

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. After Dahlia’s meteoric rise to success, she abandons the useless dead weight that’s Dustin, proposing divorce. Unbeknownst to her, everything she had ever achieved was only because of him. An Understated Dominance

LOGAN2023 · 都市
600 Chs

Chapter 179

At the crucial moment, a hand suddenly reached out and grabbed Wade's wri

st. Wade's palm was frozen,

inches from Ruth's face.

"You can bully the others, but you can't touch these two," Dustin said ca


"How dare you meddle in other people's business? You're asking for it!" W

ade's expression turned ugly, and he

raised his other fist to strike at Dustin's head.

Dustin snorted lightly and made the first move. He punched Wade in the ch

est, his moves as quick as


With a dull thud, an invisible beam of energy pierced through Wade's back

, shattering a wine bottle several

feet away.

Wade shuddered and slumped to the ground, unconscious.

"Wade!" Brent's face contorted with anger.

"How dare you hurt my brother? I'll send you to hell!" He charged forward

like a wild bull and threw a punch directly at Dustin's face.

Dustin caught his fist with one hand and squeezed it gently.

With a loud crack, the

bones in Brent's fist shattered. Blood and flesh splattered everywhere.

Before he could register the pain. Dustin grabbed his collar and slammed

him hard against the wall like a sandbag, creating a gaping hole.

Brent hung helplessly on the wall, bleeding profusely and unable to move.

"I wanted to have a decent conversation with you guys, but you had to res

ort to violence." Dustin patted the dirt off his clothes indifferently, a

s if defeating both of the bald guys was a trivial matter.

Everyone present was dumbfounded was stunned at Dustin's nonchalance, inc

luding Sheila, Claudia, and


Dustin managed to defeat both of them with just two moves.

It was unthinkable that two of the invincible Four Scoundrels would be tr

ounced and beaten up by a thin, frail guy like Dustin.

Were they dreaming?

Was he the cowardly and useless guy they were making fun of before?

"H–how was this possible?!" Nigel gasped, his mouth wide and his face

full of disbelief.

He finally witnessed how formidable the Four Scoundrels were in person. E

ither one of them could quickly

snuff him out.

It was perhaps fate that an expert like himself had been crippled by a do

ctor they looked down upon.

Such a thing was practically unheard of!

"How is this guy so powerful?" Claudia's eyes widened in shock and bewild


Initially, she had

assumed that Dustin was an unsavory character who only knew how to resort

to using dirty tricks up his sleeve, so she hadn't expected him to be so

skilled in martial arts.

He was miles better than her!

He wielded such strength at such a young age, too. She was frozen on the

spot once the revelation hit her that she was no longer a goddess among m


"Dustin's way too cool!" Sheila cheered as her eyes sparkled.

After exchanging glances with one another, the rest of the

girls also started looking at him in a different light.

Not used to everyone's starstruck gazes on him, Dustin walked up to Brent

before asking. "Tell me, who sent

you here?"

"Today's my day of reckoning anyway, so

kill me all you want!" Brent screamed through gritted teeth.

"It's not like killing you guys will do me any good anyways. As long as y

ou're willing to talk, I'll let you all live to see another day." Dustin


"I'll die either way if I reveal anything!" Brent replied solemnly.

"You're referring to the spider

venom in your stomach, right?" Dustin asked with raised eyebrows. He then

pulled out a golden needle and stabbed it directly into Brent's abdomen,


a bulge was seen on Brent's abdomen. The bulge began moving violently as

if something inside him was fighting for their lives.

A few exhales later, the writhing stopped, and the bulge could no

longer be seen moving.

When Dustin pulled out the golden needle, it was now stained with a slive

r of blackish liquid.

"The venom is gone. You should be able to speak now," Dustin said



how did you do that?" Brent gasped, and his expression Immed lately turne

d into one that was fearful and



was because the Four Scoundrels had actually been controlled by someone w

ho led them venom all this time. The mere thought of resistance could inf

lict pain that was worse than death on the host.

They had tried various ways

to get rid of the venom, but not only did none of them have the slightest


they even aggravated the pain.

However, the person in front of him had gotten rid of the spider venom in

his body with a mere needle.

These kinds of miraculous means were simply unheard of!

"I'm skilled in the art of poisons and venom, so if you wish to regain yo

ur freedom, you need to be honest and

tell me everything." Dustin stated indifferently.

After hesitating for a long while. Brent finally compromised, saying, "Fi

ne, I'll tell you the truth, but you must

promise to spare the both of us,"

Which sensible human would choose death over life?

"Done." Dustin nodded his head.

"To be honest with you, the person who ordered us to kidnap you was-

Before Brent could finish his

sentence, the doors to the room were forcefully kicked open.

Xavier rushed hastily

inside the room with a group of elite guards. He scanned the room and qui

ckly found


"It's the Four Scoundrels again! Prepare to die!" Without

waiting for the crowd to react. Xavier bashed Brent's

skull in with his fists.

He was swift and brutal. Now, his hands were drenched in blood.

"Huh?" Dustin narrowed his eyes.

Did Xavier just kill him to silence him?

"Sheila! Claudia! Are you guys alright?" Right after killing Brent. Xavie

r immediately turned around and asked Sheila and Claudia while wiping the

blood off his hands.

"We're fine. It was a good thing Dustin came to our aid just now." Sheila

forced a smile.

"Dustin?" Xavier asked as he suddenly turned his head to look at the man.

"What are you doing here? Xavier asked with a condescending gaze.

"What a coincidence." Dustin replied indifferently.

"What do you mean,

'what a coincidence? You were there the last time Sheila got ambushed, an

d you're here yet again, so how can this

be a coincidence?" Xavier scoffed, glaring down at Dustin.

"Your point exactly?" Dustin shot back.

"I suspect that you colluded with the Four Scoundrels to come up with a p

lan to get close to Shella!" Xavier


"I can assure you it's not like that-

Sheila spoke up before being interrupted by Xavier again.

"Don't be fooled, Sheila! We don't know where this guy is from or what hi

s intentions are. Thus, he must be interrogated thoroughly for your safet

y. Apprehend this man for me at oncel"

At his command, the group of elite guards proceeded to cock their guns.

"Stop! I was the one who brought Dustin here, so I can guarantee that he

isn't a bad guy!" Ruth stepped

forward, attempting to mediate the situation.

"Whether he's a bad guy or not, we'll know once we catch him!" Xavier ret


"Hey, do you still have any sense left in that brain of yours? Can't you

see that you're being cruel by apprehending an innocent person?" Ruth was

getting annoyed with Xavier's stubbornness.

"Who are you to talk sense to

me? Get lost!" Xavier screamed before lifting his hand to give Ruth a har

d slap across her face, causing her to stagger and fall to the ground.

Everyone could see five visible, bright red fingerprints on her face.

"Huh?" Dustin gasped as his expression sank. His eyes flashed with anger.

"Are you crazy, Xavier? Why did you hit my friend?!" Sheila scolded Xavie

r while helping Ruth up.

"I was thinking about your safety, Sheila. I refuse to spare anyone who a

cts even remotely suspicious! Even if I have to be a villain today, I'll

make sure to get rid of every threat to you! Arrest that punk! Kill him o

n the spot if he dares to put up a fight!"

At Xavier's order, all the elite guards attacked Dustin at once.

Dustin merely let out a cold snort and started gesturing with his hands.

"Phew! Phew! Phew!"

Golden needles shot out from his hands and accurately navigated their way

to the various acupuncture points on the bodies of the guards.

In no time at all all of the guards seemed to be bound by a spell of some

sort, as they stood frozen in place,

unable to move.

"Do you want to die?!" Xavier shrieked as a scowl appeared on his face. H

e then immediately fished out his gun and fired at Dustin's chest.

However, with a mere flick of a finger, Dustin swiftly sent two needles f

lying into the air. One needle landed on

Xavier's shoulder, and another landed on his neck.

His body instantly stiffened as his arms and legs became paralyzed, and t

his made it difficult for him to move

a bit.


what kind of sorcery is this?" Xavier cried, his face full of shock.

He was one of the top martial artists out there, so how could he be rende

red immobile by two tiny golden needles just like that?

"Not only are you not that skilled or powerful, you still have the audaci

ty to show up here and start hurling insults and beating the shit out of

people? Dustin asked with an icy stare as he slowly approached him.

"Rhys! You'd better let go of me if you know what's good for you, if not,

I'll make sure that you never leave here alive!" Xavier sneered fiercely


"You dare threaten me? This is for speaking out of turn!" Dustin scoffed

as he lifted a hand to slap Xavier's face.

He then gave him another slap. "This is for cursing me!"

After that, he gave

him a harsh third slap. "This is for your audacity to even lay a linger o

n a woman!"

The slapping continued non–

stop for a while. Dustin showed no mercy as he kept delivering blow after


onto Xavier's face. He delivered a slap after every sentence he uttered.

The atmosphere in the room became tenser and tenser by the second.

"And this is for your stupid fucking face!" Dustin roared as he delivered

the most powerful slap he could

muster, smashing Xavier to the ground.

Everyone in the whole room became dead silent for a moment!