
The Journey Of Chasing After The Transmigrated Straight Shou

"Bidziil! How can you be so brazen? You dared to propose to young master Inti in front of the whole crowd? Have you gone crazy?" Warrick, Bidziil's elder brother, yelled at Bidziil exasperatedly. Bidziil furrowed his brows in bewilderment; no matter how he contemplated, he couldn't understand what was happening. "What?" Warrick sneered at the boy's actions. "Did you regret it? Or you're still relishing the feeling..." "Excuse me, please. Who are you?" Synopsis later. let's just use this. Not a historical setting novel COVER NOT MINE. CREDIT TO THE OWNER

Rosel_Ly · LGBT+
19 Chs

The Bet

"You solved it nicely." Caesar threw his hand around Bidziil's shoulder and led him toward the back row with a smirk on his face, "I didn't expect you to clarify, I thought you lost your memory? It seems you didn't, huh? Hide quite well." Caesar mumbled, which made Bidziil arch his brows lazily.

"Clarify what?" He spat and sat on his seat and Caesar next to him.

Originally, the previous host would rather choose to sit alone, with his friends or dream of sitting next to Inti so basically, Bidziil was sitting alone but with Caesar by his side now.

Kendrick sat on the table nonchalantly and began to explain everything to Bidziil.

It turns out that a month before the test, Bidziil had gone to Inti to get his attention. Ahem, make a bet.

As the person in charge of taking the last position, the previous host had promised to study hard and not take the last position during the test and if he did, he would stop chasing after Inti but if he didn't, Inti would accept him as a seat partner for the term.

However, Inti had given him an unperturbed gaze after seeing his messy hair and bad choice of clothing, but the silly host had believed that Inti's gaze meant his affirmation, so he had publicized it and swore not to take his last position.

Bidziil's eyes widened in disbelief. He had only meant to clarify an issue, but after hearing Kendrick's explanation, his head was about to blow up. "Why didn't you tell me?" He ruffled his hair and stared at the three in grievances. Now everyone will think he's scheming and doesn't mean what he promised.

The three gave him a lazy gaze and were about to reply to him, but before they could, Bidziil's phone began to buzz repeatedly. Not only his, but the three also did.

Bidziil quickly removed his phone from his pocket and unlocked it with his new pin.

He saw that the message was from the school forum, so he tapped on it.

'Big news. Shocking revelation.'

'The mystery behind Bidziil's sudden change.'

'Inti & Bidziil. The blooming love between two enemies.'

'The grand scheme: how Bidziil planned to capture Inti's heart with a new scheme.'

'New look. New act. New memories. New love chasing. Inti, please look at me.'

The list of post topics about Bidziil almost made him lose it. He had just explained himself, but it had quickly arrived in the school forum. In a blink of an eye, ah?

Where's that octopus? In a school where the students should be busy studying, they're making catchy headlines like new reports, spreading fake news, where's justice for the innocent him? Where's octopus giving him justice, Ah?

In his previous world, his school had always gone with strictness, and ridiculousness like this would certainly not be allowed! Ahem, just a tiny bit.

Bidziil grudgingly tapped on one of the news, and it goes this way:

'Ever wonder why our shameless and lovestruck Classmate Bidziil changed in a morning? I'm also curious about this tremendous change, and for that, I have gone on a journey to find out the details of the massive change. And because I'm someone with a good heart, I'll take you on this beautiful journey with me.

Bidziil almost bawled at the cringy post; Just what the hell is this? But looking at the right part of the post, his eyes almost popped open at the number of likes and comments.

Hmph! He's the only one sane, so he won't argue with them.

'Early this morning, unlike before, Bidziil arrived early which had never happened before in a new style (neatly dressed in the school uniform, hair dyed to black unlike his bushy and unique style, and black limited edition boots unlike those tailor-made shoes of his) which left everyone gaping about how cool he is. Even his black students' clique set a firework to welcome him, and it made everyone interested in what was going on.

Unknown to us that it was a perfect plan to trigger Octopus's arrival and in that minute, Bidziil fell into Inti's embrace.'

Accompanying the post was a picture of Bidziil and Inti's beautiful collision.

Such a scheme upgrade. Classmate Bidziil had finally learned how to stop holding back. Basically, he threw himself in his crush's embrace: Daddy, please hold me!

(….) Innocent Bidziil. Just where is the Justice for him? He was innocent, ah! So innocent!

After that sentence was a set of exaggerations that made Bidziil cringe.

Bidziil quickly closed the post and scrolled down to another post, but in a few seconds, he froze immediately.

It turns out that all his clarification in the class was secretly captured by someone, and it was uploaded on the forum with exaggerated posts.

'In this beautiful, roller-coasting morning, classmate Bidziil had come out in the class to claim a change of heart. Even explained to us that he lost his memories and likes girls! And how he'll take his studies seriously from now on.

Even promising not to chase after Inti: good news for the girls, isn't it? Unfortunately, No!

Because this is a way to capture Inti's attention after knowing that he'll be scoring the last position.

As we all know, Bidziil will forever chase after Inti…

"BULLSHIT!" Bidziil suddenly yelled, which shocked everyone in the class, including the teacher who had just arrived in the class.

"Incredible. A new curse to welcome me, isn't it?" The female teacher, Mrs. Anna, who had just entered the class was a lady in her forties and she had a strict expression on her face. Her strict expression made Bidziil shrink back.

Bidziil quickly waved his hands, "Ahem. No. No teacher. It's not directed to you. It's just some shocking things that caught my attention." Bidziil quickly reverted to an honorable and serious expression, which made her snort.

However, she didn't raise the topic any longer. Instead, she handed a batch of papers to a student, who began to share it with the class members.

"According to the rule, we'll be changing the seat partners today. The last will be sitting with the person who took the first position until it's all sorted out." Mrs. Anna explained, and everyone's gaze indirectly fell onto Bidziil and Inti.

It's a known thing that Bidziil had always taken the last position, while Inti had always taken the first. However, Inti always refuses Bidziil from sitting next to him, and as the male lead with a mysterious background, who can go against him? None.

Bidziil's eyes dilated in horror upon hearing the teacher's words. He definitely didn't want to sit with that archenemy of his. Never! That's the biggest punishment ever.

Bidziil turned to Caesar who was sitting next to him and asked in a hushed, shaky whisper, "What position do you think I'm taking?"

"The last, like always." Caesar cut straight to the chase, waking Bidziil up before he could submerge himself into an illusion.

(….) Bidziil's eyes widened in horror.

Bidziil bit his lower lips distressed, quickly shut his eyes, and began to do what he knows how to do best. 'Heaven, Inti and I are sworn enemies. Never in this lifetime do I want to relate with him. Never, so please, I don't want to take the last position…'

"Classmate Bidziil, can you take your test sheet?" The person who was sharing the sheet suddenly said, which interrupted his prayer.

Bidziil quickly snapped out of it and his heart fell in disgust and annoyance. This is simply a blow to his genius name. What hell of a score is this? Except for having Inti in his head, what does that host know? Aiya, he just wants to return to his world!

In a few seconds, the sheets had been shared so Mrs. Anna continued, "In this term test, the first position belongs to Young Master Inti like always and the last position goes to…"

Bidziil's heart began to pound. His eyes were stuck to the teacher's lips intently as he waited for her to decide his fate.

'Alert. Alert. Host be calm. There's no new vessel.'

(…) 'Shut up, I know what I'm doing.' Bidziil scowled at the poor system, but still pinched himself to calm down.

"Kendrick." The teacher revealed, which made Bidziil heave a sigh in relief.

Immediately, he broke into a joyful grin, his hands waving in the air. "Great, I don't have to…" However, before he could complete his words, multiple eyes landed on him, which made his eyes widen.

A thought suddenly pervades his mind: The Bet!

In the gaze that fell on him, Bidziil could see that everyone was thinking that Bidziil and Kendrick had planned it so Bidziil could sit next to Inti.

(...) The innocent Bidziil: Just kill him, ah!