
Stay home

Hello everyone, hope you all doing fine.

I am just writing to take your news, with this covid virus our world was put into a pause, our habits, our routine were suddenly turned upside down because of this confinement.

But we still have our family, so we still have hope.

To those who have lost a loved one during this time and because of this virus, I am not presenting to you my condolences that would be presumptuous, but I am here to tell you that even if everything seems black today, there is still hope and with hope there is a will.

Our medics all over the world are fighting, so we should believe in them, and support them by staying at home and taking news of our friends and family.

This virus is not insurmountable, it's just that a virus; just that our body did not create the antibody yet, but with time our body will; and we will win this war and flourish anew.

We stood up after the world war I and the world war II and we will still stand up after Corona.

We will stand stronger than ever.

Stay home, stay safe.

