
The First Day of The Last World

Today I, David Cruz, became a main protagonist.

What? You think I'm a self-aware main character of this novel? Of course not, that would be stupid. The reason why I said I became a protagonist was because something happened today that changed my life.

I was transmigrated into another world!

Along with my mom, dad, sister, dog, fish...

Yeah, everyone was transmigrated. By everyone, I mean EVERYONE.

A population of seven billion just upped and left their world for this one, and that's not even counting other organisms. Even plants and bacteria weren't spared.

I planned on happily becoming an OP protagonist, but God refused my request on giving me cheats.

"Are you done talking to yourself?"

"Shut-up, you didn't even have the heart to give me my own system!"

Yup, right now I am still with God. I hadn't actually transmigrated to the new world yet.

"I don't know what's this system you keep blabbing on about. I've been telling you that I'm creating a whole new world with the remaining dying worlds, and that you'll be competing for survival against other species!"

"How the hell do you expect humanity to survive against monsters without cheats?!"

"Are you an idiot?!"

After letting my frustration out, I finally calmed down and stopped shouting. Yeah, this whole thing is freaking me out honestly. I know it's really cool to be sent to a world of magic and swords, but leaving your old life forever is also kind of scary. Is this what it feels like to get married?

"Stop wandering."


The person in front of me right now is God. He looks like a beautiful man with dark skin. A thorny crown sat atop his head filled with long black hair. He was wearing a plain white barong [1] and black slacks.

"I can't help but think you're Moreno Jesus..." [2]

"I'm in a form where you can understand my existence. I am different for each individual. Each one has their own perspective of Me. For your case, Moreno Jesus."

"So what if the person thought God was a particle or something?"

*cough* "Moving on."

I stopped joking around with him and let him finish explaining what exactly was going on.

According to God, He has been creating billions upon billions of worlds throughout his entire existence, and not one being has achieved Godhood. In a last desperate attempt to get a successor, he merged the remaining dying worlds into one, including ours.

The world we're being transported into isn't actually a new world, but a combination of the last seven worlds. Each of the seven worlds had different laws of physics, therefore different types of organisms. We would be living in a world with creatures and beings beyond our comprehension.

To make sure every living organisms wouldn't suddenly collapse on itself because of the difference of laws of physics, God introduced magic into this world so that all of our laws of physics could coexist with one another.

"Wait, so magic never existed before?"

"No, it is a new system I have just invented."

"How did you expect anyone to reach Godhood if there's no magic? Not even spiritual energy? Haven't you read a single cultivation novel?"

"I don't have time for trashy wishful thinking novels."

"Do you even know what platform you're on right now..."

God ignored me and continued on.

"But magic is not needed to reach Godhood, only the soul is needed."

"The soul?"

"The stronger the soul, the closer it is to Godhood."

"And how would you make the soul stronger?"



"You don't know?!"

"The cycle of reincarnation is beyond me. I don't have enough power to meddle with souls."

God immediately tried to change the subject. "I've explained what needs to be explained. I will now send you down to the new world."

I panicked a little and stopped him. "Wait!"

"What is it?"

I tried to think of something that could maybe stall my time. "Can't you grant me something to help boost my power level? Something to help me learn magic fast?"

God raised an eyebrow. "I've already told you, magic is the most I can give to help you mortals. Also, magic has not existed before, so you're going have to learn it on your own."

He started sending me to the world below. A circle of light below me appeared, trying to engulf my entire being. "This is a world without heritage. No one to teach you, no one can help you. You'll be far away from your friends and family."

The light kept getting stronger. I didn't want to leave yet. I still had something to ask.

"God! Let me ask just one last question!"

I gathered my courage and shouted back at him. "Will I see her again?"

God's light stopped for a moment. It was still blinding, but no longer increased in brightness.

This is why I was scared of leaving my old life. I knew that in a new world there was a chance I might not see her again. Maybe it's childish of me, but I still want to be with her until the end.

God's lips solemnly moved. "You'll find her."

With those words, the light continued to envelop me. Soon, the world of darkness was replaced with a world of white. Soon, the light faded, and what replaced it was a stunning scenery of the ocean. Blue large waves crashed on the red sand beneath my feet. The sky was like a purple blanket dotted with gems, a starry night sky in the middle of the day. The sun was a bright blue flame, possibly hotter than our old one. What filled the skies were floating islands with all shapes and sizes, and flying rivers of water connecting them. The sight was breath taking, and could really be called a fantasy world.

I look around me and saw a forest beside the beach. Some of the trees looked like normal trees on earth, while others seemed like breathing stone formations. It was a strange forest, but it had a chaotic beauty to it.

The air I breathe is much fresher than the one back home. Either because ours was filled with toxins, or because this air had more oxygen, who knows. It felt good to just breathe in the fresh air.

I could feel something else in the air. It wasn't just the freshness of the air, it was like something else was there, something I could take in. I felt like the world was more vivid, more colorful. The sounds I could hear weren't just the waves anymore. The rustling of leaves, the scattering of critters, even the drop of morning dew. It wasn't that I could actually see or hear all of these things, I could just feel them. The whole sensation is just too weird and wonderful to describe in mere words.

"So this is magic..."

I moved my hands around trying to grasp the feeling of magic. My whole body seemed different, yet familiar at the same time. The feeling would take time to get used to, but at least now I know God didn't scam me.

I tried moving around and did some kicks and punches. I was in a white shirt and black jogging pants because I was practicing Kali [3] before this. My clothes are here, but sadly my training sticks didn't come with me.

"So I'm here in the wild with nothing but the clothes on my back. The sun is setting, and I have no idea how to build a fire."

I dropped to the ground, regretting my past life decisions.

"I'm f*cked aren't I?!"


[1] Barong is a traditional Filipino formal attire. You can search "Filipino Barong" on Google images to see what I'm talking about.

[2] Moreno means dark skinned in Spanish.

[3] Kali is a Filipino Martial Art, also known as Arnis and Eskrima.
