
Mr. Brights Plan, Unexpected Visitor? Mommy, Is That You?

(POV: Dr. Bright)

[Location: Site 001]

After using my trusty anomalous pointer to teleport my way inside of this facility as a secret technique to ignore security protocols that this specific site uses for checking people in... Even if the higher-ups have "allowed" me to use SCP-6820, I don't really trust the process of the other operatives that run this site... And I still don't know how my pointer actually worked on the first try, but it is what it is... Now off to find that elevator, and hope that it's not the type that would take me to the backrooms...





(3rd POV)

With Dr. Bright's use of SCP-2719 on SCP-6820 in conjunction to create a wavelength for finding the primary source of the new anomaly, now classified as SCP-00000, Dr. Bright wanted to prepare even more. From what the O5 council said vaguely and with SCP-343's insight, this anomaly was, from his point of view, an apex predator that restricts all conceptual ideas from gaining forms within the infosphere.

This new entity seems more helpful to the foundation for containing that 5th dimension, but one thing that bothered him a bit was what happened to Yellowstone Park.

From what he found in the park's earlier documents, there was already a pre-established anomaly of a social colony of spiders that had been wiped out from their habitat and had their environment formed into something close to chaotic. Yet, that chaos had an oddly underlying order to it all.

It made no sense at all and that would further his interest in the newly established anomaly, but Dr. Bright also hoped that whoever was in charge of containing that park was highly competent.

(A/n: Yeah, you should worry more about yourself there, buddy, Mr. Gears has it all handled.....)

Dr. Bright even tried connecting the dots with the spiders in the park. The entity from who knows where being physically similar in some ways, added with the fact that it caused some form of order to appear in an orderless dimension, would equate to this entity as a notion of stasis. Yet, it could simply cause so much chaos within an instant of appearing out of nowhere... 

Yet, his thoughts were abruptly stopped as he found the elevator to the underground base, "Well, holy shit... this should be the right elevator to the underground base... I hope." Dr. Bright began to clasp his hands, closed his eyes, and gave himself a prayer of not being transported to the backrooms again.

He swiped the card key 'that he didn't steal' for the elevator, and it opened. Dr. Bright squinted his eyes a bit as he looked at the interior of the elevator with doubt. "Huuuuh.... This doesn't look like a no-clip area to the backrooms, and yet, if this were the elevator that sends me there, then the anomaly that the O5 is worried about wouldn't be my problem anymore..." 

Dr. Bright didn't even hesitate and dived into the elevator, now wanting to be transported away from Earth. His head met first into the back of the elevator, fully expecting something to happen, but to his utter dismay, his face was smashed into the metal of the interior, and he flopped face down to the floor... Now he's just lying there on the floor in pain as he was bleeding from the head down, and the Doctor, who crawled to his knees and hands, yelled out profanities like nobody's business.

"GOD DAMN DYKE LICKING PUSSY ASS BITCH CUNT JESUS IN SHIT WHO WEPT ON THE FUCKING CROSS LITTLE KIKEY PIGGY ASS FUCKER OF A SLUT OF A SPASTIC WH*RE!!!! IF I HAD 500 DOLLARS, I WOULD DROP IT ON THE FLOOR IN AN ALLEYWAY AND WATCH TWO BROKE WANKERS FIGHT FOR IT!!!!!" After his outburst, he was breathing heavily, now regretting that little prayer from before, as he took one final breath and stood back up.

"Okay now, *Sigh* I'm alright. It's time to go down to the lower areas to find SCP-6820. I'm actually lucky that all of the guards have been posted somewhere else because of the new anomaly in the fray. It would have been embarrassing if somebody saw me yelling like that. What Dr. Bright forgot, because of his embarrassment, was that all of that was recorded in the camera in the elevator...






(POV: True Maximus Adolf- Supernal Realm)

There is a formless mockery of order that floats in the middle of his creation, in his realm of purple webbing that infinitely expands beyond the boundaries for those to bear witness as the webs hold together new creations that have yet to spring forth. The newly transformed spirit floats from within its cocoon as an Akashic record, recording the technological advances of the realm that this spider was connected to... That's right, while one of his manifestations is webbing up the infosphere, our boy here became a neet, I mean a studious chap looking into the sciences of what the Earth of this realm has to offer.

Until he felt something he hadn't felt before from his original mother... It appeared in the Supernal realm of all things, and as a curious fella, he went to find where this new aura fell into his realm.

Within the blink of an eye, his giant metaphysical body blurred out of existence like teleportation. He moved on above the target and saw a site he had never expected in the first place. It was a lady with silver hair whom he had never met before in his entire life, from then to now, and yet it was like a connection he wished he had from when he was human. He accidentally blurted out something he never really called his original mother as a human.

"Mommy, is that you?" Max immediately went brain-dead after saying that, cringing internally. The woman in question widened her eyes in surprise upon hearing him and then smiled, jolting Max from his brain-dead state. Now, he didn't know if he should laugh or cry, but he was more confused until he had an idea of who this woman was, and she spoke up.

"Of course, it's your mommy, deary~ I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you at your birth, as it was a bit away from my world, and I was in a deep sleep~ Your mommy has grown quite a bit weak because of your three other siblings, but I am more confused on how you were born though? But that doesn't matter!! You might not fit in with my other three children because of how they balance existence, but that doesn't mean I won't love you the same~ 💚" Her words had told Maximus everything, so he also spoke to her, albeit confused.

"You're Gaia, right?" His guess made her smile bloom even wider.

"Of course, it is, sweety!!! But I need to give you a name, though, as you remind me of your sister, Vishnu, more popularly known as The Weaver... That's it!! Your name shall be Indra!! The Veiler should be a decent nickname, as you are different from those three. The nickname should start with a V instead of a W... Do you like the name?" Gaia looked a bit saddened at the end, making Max, who hasn't felt love and affection till now, tell her in desperation.

"No, No, No!!?!? The name's perfect for me!!!" Maximus said. He was planning to change his name anyway, and Gaia helped him out big time with a new name, but he might keep Adolf just because. Maximus, now Indra, transformed into a more bipedal form to comfort her, as he didn't want to make her feel sad.

As Indra got closer to Gaia, as he was now down to her size, she hugged him and said to Indra, "Ahhh~ my little Indra~ I might not be able to see you again for a bit, but when you have the chance, please visit me!! You seem to be the least insane out of those three; they are literally trying to kill me!!!"

(A/n: She's not joking at all about that... but our spider boy isn't far off from the insanity allegations.)

Indra patted her head, slowly drained from her excitement. He smiled a little and told her, "Sure... I'll visit you when my bucket list is complete." He said this while being unsure if he would even want to go. Gaia softly smiled at his response, having Indra going to war in his mind about seeing her smile.

"That's all I wanted to hear~" She disappeared back to her original place.

Maximus, or now Indra: The Veiler, stood in place as he looked up at the sky with a blank stare and chuckled slowly, and that chuckle grew into a cackle.

"He-he-he HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHĤ̶̡̼̓̄̓̌͂̀̎͘̕͜͜͝H̶̢̫̱͓̼̗͙̺̯͇͍̞͕͉͈̳͓̿̕A̸̢̝̮͍͍͎̭͊̊̄͜͜ͅH̶̢̨̛̠̥͙̙̱̟̝̰̬͖͚̍̅͑̄̽̾͆͊͘͠A̵̡̨̮̮̬͔̟̥̙̥͕͚̭͓̪̲̽H̵̢̯̓͋̊̽̎̄͒̅Ḧ̷̢̜̥͎̯͉͙̰̱͎̥͓͓́͋͐̀͗͜Ḁ̵̡̫̤̙̘̩̳̖̙̱̞̩̥̂͛̎̈́͊̃̚͝͝ͅH̴̛̳͚̯̲̘̖̞̘̜̖͇͕͆̃Ą̸̜̤̖͍̟̲̦̿̈̐̋́̏̽̐͘͜͝ͅ!!!!" His laugh echoed through his realm as his aura began to expand even further out, he slowly reeled himself into a calming demeanor as he sighed.

"*Sigh* So that's what motherly love is... That felt euphoric... But I have my commitment right now, and when that is done... I guess I'll see you again... Mom..." With his declaration, he felt something tapped just outside of his realm: Indra, who had eyes outside of said realm, widened his eyes to see a doctor in a space suit, with the only thing that Indra had to say.

"Why the fuck is he here?" 






(A/n: Have a nice day 😴)
