
Death and Life

2045/05/25 Mike As he was called was in his hospital bed waiting for his death since he was born he lies in that bed he never saw the sun or moon outside the hospital with an incurable disease he fought bravely until one day he couldn't take it anymore and closed the eyes thinking that the one who died ended up in front of God, I'm sorry for your suffering, we made a mistake up here was to put someone else in that body, but the person has already been fired, don't worry, you have two options or go back to that world or the surprise I'll leave you, which do you choose?

Mike had read many novels about it while he was in the hospital bed, what he missed most were the parents who came every day at first, but over the years they stopped coming and sent the maid to bring books and other books. Things that were needed by him, all that in his mind brought agony, suffering, pain.

I can ask for something I want to reincarnate on Earth and not in another world.

But why is this Mike?

So Mike said I read a lot of manga books and always dreamed of going to another world, but I saw that Earth is a beautiful world because of his storybook that he when my teacher came to teach me, so I really want to be reincarnated on earth, but of course I want to have the power I would have in the New World.

God then began to analyze and see what could be done. That boy was never loved by his parents or anyone in the hospital what can I do for him God So thought, thought, thought and came to a conclusion I'll help him, tell me Mike Have you ever read a werewolf book about vampires this things?

Yeah, a long time ago I also saw a movie called Underworld, where there are vampires and werewolves, but I never really believed that, because if they exist, why didn't they ever show up?

That Mike is because they are afraid they have been hunted a long time ago, and today they hide like in the movie you saw, there is good and evil just like human beings there is good and evil, but I'll give you the chance to choose which race you want to be, and I'll give you a bonus too.

Only then Mike looked at all the races that existed in the Dark Night that he realized that folklore existed as elf dragons among other races, but most of them abandoned the land long ago, there is only today's folklore. In that moment when he didn't think much about what he wanted, it was never to feel the pain he felt before, so he chose the Vampire class.

So GOD asked. Are you sure your choice Mike can't change anymore?

Yes I do, thanks for worrying about me.

I just don't want you to suffer again I saw your sadness your loneliness hurts me so much, but since you chose I will do what you asked me to.

As you can see, the vampire class is immortal and is averse to sunlight, you will never be able to see the sun. Are you sure of that Breed? God asked again!?

Yes, I want to spy on the sins of humanity and try to make the world better, because I'll be immortal and I'll be able to demote those so many rich snobs I've seen on TV who make a point of appearing on the news. will differ from them.

God then smiled at Mike.

Alright so since your choice I'll accept, just as I promised at one point you won't be averse to the sun, everything you didn't like lying in that hospital bed, Go and Have fun be a happy child I expect great things from you.

Just as God said this, a body appeared beside Mike. That your body, Mike, needs to touch up something you wanted to change?

Yes, I would like him to have white hair, a Japanese sword style eyebrow, I would also like him to have a color on his face as it will attract a lot of attention. (God laughed at every detail Mike spoke He was extremely detailed).

God then passed the 'tablet' to Mike to modify his body.

And in this Mike did everything he needed to and his body left him with 1.90 meters 85 kilos, white hair, eyes (Reds but that he could change the color as he wanted) As for, blues only appear when he turns there, his eyes were red looking like the thin European-style Kakashi Sharingan nose that every woman would like to have in bed.

Finished what else do I need to do? Mike was very respectful to God different from others who died before. Everyone was scared and some didn't even believe it was God, this made him very sad.

(How can he, he wants to atone for the sins of human beings, I want to know what, what can he do, I have high expectations for this boy).

Now Mike you go to sleep and when you wake up it will be time you asked for good luck and have fun, because this is the life you've always dreamed of.

God allows me to enjoy myself as much as possible.

Before you go I have something bad to tell you, this Breed, you know you have to suck blood to survive right.

Yeah, never mind, I won't kill anyone, I'll just drink what's enough for me to survive.

This shocked God, He didn't expect that answer.

Big powers, big responsibilities, Mike told God.

Where I saw this phrase, God was thinking.

But Mike was already gone. When he remembered, he said that that brat told me (Spider-Man) lines, God started bursting out laughing I wanna see your life Mike how you're gonna live.

February 2, 1994 Mike wakes up in a pasture not knowing where, his first thought was to open status and there appeared before his eyes a transparent blue window

Name: ???????

Age: 22 years old (????)

Work: ??????

Level: 1

Condition: Healthy

Strength 180

Dexterity 188

Stamina 308

Hunger 0 (If Reaching 100 makes you Lunatic (Lose consciousness for a while) Strength 2x)

Agility 400

Luck 800

Adaptable 100

Intelligence: 250 QI

Abilities: Hypnotize

'Item' Box, (Infinite)

Translation (Translate Any Language, Also Can Speak the Same Languages ​​Regardless of Race)
