

In the land surrounded but sea and connected to the main land by one small passage lies the land of Asiarith. It was a land filled with nobles fighting to rule over Asiarth, it was known as the Greater War. After countless slaughters, and villages destroyed, there was a king anointed, his name was King Frederick. The rest of the nobles went to different parts of the land and became lords and controlled parts of Asiarith. From then on the realm remained in peace for centuries, until the wild-men attacked. They came from the only piece of land connected to Asiarith. After more years of war, the people of Asiarith drove the wild-men back to their land. There a the stone wall built as high as heavens peaks, to keep the wild-men out of Asiarith. The was the time of great peace and the grandson of King Frederick, Jeremy, became the high king. Most of the land allied with the new king out of fear from his berserker Crusade, some ruled their land without the kings aid. Until one rider from Dragon Ridge changed the lives of three boys, and all of Asiarith.
