
The Knight is a She

The Crown Prince, Prince Leran has been betrayed by one of his royal subordinates and childhood best friend that is Callixa, the knight of his twin sister. After the attempt to kill him, Callixa suddenly loses most of her memories and acts like she is somebody else. Zana the modern girl who is gifted specially is in the body of Callixa. She started to find a way to return home. How can she escape the life and fate of being the shadow of the Dead Knight, Callixa? (Medieval + Modern Technology theme) Will continue on May

SophiaUrLove04 · ファンタジー
10 Chs


The Last thing I remembered was pulling the sword out of the flesh of this prince.

And then everyone attacks me.

It was treason and I will be executed because of what I have done.

But the prince stop them.

And now, I am standing here, I am waiting for the verdict that will end my life.

I'm Zana, a modern girl who transmigrates to this body. Few of her memory fills my head and it starts to ache..

This woman is a tomboy knight under the crown princess and infatuated with her

Then, one day she attacks her twin brother the crown prince.

Now, this is what we call a mess.

I am in Callixa's body, also known as Knight Callix, the Cyan flame knight.

So, I just got here and ended up waiting for my death verdict.

I don't know what's happening anymore!

Oh, Heavens! I am innocent!


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