
The Life I Want

A story about a young boy trying to live a normal life despite having unnecessary powers in a normal world.

Drizzy_2573 · アクション
4 Chs

Prologue 4

"I once worked with your father." Said sensei while taking a puff.

"Huh? Why is that got anything to do with you knowing about my powers?"

Sensei looked at me confused, then she said.

"Oh, right! You'll know soon."

I started thinking about why sensei said that, because my father is already gone. I haven't met him since i was a kid, but my mother said that he was an excellent scientist. My mother won't talk to me about him though, I don't know why. And i'm not pressing her to tell me too, i figured she still hasn't moved on so i'm just being considerate.

"Anyway, back to the job talk." Sensei said.

"You're hired."

"So... When do i start?" I asked.

"When there's a request from a client, I'll call you."

Sensei let out a yawn.

"Hoaaammm. I'm getting tired. Should we wrap this up?" She said.

"I mean, sure."

"Alright!" Said sensei while finishing her drink.

"Let's go home shall we?"

"Ok." I said while also finishing my drink.

"I'll pay the bills, you can just go straight home."

"Ohh, ok, I'm going home then. Bye sensei."


I took the duffle bag and went for the exit. As i was getting outside, i said goodbye to the old guy.

I think sensei called him master so i guess i should call him master too.

"Uhmm, master! I'll be going now."

"Ahhh yes, have a safe trip young man." Said the old guy.

I went outside the cafe and started going home with my bike.

As i was on my way back home, i kept thinking about how sensei knew about my powers. Even if she once worked with my father, how did she figured out my abilities? Father was only scientist.

As i kept thinking about what sensei said, i finally arrived at my house.

I parked my motorcycle and open the door.

"I'm home."

"Welcome back hun, how's your first day at school?" Said my mom.

"It's fine."

"Have you made any friends yet?"

"I did actually."

"That's good, as long as you're doing fine."

"By the way, where's Kohaku?" I asked.

"She said she'll be coming late, apparently hanging out with her friends at some cafe. Teenage girls stuff."


"Honestly, that girl."

"More importantly, are you hungry?"

"Yeah, I'm hungry."

"Okay, I'll cook your favorite chicken wing."

"Okayy." I said as i went upstairs and change my clothes.

*Bzzt* *Bzzt*

My phone shakes.

"Who's that?"

I went to check my phone and a notification from Kohaku popped up.

'Big bro! are you home yet?'

'I am, where are you?'

'I'm at some cafe with my friends. can you pick me up later?'

'You in a hurry?'

'No, not really, Why?'

'Nothing, mom finna whip up some chicken wing."

'What??? That's unfair. i want some chicken wing too!'

'lol, send me the location and i'll tell you when i'm going.'


"Son! your food's ready!"

As i'm done texting Kohaku, Mom finished cooking up the chicken wing.


I went downstairs, i smelled something really nice, really delicious.

I sat down at the dinner table and started eating.

"You're not eating, mom?"

"No hun, i already ate." Said my mom while booting up the tv.

"Ok then."

My mom whipped up some chicken wings, rice and scrambled egg.

"Without further ado."

Let's taste the chicken wing first.

As soon as i bite that thang, i already know that the whole shit is boutta fire as fuck.

Yeah, as expected. Nothing can beat a mother's cooking.

"Oh yeah mom?"

"Hmm? What's up hun?"

"Kohaku want me to pick her up later, and it seems like she hasn't eat. Can you cook another chicken wing for her?"

"No problem hun."

As i'm done eating, i went to grab my phone and text Kohaku.

'Yo, otw.'


"Ok, i'm going mom!"

"Be careful, hun."

I went outside the house and started turning on the engine on my motorcycle.

"Hmm, it's quite far." As i checked the location sent from Kohaku.

"Well, i'm going."


This the place?

I grab my phone and started texting Kohaku.

'Hey, i'm outside.'


As i started looking around the cafe, i saw Kohaku with some of her friends, And i started calling out to her.


She and her friends started looking at me.

"Omg, is that your brother?"

"Hey, introduce him to me will you?"

"Your brother have a nice face. Not bad, Kohaku."

"Why would you all want to know him? He's just a weird stupid dumbass looking brother of mine."

Hey, i can hear you.

"And that thing? You said that thing has a nice face?"

Hey, i can still hear you.

"Hey, mom's chicken wing's waiting for you!"


"Gotta head back y'all, See you later."

"See you later."

"Bye Bye."


"Hop on."


As she hop on my motorcycle, i started nodding at her friends that's still waiting for us to go. Then i took Kohaku back home.

"I'm backkk."

"I'm back."

Mother came out the kitchen, while we're taking our shoes off.

"Welcome back you two. Did you had fun Kohaku?"

"Listen mom, big bro got complimented by my friends saying he got a nice face. Loll isn't it funny? Where the fuck is nice from that stupid looking face."

Hey, i can hear you.

"Well, your brother really do have a nice face. Which makes me wonder why is he still single."

Mother looks at me.

"Are you gay?"

"NOO, why the fuck would that be your first assumption?"

Mother and Kohaku looked at each other.

"I mean, right?" Said my dearest mother.

"Yeah bro, why you still single?"

"Okay, there's no one perfect for me now. I don't wanna go out with a girl and break up two weeks later. Laugh all you want but if I'm gonna bag a girl, then we staying till marriage."

"How pathetic, did you seriously just make up an excuse that make sense so that we can move on from this conversation?" Said Kohaku.

"Shut the fuck up and eat your chicken wings before it get cold."

"Ah, right. I already prepared your chicken wings, Kohaku." Said Mother.

"Thankss momm, you're the best!"

I sighed and went to my room.

The money i got from sensei, she said she don't want to take care of my "mission" expenses so she gave me all this money, but no matter how you look at it. This is too much. And like, is this shit really 500 million rupiah? I mean there are so many red bills I'm seeing. Fuck it, let's count this shit.

*10 minutes later*

"What the fuck. It is 500 million...."

"Nahh, i mean. How the fuck do i explain this to my Mom?" I scratched my head.

*Ring* *Ring*

My phone? who messaged me?

"Hitoooo! Can you come down here?" Suddenly Mom calls out to me.

"Hold on a second Mom!"

I checked my phone and there's an unknown number messaged me.

"Who this?"

I looked at the message and it said.

'Yo! Hito, This is Haruka Shizuka. Your mother gave me your number, and i just wanna say that i already tell your mother that you are going to work with me. Your mother asked me what kinda job you'll be having and i said that you're only just helping my trucking company. Well, the trucking company is actually our camouflage. Your Mother will probably ask you to accept my offer or not sooner or later so, you know the deal.' Is what the message said.

'So, i just have to tell my mom that im going to accept working with you?' I replied.


'Ok, my mom just called out to me so, im going to tell her right now.'

Then, Sensei didn't reply.

I saved Sensei's number, then went downstairs.

"You called, mom?"

"Did you do something to make mom angry again, Big Bro?" Said Kohaku, teasing me.

"Shut up, and go wash your hands after eating."

"You didn't have to tell me, Mr.Obvious."

"You know Shizuka-Sensei right?" Said my mom.

"Yeah, she's my homeroom teacher. Why?"

"Your Sensei just messaged me and offered you a job at a.. trucking company?"

"Sensei offered me a job at a trucking company?"

"Yes, apparently. She said that the salary was decent for a high school student."

"I mean, if i can earn some money then why not?"

"Ok, i'll tell Shizuka that you accepted. Confirm to her later tomorrow at school ok?"


**Next day**

*Ring* *ring*

"Hrmmmm" I groan as i tried to open my eyes.

*Ring* *ring*

"Okay okay i get it, I'm up!" As i threw my phone to the chair near my computer.

Why do people have to start their day at 7, why can't we all agree to start our day at 12 fucking p.m.

"Hitooo? Your breakfast is ready. Can you also go wake Kohaku for me?" Said my mom as she calls out to me.

"Okay momm, I'll wake her up as soon as I'm done changing."

*Rustle* *rustle*

Alright, time to wake my stupid little sister.

I head to Kohaku's room which is next to mine and knocked on the door.

"Hey, wake up before you get late."


No response.

"Hey, stop sleeping and get your ass here before i smack you in your face."


Still no response.

Alright, if that's how you wanna play.

"Hey, I'm coming in!"

I opened the door and saw her still sleeping like a log. Her room was messy, there's a bunch of her clothes just laying over here and there. This fucking girl don't even know how to clean, mom will cry if she see this shit.

"Hey, wake the fuck up."


Okay, one more push.

"Hey, i said wake the fuck up before i smack your face." As i gently slap her face.

"Hrmmm, Big bro? Why are you here? Where am i?"

"To wake your lazy ass up, and this is your own room."

"Oh, right."

"Hurry up and go change your clothes, mom already made breakfast for us two."

"Okayy, I'll head there as soon as I'm done changing."

"I'll head downstairs first then, okay?"


With that being said, i head downstairs.

"Did you wake her up?"

"Yeah, she'll head down as soon as she's done changing she said."

Suddenly Kohaku came downstairs.

"Hey, mom."

"Good morning honey, did you sleep well."

"Of course she sleep well, she was just like a log earlier."

"Oh, shut up Big bro!"

"Hurry up and finish your breakfast you two, dont want to be late now do you?"



We finished eating and getting ready to go to school.

"You sure you dont want me to accompany you to school?" I asked Kohaku.

"It's fine, big bro. My school is close anyway."

"Well, if you say so."

"Im going now mom."

"Okay, careful on your way you two! And Hito, remember to confirm about your job with your Sensei okay?"

"Will do."

I put on my helmet and turn on my motorcycle.

"What time is it anyway?"

I looked at the time and it said '7.10'. Hmm, i still have time. I think im going to get some cigarettes for today.

I head to school with my motorcycle and got some cigarettes on the way.

As i arrived at school, i parked my motorcycle and head to class.

I open the door and went to sit on my chair.

Then, i saw Bobby just came into class.

"Sup bro!" Bobby said as he waved at me.


"It's fucking physics class again today, it's so fucking boring broo." Bobby said while groaning

"School is always boring bro."

"True dat."


"Hey, class is starting. Take your seats."

Shizuka-Sensei came as she starts the class.

"Well, goodluck to us then." Bobby said as he went to his seats.


I open up my bag and prepare for the lesson.


*Bell chimes*

"Make sure you also learn this at home okay?" Said Shizuka-Sensei as she picking up her things.

"Class dismissed." As she leaves the class.

"Finally, it's over." I said while stretching.

Bobby calls out to me.

"Ay, let's hit the cafeteria"


"Mac n cheese sold out yet? Bobby?"

"Nah i don't think so."

We both looked at the stall and saw that they still got some.

"Sheeshh, such luck. They still got it." Said Bobby.

"Shall we?"

"Of course"

I ordered the same one from yesterday and Bobby did too. After we ate, we're going to go back to class when suddenly there's a girl voice speaking on the intercom.

"Attention for Risuki Hito, please come to the Student Council Room. I repeat please come to the Student Council Room. Thank you very much."

"Mann, what did you do to make yourself got called to the student council room like that?"

"I don't know bro, i didn't do anything."

"So, you're telling me that the student council president is calling you for no reason? A lot of the boys will be happy if Prez called them for no reason tho."

"Why?" I asked.

"She's bad as fuck bro, that's why."

"Of course. Why the fuck did i ask. Anyway I'm going now."

"Right, tell me if she your type or not." He said while leaving.

"Shut up."

Alright, time to find the Student Council Room.

When it was my first time here, i walked through the first and second floor and i didn't see any Student Council Room. It's probably on the third floor.

I walked through the third floor and immediately found it. It was on the left side next to the stairs.

I knocked on the door and suddenly there's a girl voice.

"Yes, come in."

I open up the door and saw a girl with a beautiful long black hair, blue eyes, and a MASSIVE TITS.

What the fuck?

That's too massive, i mean. We're still in high school and it's already that big?

Tits so big ithink her cup size is World Cup.

Bobby? This gyal is my fucking type.

"Uhmm, do you hear me?" She said.

"Oh right, sorry i spaced out."

"Fufu, no problem. So, you're Risuki Hito-san right?" She said while laughing.

What the fuck? This girl's too cute tho.

"Ah, yes."

"My name is Kaoruko Touko, i'm currently the student council president, and i'm a third year. Nice to meet you Risuki-san." She said as she introduced herself while smiling.

"Right, nice to meet you too. I'm Risuki Hito from class 2-B."

"Yes, Sensei told me about you. You must be confused as to why you're being called here right? Well, you'll know soon."

"Soon?" I asked, confused.

"I already inform the other members to come so have a seat as we wait for them. Do you want some tea?"

"Yes, thank you."

She brings the tea to me and i started drinking it. As i'm drinking, the door's suddenly opened.

"We're here Prez."

"Hey! Where's the new member?"

"Ughhh, i wanna sleep."

Three people came in.

"Relax, you all. You're making Risuki-san confused." Said Prez.

Girl, i'm already confused from the start.

"How about you three introduce yourself? I already did it earlier."

"I guess, i'm first then." Said the tall boy with a long hair and kinda pretty face.

Why his face pretty? No homo tho. He looks fine as fuck.

"I'm from class 2-C, next to yours. It's Nakamura Iza. Let's get along." He said while reaching out his hand.

Is he trying to handshake?

"Let's get along too." I said as i shakes his hand.

"I'm next then!"

Suddenly, a girl with a long red hair calls out to me.

"My name is Asakura Megumi. Class 2-A. Nice to meet you Risuki-san." She said as she grabs my shoulder.

"Right, nice to meet you too."

"C'mon you gotta have more energy than that!"

No, you're just too energetic.

"Haha." I laughed, wryly.

"Guess i'm last." Said the girl with a long wild looking blond hair.

What is that? Super Saiyan 3? It strangely fits her tho. And it makes her look like a tomboy.

"The name's Kaede Ran, Class 2-C. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too."


The door suddenly slammed open.

It was Shizuka-Sensei.

Of course it had to be her.

"Okayy, now that you finally know the other members. Let's get you started with this whole thing shall we?"