

This is the world where magicians are respected.. and the weak people ar doomed. Arjun Kumar our main protagonist is dsired to become the great magician but later finds that he has no "magic core" at all. Arjun didn't fell disappointed. He trains in Willpower the lengthy and time consuming way. But his fate changes when he meets a poweful Dragon named 'Magneel' who is kind to Humans and gives his power to Arjun and trains him. Join the adventures of Arjun and Magmeel who together joins in an adventures along with the interesting new characters who will be introduced in the future.

VKSS1602 · 東方
1002 Chs


If the aura coming from the Soul energy is similar to the Chaos Energy, then Arjun has a thought,

[Could it be, the Soul Energy of this Silver light is not anything different than Chaos Energy?]

[If my guess is right, then both Lord Chaos and this Soul Energy has equal status]

[If that is the case, then could it be.... The one who pose a huge threat for Lord Chaos's existence... Could it be this Soul Energy?]

[If that is the case, then it might have figured out about my existence as the future guardian for the Lord Chaos and brought me here to kill?]

[No! That's impossible! If it was the one who brought me to this place, then there was no need to wait for the damn one trillion years. It could have killed me the moment I stepped my foot in this world.]

[In fact, it could have killed me right in my own conscience. The power it showed is the proof for it.]

[There was no need for it to bring me to this place.]

[So killing me is out of the question. Then this power has another motive to bring me here.]

[But why would it make me wait for 1 trillion years?]

[And I don't even have any reply from the one who brought me here.]

[All I was doing is walk for 1 trillion years.]

[Forget it! Let's go near and see what will happen.]

Arjun made his decision and walked towards the Silver Light. As he was getting closer, the silver light which was endless in size got bigger and bigger. At the same time, the Soul Core within him was urging him to go near to the silver light. It was as if, the Soul Core has life and it found the greatest treassure of it's life.

As soon as Arjun walked inside the Silver Light, he was stunned to feel the purest ever soul energy coming out of this Silver Light. Arjun was literally stunned. He then got an idea,

[This is the purest form of Soul Energy that I have ever sensed in my life!]

[I couldn't find any exit from this damn place.]

[There is no spiritual energy for me to train either, which forced me to stay at my current cultivation level for over a trillion years.]

[After a very long time, I found something to train in at least!]

[And since I couldn't find any exit, and after over a trillion years of searching I found the purest essence to train my soul, I will train in my soul core then.]

[And even my Soul Core is behaving as if it wants to absorb the Soul Energy from this place.]

[Since I have nothing to do, let's improve the strength in the Soul Core.]

Arjun sat cross legged and entered the meditation pose. He started to do the breathing exercise. He took a deep breath and left it slowly. As he was taking the deep breath, the purest essence of the Soul; essence entered his body and merged with the Soul Core. The Soul Core started to glow in silver colour. As Arjun inhaled more energy from the Silver Light, the Soul Core started to glow more and more brightly.

Just like that after some days of training, he was totally dumbfounded with a strange phenomenon. Initially he would fill the left side of his conscience with the Dark Energy. And at the same time, he would fill his right side with the Light Energy. And once he was done with that, then he will merge both the energies into grey colour Chaos Energy which will help him advance him to the next level in the Willpower.

But right now, all his Inner Will and Light and the Darkness Energy has turned into purest form of the Chaos Energy. He never felt the Chaos Energy within him to be this pure before. And this Chaos Energy settled down at the left side of his conscience. And at the same time, the Soul Energy has settled down and at the right side of his conscience.

Arjun was completely stunned. Because this was the similar case when he always trained in the Willpower. The only difference was, he would have filled Darkness Energy in place of Chaos Energy. And he would have filled Light Energy in place of the Silver Colour Soul Energy.

Arjun was thrilled. He didn't know what was going on. But he was sure about one thing. The power he is going to wield will be countless times greater than the power of the Will Of The Universe! And he understood one thing. The Soul and the Chaos Energy are two different energies. But they both hold the equal status. And Arjun's suspicions were getting stronger and stronger. The one who was posing the threat to Lord Chaos was none other than this Soul Power. And Arjun was chosen as the potential guardian candidate for Lord Chaos and became the Will of the Universe.

Arjun took a deep breath and put all this things at the back of his head. Right now he was weak to the point of, even he considered himself to be an ant. Right now all he could do is try to merge both the Soul and the Chaos energy and see what new energy that will come out of it.

Arjun then closed his eyes and calmed himself down. He continued with his breathing exercise. After twenty years, he was successful in filling both Chaos and Soul energy in his conscience. Arjun was a little startled to see the time it took to fill both sides of his conscience. Anyhow, he was happy that he was done with filling the energies on both sides of the conscience. The only thing that left was to merge both the energies and see what will happen. Arjun was anticipating some kind of Supreme power. The power that will be much stronger than the Chaos energy that he previously had.

Arjun calmed his excitement down. He was wise enough to know that he needs to be careful while dealing with things that he don't know about. So he started to merge both the Soul and Chaos energy with utmost caution. He was cautious because of any unwanted accidents that might happen during the merging process.

But as soon as he started to merge both the energies, and when both the energies came in contact, Arjun felt as if his head is going to explode.


Arjun yelled loudly. The pain didn't stop with the headache. This unimaginable and unbearable pain spread all over his body in an instant. This pain was something Arjun never felt before. The very next moment, Arjun felt as if he wants to kill himself because of the unimaginable pain he had.