Whether they be men in the land of men, Demons in the land of demons or immortals in the land of immortals. None shall surpass the law. [ Official recognition as an Enforcer of The Law Has been granted ] [ Title of Jadon the Judge had been granted] [ Title of Alasotor the Executioner had been granted] [ Title of Accusatoris the Prosecutor has been granted]
[The Judge has been Appointed.]
The words echoed in Ajax's mind and forced his eyes open to see a glowing green board hanging in mid air with a single line of white text. The harsh combination of colors triggered a reflex and made him close his eyes after the image had burned itself into his retina.
He stayed completely still as he came to terms with the fluorescent board of text that hung in front of him before opening his eyes again however the scene did not change. Although it was far from ordinary Ajax could not pull himself from the feeling of a lucid dream and did not panic.
He stood and went to the washroom to wash his face then went back to his bed to go back to sleep, figuring that the fastest way to wake up from such a realistic dream was to sleep however things just continued to progress.
[ Official recognition as an Enforcer of The Law Has been granted ]
[ Title of Jadon the Judge had been granted]
[ Skill Arrest {Level 1} has been granted: The power to pronounce a criminal a criminal, Henceforth qualifying them for trial. { as an original skill of the prosecutor efficiency is 50% less than the original]
[ Skill Daunt {Level 1 } has been granted: able to instill a fear of the law into the criminal. Added effect of discouraging crime before it happens - Only possible to be used inside courtroom { Effectiveness raised by 70% in presence of Executioner/ Abilities raised by 20% in presence of Prosecutor]
[ Ability Courtroom creation {Level 1}has been granted- limited to twice a day ( added effect of instantly summoning Executor and Prosecutor)]
[ Ability Information processing {Level 1} has been granted: The ability to process information quickly and efficiently in order to pass judgement. ( Efficiency Raised by 40% in the presence of the prosecutor]
[ Ability Sentence has been granted: ability to send criminals to the re-education rooms and to determine the amount of time spent. All levels available to the judge]
[ Abilities are limited By absence of Alasotor the Executioner ]
[Abilities are limited by absence of Accuasatoris the Prosecutor]
[ Item: Gavel {Level 3} has been granted: { Added effect of raising power of Executor and prosecution by 40 %}- Temporarily limited to the courtroom]
[ Item Judge's robe {Level 1} has been granted: All abilities are raised by 10% when worn. (Added effect of raising respect of others)]
Having realized that this was not a dream but reality Ajax began to panic he was unsure was what going on and was confused as well as scared however as quickly as these feelings began to surface they quickly died down with the next notification ding.
[ Ability Clarity of mind {Level 1} has been activated: The Ability to put aside emotions in order to pass judgement. ( Raises Efficiency of Information Processing by 20%) ]
" What the hell. What do you mean I've been Appointed Judge?"
With his emotions forcibly calmed, he spoke slowly and clearly without really expecting an answer but was pleased when he got one.
[ As the old generation of the enforcers Of the law aged and weakened ,crime flourished and the law was put in danger of being overthrown. Realizing this they Gave up their powers to the system in order to chose worthy successors to uphold]
He read with a wry smile thinking,
Of all the places for the law to be reinstated they chose to start with the Recrwer?
The Recrwer was originally a town in which criminals of all kinds were deposited after the death sentence was officially outlawed by the world. In theory it was nice because no matter how much protest the death sentence caused there were still criminals who had committed unforgivable crimes and not enough prisons in the world to keep them.
However then came the problem…...The children of said criminals, born after their parents were jailed.
There were some protests earlier on about taking us out and returning us to 'proper society' but in the end the few that were sent out soon returned with their own crimes or simply because they couldn't handle the judgment and harsh treatment from the outside and the protests slowly died down.
[ Ability Crime awareness {Level 1} has been granted: The ability to be aware of any crime within a five foot radius.]
[Ability Crime awareness has been activated]
[ On the first awakening of his linage the bearer of Jardon's title was called to duty and performed it to the best of his ability as an enforcer of the law. ]
[Do You accept your role?]
[Yes] [No]
He tiredly raised a hand to click [No] only to have it flash red
[Refusal is not an option]
[ Ability Courtroom is forcefully activated]