
Where's Vought?

Daryl looked at the blue planet in front of him with question marks floating above his head. He was sure he had left this blue ball of dirt by billions of miles during his travel but thirty years later, here he was. Of course, he had gone through much on his journey here. One of them including the fact that he didn't find any alien life any where! This had obviously broke his heart that he needed to distract himself so he flew as fast as he could and it was so fast he felt like he just flew through a quantum tunnel. A while later, he arrived in Earth! He had bathed in all kinds of stars and he knew himself better. Red sun's made him powerless but it is not instanteneous but gradual. All the others made him strong, the blue and black stars giving him boats he could still feel now but the yellow sun is overwriting the blue star effects.

'Looks like this planet and I are destined,' Daryl thought to himself before flying towards it, specifically New York because he had unfinished business with Homelander. The citizens were just enjoying their day when they saw something land at Times Square.

"HOMELANDER! I KNOW YOU ARE STILL ALIVE, THAT BEATING WOULDN'T HAVE MADE YOU CROAK UNLESS YOU ARE A WEAK SIMO! COME ON OUT AND WE WILL FINISH OUR FIGHT, PERMANENTLY!" Daryl shouted, his voice so strong it shattered the windows of buildings as it transmitted to all over New York. Daryl waited a minute and frowned when he didn't see Homelander. He thought the guy must be hiding so he was about to fly out of the atmosphere and hear him out, literary. He had barely floated a few inches when a jet of water slammed into him, barely making him move. Daryl's eyes shot out lasers that evaporated the two jets before the one who shot them rolled away, just in time to avoid them. Daryl got a good look at who it was and he frowned.

"Wow, Deep, I never thought Compound V would turn you to a fish? St least you got a long range attack now," he said to a humanoid fish that was looking at him warily. Then, two people landed next to the fish, a woman wearing some kind of armor and a mace and a man who had an ancient vibe on him. Before Daryl could talk, an alien like being dropped from the sky, hissed at him, then a green woman landed behind the ancient guy and finally, a man wearing black cowl, armored suit and standing on a hovering board joined, all of them looking at him with battle field eyes.

"Wow, I guess I really was gone for long, Vought replaced the previous Seven. Listen, I have no query with you, just show me where the Supe retirement building is and I rip Homelander apart,"

"We know nobody by the name Homelander, alien. Go back to your planet and wage your war there," the ancient man warned him.

"You don't know Homelander? That's impossible, be is like Vought's golden child! Every hero knows of Homelander...What are you playing here? Do you think wasting my time will help him escape? I nearly killed that idiot, I can do it again, only this time I will be killing you all as well. Vought is as rotten as ever!" Daryl said and clenched his fists. He took off as a blur, approaching the ancient man and sent him though a building with one punch. Poor man nearly shot off to space!

The woman beside him tried to smash Daryl with her hammer but Daryl got hold of it before hitting her chest with an open palm, but it was still as deadly as she was sent sailing away. Daryl then looked at the others and immediately saw their plan with how they moved. The tall alien was charging at him, the giver suit Black Noir wannabe was flying away, trying to get out of his reach he assumed and the fish guy took a distance, arms outstretched to shoot those pressurized jets of water at him.

Daryl smirked when he saw this before he used his super breath to freeze the jet of water and the fish man together. He then phased through the alien before taking to the sky for he saw the green woman become invisible and her power to just phase through things were activated. Daryl was going after Black Noir wannabe and caught up to the frantic dude in seconds and threw him to a Pool. Before he attacked, the ancient man was back and he punched Daryl on his face, only making him end sideways before Daryl returned the favour, sending the man flying again.

"For Glory!" the armor woman screamt before she leapt at him, her fists tightening, ready to fight but Daryl just bitch slapped her away. He then looked around before he dodged as a red blur missed him. He turned to look at who it was and saw a man with white hair at his temple, a white suit with a red cape with an 'I' signal on his chest. Daryl was surprised at how much that fist packed a punch! One punch and he could most probably feel it.

"You must be Homelander's replacement! Guess Vought really outdid themselves if they made you!" Daryl said in fascination.

"Get off my planet. This is Viltrumite territory!" the new camera started.

"You're saying that like it is supposed to mean something," Daryl said, then smiled. "Don't worry, though, I will get the information I need from your corpse," Daryl said and charged.

The two of them met fist by fist, producing a shockwave that threw everyone around away from them. The two of them were surprised by the outcome that they stared at each other for a few seconds before flying back, trying to assess the other. Daryl was looking at him, specifically right through him. He frowned when he saw just how many organs this man had that weren't human.

"Omniman, we need to take this fight outside the city. One more hit like that and this would end badly for the civilians," the ancient man shouted. Daryl looked over to him and did the same.

"I am surprised! None of you have Compound V in your system. Did your powers develop like Ryan's?" Daryl asked but Omniman just looked at him in indifference. "Oh, right you won't talk to me. So, talk me to Vought then." When he just finished talking, a man appeared on top of a building. Daryl looked down and frowned. He had thinning hair, a scar at his right side of his face, an expensive suit and he smelt like a government dog.

"You there, alien, you keep talking of Vought this, Vought that. Who is Vought to you?" the man asked.

"Who is Vought?" Daryl asked in surprise. He then flew to the atmosphere, flew round the globe before coming back to New York. "This is Earth so how could you not know of Vought?"

"Please, indulge me," the G-man offered.

"Vought is a company that specializes in making and managing Supes, like your caped friends over there," Daryl answered. The man looked at him thoughtfully.

"I believe you are mistaken. If what you are saying is true, then you might have arrived to a parallel Universe. We have never heard of Vought or Homelander. Omniman is an alien so he isn't his replacement..." As soon as Daryl heard that, he turned to look at Omniman like a child who just saw his favorite toy.

"You are an alien? What, Viltrumite? A Viltrumite? Have you ever heard of Krypton? I am a Kryptonian myself and if this is a parallel Earth, I might finally go home," Daryl said.

"Sorry, son, but I have never heard of Krypton. A race as strong as you would be hard to be missed by the Vultrumites," Omniman said, making Daryl look downcast.

"No Krypton here too, just where in the universe is my home planet?" Daryl asked before flying off to space, leaving the people he was fighting surprised.

"That's it? That's all we could do?" Black Wing asked as he looked up.

"Don't sell yourselves shot. If he wanted, he could have killed you all easily. I will go talk to him," Omniman said then flew after Daryl. Cecil teleported back to base.

"Get me eyes on the alien. I want to see how this goes," he said. All images on the fifty or so screens immediately projected Nan and Daryl meeting once again. The two talked telepathically, for noone could talk in space, then Daryl followed Omniman back to Earth. Cecil frowned when he saw that. He had never trusted Omniman and now another alien just as strong was following him to his home was just another thing to be more worried about.

"I want that whole house bugged like the roach motel. I want to see and hear everything they talk about, even if it is just small talk!" he ordered a plump man who was wearing glasses while inside a building.

"Right away, sir," Donald said.
