

Ah ... that dream again ...


It started a few weeks ago. I've been dreaming about it a lot. As much as I try to think of anything else, here I am again. Always the same thing. Arthur and I are still children at the orphanage, we're playing on the grass just me and him as usual. A faceless person approaches me and says something, that no matter how hard I try, I can never remember what it was when I wake up. After that, this person embraces me, and leaves, as suddenly as he came.

* smell of meat *

Where is the smell coming from? Oh, I know! Arthur must be preparing a meat, as usual. All that was just a nightmare. That, for sure everything must be alright. I'm going to get up now and everything will be fine.

*get up*

Hmm ... How strange, I feel like I've got up, but it's all so dark. Am I still dreaming? But surely, I can feel that I am stepping and moving. But why is it so dark here?

"Arthur!!! Arthur!!! Where are you?"

"Princess!! He woke up!!"



"Great! No bleeding in the eyes, which means his body accepted the magic artifact. Now we can only wait for the magic fusion "


What? Artifact? Eyes? Fusion? What the hell is going on here?

*draw back*

"Who the hell are you? What are you doing in my house? Where is Arthur? Answer, damn!!! "


"Esdra, calm down! It's me! Do you remember me?


This voice...

"Uncle Azha!!! What the hell is going on here, Uncle Azha? Why is it so dark here? And where is Arthur? He is fine?"


W-what ... W-what is this ... I-it hurts ... IT HURTS!!!


"Princess!!! What's happening? We need to help him!!!"

"AZHA!!! Stay quiet. He is going through the fusion of the body with the artifact, if he can withstand this unimaginable pain, he will be able to, not only awaken his dormant spiritual essence, but he will be able to cultivate his own essence to extraordinary levels. "

"Yes! But only if he can handle it. He's just a kid ... "


"Do not underestimate the power of an heir to Ecnoyi, Azha!"


We came running up here when we heard the explosion, and because of the smoker it was easy to find this cabin. We found Esdra on the fallen floor and what should the remains of someone scattered around the house, and Arthur unconscious and very wounded under a table. Esdra only survived because of the magical protection of the armor, but even with it, he still suffered serious damage to the face. The princess, as a magician who possesses a celestial ruby rank essence, which would be the seventh placed in a ranking of 10, can be considered quite powerful. She managed to cure Esdra's superficial wounds, but unfortunately thanks to the heat of the bomb ... He lost his eyes. The princess then decided to give the boy a jade artifact, which is only beneath divine artifacts ... The eyes of the Acnoyi Dragon, the Mighty One. It is said that his eyes reflected his immense spiritual essence, and only a glance would be enough to faint those who do not possess a powerful spiritual essence.


Legend has it that when the legendary Dragon was killed by Ecnoyi, its essence, being so powerful, did not dissipate completely, and even after death, the Dragon's eyes still emanated Power and Authority. Ecnoyi took the Dragon's eyes as a reminder of the arduous battle, but was not interested in a power inferior to his. He then held a fight tournament, and whoever became the winner of the tournament would have the right to merge the Dragon Eyes. When the tournament was over and the champion had been decided, they then decided to make the magic fusion, but it was a failure. It is said that the champion, who was considered as strong as a small dragon was not able to withstand such pain ...


"Come on, Esdra! Hold on! "



Meanwhile, in the mind of Esdra ...

Ahhh ... Where am I? Again, the same dream? Not! There's something different ... Arthur is not here, but the orphanage is still the same ...


There's a man standing in front of the door...

*get closer*

"Hey, Grandpa. Should not stay so long observing little children, people may think you're some weird lolicon"

* turns around *

"Sorry, kid. But I cannot see, my eyes are with you "








In the cabin...



"Come on, Esdra! You have to take it! "





"Easy, kid. Calm down. I will not hurt you. Come here."


*get up*

"What you want?"


"Are you seeing these children?"

"Of course, I am, I am not blind. No Offense."


"Hahaha, I was not offended. Could you tell me what they're doing? "


"Hmm ... I don't know ... Playing and ... Running ... You know, children's things"

"Hahaha, children's things, of course. Come with me, kid. Let's go for a walk. And do not forget your coat! "

"My coat? But neither is it cold... "



"Well well. What did you say? Haha ha."




"So, where are we going, Grandpa? You're not going to try anything weird, are you? Know that I am very strong. "


"Hahaha, I do not doubt it. But I will not try anything strange. Promise!"


"Alright, alright. So, where are we going? "


"Oh, do not worry, we're done."


"Are we there? But this is..."


"Tell me, kid. What are you seeing?"

... !

"There's nothing here, let's go."


"Are you sure, kid?"

"I have! There's nothing here, just an empty space. "


"Really? What about those two kids playing in the grass? "



"What about them? It's nothing special. Let's go."


"What are you so afraid of, kid? It's not me, I would feel it if it was that. So, what is it? "


"I screwed up, didn't I? I died. Arthur was also dead. All because of me. It's all my fault ... "


"Is that what you're afraid of, kid? Of dying? If you want, I can give you immortality "

"What's the point of living alone forever?"

"Beautiful answer, kid! So, tell me, if you had a wish, and could choose anything, be anything. What would you choose? "

"I just don't want to be alone."

"Kid. Those who desire wealth above all else will always be accompanied, but will always be alone. Those who desire power above all else will always be feared but never respected. No matter what decisions you make. There will always be contrary consequences. "


"So, what do you suggest?"

"Face yourself, kid. And then come back here and tell me what you want, and I'll give you the power to get it. "

Meanwhile in the cabin ...

"Princess, Esdra stopped screaming a few hours ago. Is that a good or bad sign?"

"I do not know, Azha. I've never heard of this happening before in the legends. "


"What is it, Princess? What is this strong light? "



"His eyes ... IT WORKS, AZHA!!!"

*explosion of light *



"Damn it! He's out of his mind, Princess. Calm down, Esdra!!! "


Its spiritual essence is gigantic. As big as the princess essence. A few days ago he had no remnant of power, but now his spiritual essence is emanating a power equal to a ranking 7, a spiritual essence of the ruby level.

"Where's Arthur?"


*wake up*



* run and hug *


"I'm sorry, Arthur."


"Hahaha, it's okay, Esdra. I'm fine, my bruises are gone and I don't feel any more pain. I think I'm really powerful, huh. "


"Esdra, I'm Princess Eleanor. Your sister. We need to talk."

Hi guys, enjoy the new chapter. I'm trying to post a new chapter every day

Calebatariocreators' thoughts