

It was a shiny evening Chris was sitting in his living room watching the television when his friend got in without a knock!! His friend was called Peter,,

Chris; hey bro,, watsap,,why didn't you even knock? you got me scared you know!!

Peter; calm down my friend,,you are always complaining when I come in without knocking,,relax,,I have some good news for you!!

Chris;( jumps up ready to hear the good news!!)yes!!I knew it!!tell me Peter!!

Peter; relax,, first sit down because I don't know if you will accept the news or you will be reluctant!!

Chris; you know I can never be reluctant of anything you tell me,,now tell me let me hear it!!

Peter;ok,it's like this,,me and my other friends have decided to go and visit the world's largest forest,,Amazon!and as a good friend of you,,I decided to involve you to see whether you will accept or no!!

Chris; of course you know I can never refuse to travel anywhere with you!so for I have already accepted!!.....