
The King of Halloween Street

Alice and her friends venture onto the infamous Halloween Street. Chaos breaks out, leaving just her and Syphron. He is a lord of Hell. Can they work through the climb to the throne? Read to find out!

Yvette_Francaise · ファンタジー
38 Chs

Chapter Fifteen: The Battle Against the Shadow


Ripping off his pants, his shirt flew onto the nearby chair.Getting on my knees, my hand stroked his hard cock. Husky groans tumbled from his lips, my lips wrapping around his thick girth. Sucking in random rhythm, his fingers dug into my hair. Moving my head to his own rhythm, my dripping turned into a flood. The dominating action made my thighs rub together, my trembling fingers sinning his balls in my palm.

"Pumpkin, you are going to make me lose control." He moaned lustfully, my sucking getting faster. "I am going to c-" Alas, it was too late. His hot seed slid down my throat, his strong arms Crawling on top of him, my lips brushed every inch of his skin. Shivering with pleasure, he flipped me over. Flashing me a wicked grin, his head rested in between my legs. Flashing me a claw, a shudder tore through my muscles the moment he ripped it off. Dangling my destroyed underwear off of his claw, my breath hitched. He really was a sexual monster. Sticking out his long black tongue, my fingers gripping the black silk sheet as his lips sucked on my swollen clit. Sucking harder, all of my breath left me. His fingers slid, his fingertips danced on my g-spot. The wet noise only grew louder, his fingers flitting in and out.

"Sy, you are going to make me lose control." I squeaked out, his sly grin meeting my quivering lips. Crawling on top of me, a collar spun on his finger. Hooking it around my neck, my thighs rubbed together the moment he yanked on the chain. Falling back onto his lap, his nimble fingers tied my wrists together. Tying the black silk rope to the headrest, my ass wiggling in the air. Being tied up felt so exhilarating, his hands cupping my ass.

"Did Ivory put you in this little number?" He whispered huskily into my ear, holding my bump. "I have to say that I am super impressed." Pulling at the ribbon, my corset crashed to the bed. Sliding his hands up to my much larger breasts, pale tissue oozing out from in between my fingers with every rough squeeze. Brushing his fangs against the nape of my neck, his hot breath bathed my face. Why did this feel so amazing? My toes curled, praying that he would bite me all over.

"When did these get so big?" He mused playfully, twisting my nipples around. "They are so soft and squishy." My lips parted to speak, an excited grin lighting up my face at the sight of a small whip to the right of me. The rougher it got, the wetter I got. His eyes flitted between me and the black leather whip, his fingers wrapping around the worn handle.

"Can you whip me?" I stammered nervously, my tongue wagging. "I like it rough. I just didn't want to tell you." A fit of laughter burst from his lips, raising it up in the air. His name burst from my lips with each crack, my hips grinding the air. A devilish grin danced across his lips, his other hand yanking the chain on the collar. Why did this feel so good? My shaking hand shoved him in, my hips grinding against his. Gruff groans tumbled from his lips, his hips dancing with mine. Still pulling on my collar, the whip cracked against my ass. Squirming each time, his nimble fingers untied the rope, a hungry growl rumbled in his throat as he flipped me over.

"Master, what are you doing?" I moaned sensually, the chain dripping in between his fingers. "I was enjoying my punishment." Flipping me over, his lips curled into a wicked grin. Picking me up by my hips, a cry of pleasure exploded from my lips as he slammed me onto his stiff cock. Yanking me close to his face, his loving gaze never left my eyes. Scarlet burned his cheeks, his finger tracing my cheek. Could this moment never end?

"Okay, servant." He growled huskily, kissing my lips hungrily. "Ride me like a cowgirl! Don't disobey your master!" My heart fluttered at his dominant orders, this side of him was so much fun. My breasts bounced up and down with every sway of my hips, our hot bodies pressing against one another. Small gasps escaped my lips, his claw tracing every inch of my tingling back. Scratching it softly, my hands were still tied. Warm blood dripped down my back, this was everything I had expected. Sitting up, he pulled my arms over his neck. Wrapping my legs around my waist, our hips dancing to the same rhythm. Brushing my fangs against his neck, his fangs brushed against my neck. Biting at the same, his hot seed filled me up. His sweet blood coated my throat, his gulps sending my nerves into a frenzy. Unable to stop, he tapped my back. Horror widened my eyes, his gentle smile relaxing me. Unsure of what just happened, a confused huh escaped my lips as I bolted from the room while throwing on a giant black sweatshirt. Sprinting down the hall, my body smashed into Renkin. Helping me back up, a curious glint twinkled in his eyes. Playing with the chain on my collar, his slender fingers untied the ropes. Chuckling lightly to himself, his rich laughter pissed me off.

"I never took you for those tendencies. Color me shocked." He joked tenderly, ruffling my hair. "Almost drink him to death?" My face paled, embarrassment burned my cheeks. Wondering how the hell he knew, my head bowed in shame. My bangs hid my eyes, a nervous grin dancing across my lips.

"Yes." I mumbled under my breath, his finger picking up my chin with his finger. "You're wearing a collar, too." Shrugging shoulders, he tossed me a brand new leather bar with scarlet ribbons. Confusion dawned on my face, his elbow hooking into mine.

"I like the same things as well, but it brings out our inner demon." He exclaimed gleefully, my fingers tracing the bright red stitching. "You just found your kink. I guess the way you enjoyed getting your ass handed to me now makes perfect sense. You don't need to feel any shame." His words were supposed to make me feel better, the awkwardness of talking about this subject with my brother-in-law throwing me off. Glancing back, Sy's handsome stole my breath away.

"Pumpkin!" Sy called, his bare feet rushing up to me. "I only tapped you to get you to stop. I am just fine. We have to go up to the surface to hang out with Dallena. It was part of the deal. Are you ready to go?" The word go was strained at the sight of a collar around his brother's neck, my boots hanging in his right hand. Laughing nervously, he snapped his fingers. Black energy swirled around us, the castle faded the living room of the funeral home. Not having a chance to say a word, Dallena crashed into my body. Sy ripped off the collar discreetly, her black Italian suit brushing against my skin. Snuggling into my neck, Sy stole my biting guard. Dragging me upstairs, Sammy crushed me with his embrace. His hugs always made me so happy, his simple joy with life warming up my soul.

"You're crushing me." I wheezed, his eyes falling on my fresh bite mark. His lips parted to speak, Darthon peeled him off of me. A black folder in his hands, dark energy swirling into the air. Accepting it cautiously, photos of a new demon hiding in the shadows taunting me. Touching one picture, shadow hands grasped at my ankles. A sudden chill stole the warmth from the air, hot breath bathing the back of my neck. Icy leathery hands wrapped around my neck, clammy sweat drenching my skin. A shadowy hand ripped my head, a shrill scream exploding from my lips at the face made of shark teeth. Black sludge oozed over my face, maggots squirming into my mouth.

"I was sent to kill you." A deep voice thundered, his fingers holding my mouth open. "I work in the shadows." A familiar hand shook my shoulder, the maggots plodding to the floor into a squirming pile. Touching my face, black sludge coated my fingers. Sinking to my knees, bruises dotted my ankles. Glancing up at Darthon, silent tears slid down my cheeks. Shivering in my spot, a bout of thunder rumbling in the sky causing me to jump out of my skin.

"What the hell was that!" I snapped hotly through a wall of tears, the maggots still wiggling in front of me. "Why did that happen?" Running his hands through his hair, a knock interrupted my minor panic attack. A bloodied boy rolled to my feet, my body tensing. A familiar voice called out to me, my vision blurring as I struggled to my feet. Wiping the sludge off of my face, my blade slid into my eager palms. As scared as I was, this wasn't acceptable.

"Come on out, little rabbit!" The deep voice coaxed cruelly, my feet heading for the door. "I have formed a bubble around your hideout which only you can walk through. I am warning you, this is a duel to the death." Holding my head up high, this was my battle to win, my blade hanging over my shoulders. This wasn't the time to be scared, the raven feathers tickling the top of my hand. Her punishment would be death, and only death.

"Fine, if it is a duel you want then you get your wish." I affirmed firmly, my nerves shaking on the inside. "I accept." A wave of energy blasted everyone back, a black dot appearing on the top of my hand, a white one appearing on his black leathery skin.

"No." Syphron cried out, Sammy holding him back. "Now one of you has to die!" His words stopped me in my tracks, my attention turning back to him. Flashing him a bright smile, silent tears streamed down my cheeks. His chest rose rapidly, a panic attack beginning. Sweet Sy! This was necessary for me to grow stronger, the purpose to protect everyone on my own.

"I better win." I chirped cheerfully, stepping out of the barrier. Black ribbons of energy swirled around my arms, twirling up my blade. Raising my sword in the attack position, he charged at me with blades in the shape of shark teeth resting in between his fingers. Dodging the attack, the tiny blades sliced up my arm. The dirt crunched underneath my bare feet, shadows attempting to catch me. Another presence stopped us both, Renkin standing calmly in between us. An official white general's suit hugged his slender frame, his long hair pulled into a ponytail. The awards sparkling on his chest glinted in the early morning sun.

"I am the referee of this duel. As the Lord of Fairness, it is my duty to serve you both." He informed the two of us coldly. "Might I ask what is on the line for you two besides your lives. Were you not going to tell her about that? I am so disappointed. Miss Alice, what would you like your prize to be?" Clearing my throat, a knowing smile dawned on my lips. Lowering my blade, it was time for me to lay down what I desired.

"I desire that attacks on this funeral home and my home are forbidden. Also I would like a month free of attacks so I can train to catch up to my peers." I offered sincerely, all of my friends waiting anxiously on the other side of the barrier. Wicked laughter rumbled from the face of shark teeth, his expression growing crazier.

"I want her soul and her blade." He growled excitedly, getting back into his attack position. "That is what I desire. I do love my trophies." Sickened by his words, my resolve only grew that much stronger. Raising his hand in the air, another wave of hot air lashed at my cheeks the moment he lowered his hand. A mysterious bell clanged, my bare feet remaining in my spot to figure out his fighting style. Crossing my arms, the heel of his foot slammed into the center of the x. A flood of his moves flashed in my mind, his style becoming clear. Knocking him back, I needed total darkness for his shadows to not work.

"Total darkness." I chanted weakly, black energy blocking out the sun. A steady stream of curse words flooded from his lips, the shadows now having nowhere to go. Blood poured from my nose, the spell already taking its toll. Renkin hovered in a red velvet chair twenty feet above us. Waving down at me, he shot me a thumbs up. Everyone was depending on me, a deep sigh pouring from my lips. Let's play. Leaping into the air, his shark tooth blades whizzing past me. Each one nicked my skin, panic gripping me as he popped up behind me. Slamming his heel into the shoulder, the crack of it breaking shattered the still air. Sy pounded on the barrier, my body flying towards the ground. Landing poorly, a tiny cry of pain escaped my lips as my bones fused back together. Well, this was new. Mouthing a silent spell, my black energy formed a rope. Bouncing off the walls of my spell, the rope attached to the wall. Standing underneath a net, my fingers snapped. The rope changed to wire, his blades whizzing through the holes. Blocking them all with ease, a frustrated roar echoed in my trap. Smashing through my net of wires, a cruel grin danced across my lips. Black sludge rained on me, pieces of his leathery skin peeling off. Clapping my hands together, wire whipped around his slumped over body which was resting for a moment. The wounds refused to heal, his mouth singing a silent spell. Terror rounded my eyes, his body shifting into copies of himself. Raising my blade, the stale air lashed at my cheeks as I sliced him down over and over again. Exhaustion tapped my shoulder, my vision blurring slightly.

"Cookie." Renkin uttered simply, all of his training slapping me in the face. Shock widened my eyes, several of his blades landing in my chest. Clutching my chest, immense pain plagued me the moment the blades began to double. Stumbling to the ground, my own blood dripped onto my hands. The black dots taunted me, his form hovering over me. Unable to rip them out, my only choice was to fight to the death in order to end his curse. His fingers began to wrap around my throat, the heel of my foot slamming into his arm. The snapping of his arm breaking broke his concentration, my time was now. Kicking him up in the air, blood poured from my eyes. Running along my wires, my speed doubled. Picturing Renkin nipping at my heels, enough was enough. My breath was stolen, a pair of black feathered wings bursting from my back. This damn demon was at my heels, his hand wrapping around my wings. Yanking me down, my blade was aimed for his mouth. Not seeing my next move, he didn't have time to dodge. The inky black blade sank further into his body, black flames dancing up my arm.

"Burn him." I wheezed darkly, an inky blackness dying my eyes. Black flames devoured his body, one last move up his sleeve. A shadow blade spun in his palm, a howl of pain bursting from my lips as he slammed it into my hand. Pushing past the pain, my strength doubled down. Saying nothing, he decayed to black ash. The darkness began to crumble, the blades not disappearing in my chest. Crashing towards the ground, the wires faded to nothing. Leaving me with no choice, my trembling hands aimed the tip towards the loose dirt. Bracing for impact, a shrill scream shattered the morning peace, the impact shattering my left arm. Flopping to the ground, the blades in my chest faded away. The damage was done, blood pouring profusely from my chest. My blade disappeared in a flurry of feathers, my fingers digging into the dirt. Coughing up an unnatural amount of blood, Sy rushed to my side. Quivering in my spot, my whole body ached. Collapsing onto his lap, a frustrated scream caused everyone to step back.

"Why do you have to do things like this!" He demanded brokenly, his teardrops crashing onto my face. "I can't lose you." Dallena landed next to us gracefully, several potions in her hands. Pouring them onto my wounds, nothing was working. Renkin shoved her aside, a needle full of black liquid glistening in between his ring finger and thumb. Jamming it into my chest, my wounds sealed shut. Taking in a sharp breath of air, a dry thirst haunted me. Unable to see through my black eyes, the world was red. Jumping on top of Dallena, any resemblance of my normal left no longer left. Sinking my fangs into her neck, her petite body twitching underneath my merely impossible strength. Sammy knocked me to the ground, pinning me down. The heel of my foot slammed into his chest, the sharp crack of all his ribs breaking only causing me to sink further into my madness. Sy crashed into me, only his strength able to keep me down. Banging my fists into his chest, his ribs shattering a bit with each punch. Fighting the urge to kill him, my claws extended from my fingernails. Gliding them through his chest, his blood rained onto my face. Ripping them out, his black blood painted my face. Clutching me close to his chest, my claws ripped at his back.

"Pumpkin, think of the day we first met." He wheezed, black pouring from his loving smile. "Wasn't it snowing? Did we not press our palms together on that beautiful winter day?" His words sank through, my eyes returning to normal. His magic level surpassed mine, his wounds scarring over. Collapsing into his chest, a fresh wave of tears flooded from my eyes. Gripping up his torn black t-shirt, his arms wrapped around my shoulders.

"I am so sorry!" I cried out, my voice cracking."I am sorry that I hurt you. I am sorry. I am so sorry." Dallena sat up, a crooked grin on her lips. One of her eyes was now ruby, her lips now black. Confusion dawned on my face, wicked laughter tumbling from her lips.

"I forgot to tell you that my mother was a demon." She pointed out gleefully, sticking out her tongue. "It appears that you broke my illusion." Rage seethed in my eyes, my bare feet pounded towards her. Flipping her onto the back, my hand pinned her face to the ground.

"I thought I fucking killed you!" I shouted venomously, Sammy groaning a couple of feet away from me. "Next time don't hide that shit!" Ripping her out from underneath me, my arms clutched her close to my chest. Smiling with a goofy look, Sammy cracked his neck to mask his ribs healing back to their original shape. Gross, why did bones have to snap back together so loudly?

"I love you, Dally." I admitted playfully, her smile never left her face. "You best friend a girl could have. I am so happy." Tears of joy soaked the top of her head, the feeling of warmth caused sweet slumber to sweep me away.