes of walking, he arrived at a colossal building.
