
The Journey Of The Weaving Chaos Through Eternity

Maximus Adolf, a seemingly ‘normal’ person who was felled by a horrible tragedy, gains a second chance to become something better and live the life he desires through an eccentric ROB who has the mental stability of a goldfish. Will our main character finally develop to be better, or will he let the rot consume him and sow chaos? Yeah, Adolf’s going to be a menace. First World SCP (A/n: Make sure to give a review.....) Also warning: some chapters will be edgy. And PS, the book cover is not mine.

Saptarasura · その他
30 Chs

Birth Of An Anomaly, And Genocide upon Ye Arachnid Commies

[RECAP from 1st chapter: Maximus dies from a banana peel that was in front of his apartment door, had to stay in complete darkness alone for an inhumanly long time, causing his sanity to drop, and suddenly some random being popped up in its green aura covering up the void, causing even more distress for Maximus, and there he would gain three wishes as he was left traumatized by the whole ordeal.]


(True Realm Of ?????????)

Through a process of change, Its transformation went through a constant, ᏒᏋᏰᎥᏒᏖᏂ and a plethora of energy that was leaking out of what was considered nothing but void Morphing into a purplish hellscape that will be ᏂᎥᏕ ภєฬ ђ๏๓є.

This purplish ʍǟռɨʄɛֆȶǟȶɨօռ was shifting around through that was just a void like webs in a cog wheel trapping parts of creation, that now only stood as a corrupted cacophony as the seemingly sentient energy completed its task, leaving a vibrant scenery with mirrored dimensions of a wasteland that can only represent both chaos and order.

What beyond that stood a creature that was the source of this twisted m̴̺̳͎͓̈́͝õ̵̡̱̘͍̦͓̲̣̍͐̈́̕͜c̷̢̡̛͖͍̠̱̤̈́̄̿̿̊̏̈̕ͅk̵̼̥͒̿e̴̛̪̩̔͊̆̋͆̀̀r̵̛̳̝͙͈͓̱̲̲͈͂̅͆̅y̴̢͆̊̏͠͝ of what it called as ₵ⱤɆ₳₮łØ₦, a being known as ₳₴₳Ɽ… THE TORMENTED ORDER or Maximus...

And Maximus had unknowingly caused a disturbance that surged through the fabric of existence itself and curiosity from an Auntie Spider herself.

"Finally, I haffe fully Hadabted to mein new body." With everything that Maximus has become, the weirdest change is probably his German accent. A minute after you were an American, why the hell do you have a German dialect??

"Vith zis new found power I schall test it on zomezing mvhahaahahh, *COUGH* hm, had something in my… throat? I have a throat? Oh wait a minute where was I? Oh YEAH?!?!" Maximus said while butchering his German inflection.

"Now, let's zee. Hmmm, WHAT is this freaking unthinkable ABOMINATION!!! A bunch of DAMNABLE spiders that have the gall to lead Marxist communism!!!!!! Those poor heathens will face their judgment for being DAMN COMMIES!" the raging current was the only thing that could be felt throughout the entire dimension. Still, it was controlled sufficiently enough for it not to leak out of the domain toward those spiders that led a Marxist government… and worst of all, even forgetting his butchered accent when focusing on those spiders.

"Nein, nein, nein, nein, those spiders shan't be given a quick and painless cessation. I want to give them something more… єאђเɭคгคՇเภﻮ!" whatever plans Maximus is concocting will only mean that he had finally found his new playthings who never even had done anything and yet still found out.

(general pov: the rest of existence)

When he was concocting his masterful machinations for his new toys, everything else was in disarray. At the same time, a few other beings were baffled by this presence as it felt familiar. Yet, its existence felt entirely demented as what should be known as order turned into something opposing, a paradox that felt unsettling.

Yet, it was an impossibility for there to be a second of the same concept, and with that concept was a new Etherspace that had been corrupted beyond belief just on the other side of the veil mirroring the weaver's creation.… well, other than that the rest of all felt pure unadulterated dread.

Those who were merely outside of its boundary were annihilated by the pressure that was being radiated.

(POV: The O5 councils emergency meeting [REDACTED], Nevada)

When the birth of the new spider was causing unrest and fear towards the entire planet of Earth and its inhabitants, the SCP foundation was in a scramble to find out the readings of the energy signature as it also caused unrest throughout the entirety of the noosphere, it was only a miracle that the earth didn't face any global disaster.

In the hidden compounds where the SCP location is located somewhere in Nevada was an Emergency meeting between the O5 council and two of their most trusted scientists to decide what course of action would be taken for the sake of humanity.

(A/n: About that..... I wouldn't trust Dr. Bright, but Dr. Gears is the goat.)

In a dark room with the lighting shining down in the middle a table curved into a circle showing an opening, behind the table were numbers ranging from 1 through 13 symbolizing the entirety of the O5 council all of them could barely be seen in with the lighting

O5 Council: We have been briefed that there is a potential world-ending threat just right outside of the noosphere and we have assembled you two to help figure out what's going on... This is genuinely the most dangerous anomaly we have ever come across, and Dr Bright..... We are allowing you to use everything at your disposal in order to figure out what this Anomaly is....

For the first time ever Dr. Bright has never heard the O5 council allow him to use everything he had even with other world-ending threats which made him even more curious about whatever it was that caused so much chaos across the world, and he couldn't be anymore happier with what they said as this will be fun.

O5 Council: Also Dr. Gears will be the one to keep you in line if you truly do go way too far and make the situation worse.

All of Dr. Bright's newfound happiness died just like that, and he yelled out for the unfairness of the situation, he almost wanted to immediately flip them off but held on to just yelling.

"Oh- COME ON!!!!! I WAS THIS CLOSE TO ENJOYING MY DAY TOO!!!!! WHAT ABOUT TRYING TO USE THE STOCK EXCHANGE IN FREAKING NEW JERSEY!!!! CAN YOU LET ME DO THAT AT LEAST!!!!" Dr. Bright's outburst caused the council to remain silent till O5-1 spoke up.

"Seriously Dr. Bright? If it were almost any other problem, then I would have even allowed it for once, but the anomaly that is causing trouble had literally shaken the entire infosphere…

Not just the noosphere or even the anti-noosphere, and again Dr. Bright, I cannot stretch this any further as doing so will only be pointless… But please take this seriously." Dr. Bright clicked his tongue hearing O5-1 but begrudgingly said to him.

"Either SCP-343 from site 17 can help give me a bit of info, or I can use SCP-6820 from your subterranean facility underneath site-01… I already have a list with me for any anomalies I could acquire information from if the first two don't work." O5-1 only sighed while the rest of the members remained silent, hearing Dr. Bright's demands was actually doable for once.

O5-1 spoke as the representative, "Of course Dr. Bright… I can let you use both of the anomalies to the best of your abilities to find out whatever we are facing… The timeline that is set will be two weeks, and please do not screw this up like the last apollyon threat. Because at any time this one is the closest to an actual apocalypse on an omni scale…" Dr. Bright went a bit numb hearing his last sentence, The Scarlet king was a problem, but at least that entity was easier to forecast, and could be outright ignored to be contained.

"Umm… well now, I guess I'll start with SCP-343…" Dr. Bright immediately left the meeting to his makeshift office to ready his homemade transporter.

After he left, it was O5-2 who spoke, "Has the Department of Reality found anything, O5-1?" The answer was an astounding no.

"I'm afraid not… From one of the overseers of the noosphere, it was stated that something was calcifying and even distorting around the noosphere, making the data from their artificial intelligence obsolete at this moment…" The room then on was filled with complete silence.






"Did the Administrator find something? We haven't heard from him ever since this new entity showed up." O5-6 spoke up during the long pause, asking O5-1 about the unknown boss of their company, O5-1 shook his head and conveyed how screwed up everything was at the moment.

"When the Anomaly had seemingly spawned out of nowhere, all status of our administrator had disappeared at the same time… Our administrator probably tried to get close but something happened that was out of his control…

I honestly hope that this anomaly is just a prankster type… if not then we might as well try to release every single anomaly in every single containment, including The Scarlet one." all of the O5 council were completely shocked hearing O5-1's desperate plan, but their shock was short-lived as they began to resign to whatever fate has planned, with one of the council members chugging a bottle of rum from underneath his desk.

(Maximus Adolf - POV: 3rd)

[Personal Distorted Supernal realm]

The now, grotesque aberration that was the size of his mother - I mean of incalculable proportions finished what he was planning to accomplish, and he willed a tiny orb in front of his needle-like appendages and let out a sickening toothy grin that was disgustingly cartoonish and blasted outside of his realm, and that "tiny" ball he underestimated blasted off to some National park all because a spider boy wanted to do some midnight "trolling."

([REDACTED] National Park)

SCP-1006 is an organized collective of an unknown species of the genus Araneus. Individual members have achieved sapience through unknown means and have established a rudimentary system of government resembling Marxist communism.

SCP-1006 is contained within a 213m radius and any relocation of SCP-1006 is strongly discouraged due to the fragility of individual members and their sensitivity to habitat changes.

And sadly this peaceful civilization of spiders will have to face an unexpected end because they are still communists, and their end will be caused by a one-sided massacre.

As we can see the main protagonist was a leader of their lovely spider-kind named brusha commie, and as a leader, she did her best to keep her brood satisfied with the help of the humans in the area, and one day she saw a bright purple light in the sky.

It was mesmerizing to look at, until it kept getting bigger and bigger until she realized it was too late as the light which was the size of the entire national park imploded on impact with the countless screams from the poor spiders that only wanted to live as a community… And it caused so much more destruction to the surface killing off whatever civilians and SCP members that were a the proximity of the random blast of energy.

*SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!* The scream couldn't be given attention to at all as their entire species were wiped from the planet, with Max, the incinerator looked at the destruction with point-blank confusion.

"That… wasn't supposed to happen… that ball was supposed to possess one of them and then I would cause chaos like a game controller… Well nevermind that I'm more annoyed with how these concepts are moving around just outside of my realm, imma just constrict those with mah webs." Maximus Adolf and his OCD brain stopped caring about the spiders he glassed and moved to the volatile infosphere to trap it into his own realm... I wonder how big of a problem that will cause…

(A/n: Maximus the sociopath strikes again. 🗣💀💀💀)