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"The world breaks everyone, and afterwards, many are strong at the broken places."

We, humans, are the strongest, yet the most vulnerable creatures to ever come in existence. Our souls spend their limited time on this planet searching for the one thing that is, in all honesty, non-existent. Something that is praised for being the most heroic, yet is the most powerful weapon to destruct a soul from within.

Merely a noun, LOVE is the weapon with the ability to destroy mankind. Though it is admired for being the only emotion that binds us creatures, it is by all means, the worst emotion to ever enter a human heart. It ruins everyone, but gives very few the opportunity to build themselves up again, and even fewer of those realize their opportunity before their soul is made to depart from their bodies, ending their time on the planet.

As human beings with our counted number of days, we seek contentment and fulfilment of the heart's desires all our life. What we fail to understand is that in our desperate search for a mythical emotion, that has neither hands nor feet, we lose all that we could actually make count:

The Life.
