

This is the world where magicians are respected.. and the weak people ar doomed. Arjun Kumar our main protagonist is dsired to become the great magician but later finds that he has no "magic core" at all. Arjun didn't fell disappointed. He trains in Willpower the lengthy and time consuming way. But his fate changes when he meets a poweful Dragon named 'Magneel' who is kind to Humans and gives his power to Arjun and trains him. Join the adventures of Arjun and Magmeel who together joins in an adventures along with the interesting new characters who will be introduced in the future.

VKSS1602 · 東方
1002 Chs


Sitaram said, "If you take your life so casually, then it will affect our future. When I said "Our", I meant for everyone. Every one of us will face the trouble. We don't have any choice here. Let us consider that we are to face both the Void and that Supreme existence as our enemies, then what kind of burden it will be on us?"

Logan and others had to think over it. Each and every thoughts Sitaram revealed instilled fear within their hearts. Especially the last part. If they had to face both the Void and that Supreme existence as enemy, then that is the most terrifying situation they will be in.

Compared to that, this Red Ranked Monster is nothing. And this competition is completely insignificant. And that bet between their boss and the Young Master Luke is worthless to speak.

Then why are they afraid of this monster? If they are afraid of this monsters, then just like Sitaram said, how are they going to face such a terrifying existences. This is the case especially when they take their lives this easy? Compared to the horrifying experience they will have when they face those supreme existence, the strength of this monster is nothing. So why are they afraid of the pain from the attack of the tentacle of this monster?

They suddenly understood everything. They understood how grave the situation is. And they now understood where exactly they were going wrong. They understood where they need to work out in order to improve. Then I understood that in order to improve, if they had to take this pain, then they will definitely take.

They now no longer has any hesitation. In front of the future, the felt as if this message was nothing. Suddenly their hearts became void for any fear and it was replaced with confidence. The fear has completely transform into courage. This courage was to fight this monster. This courage was to defeat the monster. This courage was to take this monster as one of the stepping stone for the greater and bright future.

"Thank you grandpa!" ,Logan said, "We understood what all mistake was all this time. We promise that we will definitely take this monster down without depending on any auxiliary powers. We will no longer stay as a coward. Even in the future, we will keep those supreme existence in our mind while facing any tough situations. If we had to take beating, if our body is completely painted red with our blood, we will never lose our courage. We will change your attitude from now onwards. This is a promise to you."

"Good." ,Sitaram took a sigh of relief and said, "But I don't want you people to say it in just words. I want assurance. I want you people to show your dedication in action."

"Action?" ,Jason asked, "How can we prove it?"

"We no longer going to play any role in this battle against the Red Ranked Monster." ,Sitaram said, "Gnan, Gutherson! Pull yourselves back. We three are no longer going to play any role in the battle against the Red Ranked Monster. It will all be up to you seven people. Are there any objections?"

"No." ,Everyone replied with absolute confidence. Sitaram could find nothing about confidence in their eyes. They became courageous and bold all of a sudden. To be honest, this is exactly what you wanted to see within their eyes. Sitaram nodded his head in agreement.

He said, "Then I would like to see you people in action without us. But don't worry. It's not that we are completely going to leave you alone to deal with this red ranked monster. We will guide you people from a fair distance. So it is good for you if you people split some part of your concentration on our command."

"Got it." ,Everyone replied in unison.

"Then go." ,Sitaram shouted in an encouragement. All this time he was blocking the attacks from the red ranked monster while giving them a Consultation. Suddenly Sitaram, Gnan and Gutherson pulled themselves back.

Arjun also took a sigh of relief. In fact, he never imagined that his grandfather would become this aggressive all of a sudden. But he knew that this is all worth it. As specially his grandfather's aggressive approach has both in the eyes of all his friends. They now started to take their lives very seriously.


The Red Ranked Monster gave a loud roar. It was completely pissed at this moment. A bunch of human ants survived this long against it's might. How could it ever take it? But then it saw that those troublesome people among their bunch has pulled themselves back. Only those weak people step forward in order to face it.

The Red Ranked Monster was surprised a bit. But then it's mild in contempt. It felt that this is the biggest joke it has ever seen in its life. Even after knowing its might, the strong people pulled back while sending those weak youngsters ahead? If it wasn't equal to saying that go and pick up the food for the Red Ranked Monster than what?

But then the Red Ranked Monster became angry. If the elders put them back and sent the youngsters, then that means, these human ants are looking down at it. Or else why would they send these weak people in order to deal with it?


The Red Ranked Monster gave another loud roar in anger. It then released Massive amount of shockwave. Since that human with the shield is no longer going to participate in this, then it could kill these bunch of human ants with just its shockwave. With this intention, the Red Ranked Monster released another massive shockwaves.

But Logan and others were well prepared. This time they didn't use any auxiliary powers in order to deal with the monster. This time they dependent on their own abilities in order to deal with it.

The intensity of the shockwave was no less than the last time. In fact, it is even greater than the last time. The red ranked monster wanted to vent all its anger on them as they all looked down on it.

Where is soon the shockwave settle down. The dust also settled down. The Red Ranked Monster felt that it has taken care of these human ants. After all, it became very tough for them to stand still against it's mighty shockwaves. They were able to stand all was because of that human with the shield. But since that human no longer there, and with the addition of extra shockwaves in its attack this time, it was certain that it has taken down these human youngsters.