
The Land Of Eternal Chaos

Leandrei is a normal and boring villager. With no interest in magic until the day where he loses the people he cares for. After losing all he doesn’t know what to do, confused and alone with nothing but emptiness. That only lasts till he meets that person, the person who advises him to first see what the world has to offer him. Who was that person? Was it all done with good intentions? Just what does the world have to offer him? Join Leandrei on his journey to the true meaning of life.

Sloth098 · ファンタジー
10 Chs

The Appraisal Ceremony

The butler returned with a blonde man. He was 5"10 and had green eyes and wore black rimmed glasses, he slowly entered and was wearing a white shirts with a blue vest. The left side of the vest was was covered with the image of vibrant blue flowers, the man was holding a dull white coloured orb with black gloves on his hands. He cautiously handled the orb like it was a newborn child and placed it on the table separating the viscount and Leandrei.

After placing the orb on the table he stood straight and announced "This is the appraising orb. Once you place your hand on it will change colour to the elements you have an affinity for, then it will return to its original colour and next display one after the other the element you have the most potential in of the elements you would have already seen. It will start with the most potential to the least from the elements you affinity with". Once he finished speaking Leandrei swiftly turned his face, facing the white orb with a tinge of amazement and curiosity in his ocean like eyes.

Whilst Leandrei was caught up in his feelings Viscount Watkins's voice sounded in his ears "Usually one has only affinity with two elements but more talented individuals can have more, it may seem like a good thing but it means you'll have to work even harder as you have more to learn and expand on. Well let's worry about that later, there are 6 elements in existence which are fire, water, earth, wind, light and dark. Well the more proficient you get with these elements the more of the other elements you could use. We call those sub-elements as you can only use them when your proficiency in the element or elements it's linked to grows. For example lightning which is linked to wind and fire or ice which is linked with water. All of the sub-elements are derived from the six main elements. There are others which you can call elements or sub-elements but they are not related to the six main elements but is instead special for a certain species and can only be used by that said species".

Leandrei made sure to remember to store everything said in his memories as it was both common but essential knowledge for a mage. He then glanced back at the man who brought the orb.

"You can start the appraisal and if you have enough affinity, it means you have talent. This means you will be helped to feel mana and awaken as a proper magician." With that he nodded at Leandrei as a sign for him to place his hand on the orb.

Leandrei didn't waste any time and proceeded to do so. He hurriedly placed his hand on the orb and it began to change colour. The orb turned into a sphere of bright green, crimson red and pitch black.

Then it went back to its original white colour. A second later the orb turned full red, then it switched to black and finally green. Afterwards it turned back to its original dull white colour.

Leandrei withdrew his hand from the orb and lifted his face up. He was caught off-guard by what he saw and looked at everyone in the room. They all had their eyes opened wide and their mouths hanging open in utter shock. However once they felt Leandrei's gaze they quickly recovered from their astounded expression and were composed. It was so smooth that you wouldn't believe the faces they were making a few seconds ago!

The blonde man said "You're quite talented boy" while facing Leandrei.

Viscount Watkin chimed in "Yes he's very talented, and to think he has affinity with the dark element".

"True, it's not often you see someone with affinity with it" Priest Naruo added.

Leandrei stared at them for five good seconds and questioned in a very direct tone "Mind telling me what's so amazing?"

Priest Naruo replied "You see fire, earth, water and wind are the most common elements to have an affinity with. Then it's followed by light and it ends with dark.

People who usually use the light element are from the church, they monopolise the individuals with affinity to light moreover they have extensive knowledge about the element itself and have done in-depth studies of it. Which is why many choose to join the church but of course that's not the main reason for all. The light element is already rare but not as rare as the dark element. Only a few households specialise in the dark element and the most famous in Bordas are

the Zyron imperial family, the Markos ducal family in the Vermalan Empire and the Crezno marquess family in Xilian Republic. There are only a few other individuals in Bordas who specialise in the dark element and most can't compare with the previously mentioned families".

"It doesn't matter if the element you have affinity with is common but it's just that the dark element isn't often seen. Also it's the element you have the most affinity with after fire". The blonde man was quick to point out as he doesn't want Leandrei to have any misunderstandings.

"Yes and the dark element is quite special as well. I don't know much about it but it's definitely an amazing element." Viscount Watkins wasn't restrained with emphasises how mysterious and great the dark element is.

Priest Naruo swiftly added "Not to mention you have great affinities with three elements! That's amazing, you don't often see people that talented".

Leandrei felt proud after hearing everything they said. 'Heh! Praise me more, praise me more. I'm a one of a kind genius.' Leandrei currently had a smug smile on his face and the viscount seemed to interpret his thoughts so he quickly brought Leandrei back to reality by saying "Although you have talent it doesn't mean you will be successful, after all you need to work hard to reach your full potential. Don't let it get to your head and be humble so you won't get complacent."

"Tsk!" Leandrei lamented and was upset.

Then he suddenly remembered "How do you find out your bloodline ability?"