
The Journey of a Fateless Guardian - Abomination; SOS 2

The Fateless; are extraordinary creatures born without the concept of death, when the infinite dimensional celestials; The Abomination, stumble upon Henry Shéng; A former track athlete forced into retirement from an on track injury, they decide to make him into a guardian who protects worlds against fallen Angels, demons and even Gods. This is an epic about the adventures of the Fateless Guardian as he battles his way through several trials and tribulations in order to defeat the Fallen, and become the most distinguished Guardian in the Universe!

St_Adam · ファンタジー
21 Chs




'At the sight of this terror, I can only shudder

Who let loose the archaic monster?

His goal is none but to turn us to fodder

Kill our families, mother and brother,

he is the one who has come to conquer'

Upon seeing the man clad in all black, my body erupted with anger as I lunged towards him, in one swift movement, I was down. I quickly stood back up as I threw a straight at him, only to realize he was no longer in front of me.

"Brother, it's been a while", he bubbly said from behind me as I quickly turned around and dashed towards him, once again, without even being able to react he cleanly dodged my attack.

"I guess I'll have to calm you a bit before we can talk huh?", he said as he landed a chop on my neck, causing me to pass out.


I woke up to the fresh morning and an uncomfortable feeling of Déjà vu. The man, clad in black stood in front of a tree just a few feet away from me as he chewed down on an apple as big as his fist.

As I observed the man, eyeing him from head to toe, even though I didn't know why he appeared in my vision that day in the cage, from the minute his image appeared in my head till now that he's in front of me I could only think of one thing as I continued to stare at him.

'This guy was beautiful',

His hair was dark and tied up so it looked like a horse tail from behind, he had a slender figure on his six-foot three-inch frame and a body that was very well built. His eyes were flaming red with a dash of blue that made it look like he had liquid flames in his eyes with just the perfect eyebrows donning over them, his skin was caramel colored, his hands were slender and beautiful, his lips; velvet pink, his nose was large and pointed and his face was small and slender; almost feminine. This man was so beautiful, it was almost hypnotizing.

I quickly snapped myself back to reality as I sat down and asked,

"Before anything else, why did you call me 'brother'?"

"Well, that's because we're both fateless and very soon we'll both be guardians", he answered in a tone that suggested that I was supposed to have known that already.

"Oh wait, you don't remember any of it, do you?", he questioned, as he approached me with an inquisitive look on his face, "Kritic, Diablo, The Abomination…none of it?"

"No, I don't," I replied with a stern look on my face, "I don't even remember my own name."

"Oh, well then, that explains why you're so weak even though you've ben here for 120 years with two fallen sealed in you".

"What?!" I quickly rebutted as I tried to process what he just said, "What do you mean, sealed inside me?"

"Well, I'm sorry but I can't tell you that", he paused as he stared deeply at me, obviously concerned "Listen, Henry, I'm really really sorry at what's about to happen to you."

Those were the last words I heard from him before something I passed out.


I woke up to the smell of burning flesh as I turned around to see the biggest horror of my life; the entire terrain was filled with blue flames, no, it was the entire planet!

I quickly ran to our territory to make sure that my family was okay, but when I got there, they weren't there anymore, their bodies were, but their souls weren't.

I broke down to my knees in front of the charcoaled bodies of my family as tears rained down my eyes, everywhere around me were dead burning bodies of the people who I cared about. Everyone was dead and for a reason I didn't even know about. All I could think of was about how confused and in pain they were before their death, how much they just have looked for me in hope that I could save them or that we could at least be together in their final moments.

Just like in the cage, the only think that came to my head were images of those bastards from before! I looked up to see the man clad in black floating up in the air, his hands spread out like he was a God and his eyes had not a single tinge of emotion to them, those beautiful eyes were the same color as the blue flames that killed all my people.

"WHYYYYYYYY!" I roared at him "WHY, WHAT DID I DO WRONG, WHAT DID THEY DO WRONG TO DESERVE THIS, WHYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!" I roared out as my eyes shed tears of blood, my entire body; shivering and my head spinning.

The man, clad in black tilted his head to the side as he looked down on me with pity,

"The first test, 'Energy and Life' has been completed" he calmly said in an emotionless voice,

"Now, its time for the second; 'Energy and Death'. As a guardian, your goal is the protection of life on the *worlds* in a *zone*, so, what happens if that world dies under your protection?" he continued once again, in an emotionless voice.

"It's simple, you revive it. The planet and all the life on it, you revive it", the man finished as he soon disappeared from the skies.

I contemplated heavily over his words as my tears now dropped from my face effortlessly. Quickly, I put my hands on the ground as I channeled pure energy from my arms in the floor…I tried to feel the planet, its heart, its veins, its life, as my energy endlessly poured throughout the planet, quenching the flames and restoring the burnt plants, I began to feel life in its true form as everything became connected to me and a pure white glow of aura surrounded me and then, soon after, the planet as a whole, as everything began to go back to the way it was. My eyes were closed and I could feel my energy just about to reach the heart of the planet; its core. And just then, just before my energy connected with the planet, I remembered the words from the man, clad in black

'The first test. The second test'

'This was a fucking test?! if that it all this is, then why am I even doing this, for what reason was I going through all this knowing that this was simply one of many tests that were to come. If I was the reason for the death of everyone I knew, even if I were to revive them now, what is the guarantee that this was going to be the last test? What was the guarantee that this was not all just an illusion?....I mean, why was I even here, what was I even doing here. I didn't even know who I fucking was or where I came from or if I had a family somewhere that I had abandoned…If I didn't even know who I was, then, what was the use of it all.' I thought to myself as my energy finally reached the core.

I tilted my head backwards as power swarmed through me as I felt things that I didn't know where possible, but it was already too late for me. I looked around to see everything had been revived as I lunged my head backwards in pure despair and turned right to face my now revived family,

"Fuck it, I give up". I said as I tilted my head backwards again and commanded



I opened my eyes to the void around me as pieces of the planet had been scattered in the cold void of space, I could feel the heat of the sun coddling me from millions of miles away as I turned around to see the man clad in black beside me.

"Kane." I uttered.

"You remember, huh?" he asked,

"No, I just remembered your name." I told him as he slowly nodded his head in affirmation before once again looking at me with those void, condescending eyes,

"Henry, you failed."

"Huh, I guess I did?" I sarcastically replied,

"The third test, 'The transcending purge' will begin soon, and because you failed this test, what should be easy, would be millions of years of suffering for you." He said with pity, as my eyes widened with fear.

"Bu-bu- BUT I FAILED THE TEST, BUT I KILLED EVERYTHING!", I screamed at him with everything I had. I quickly understood that I had fucked up, as I covered my hand in pure energy and attempted stabbing myself in the heart, only for my arm to be reflected back by my uselessly strong body.

"Please, enough, please, I beg you…just kill me...please," I shamelessly begged him, as the expression on his face simply remained, empty.

He looked at me and then snapped his fingers,



I opened my eyes, in what felt like my daily routine at this point….to darkness.

My body felt, nothing as I tried using pure energy, but to no avail.

I suddenly felt something brush passed me as I shuddered and turned towards it.

And then came another, and then another, just ever slightly brushing up against me as I turned round and round to try to figure out where it was coming from.

"Hey, you," A voice said in the darkness as I felt goosebumps across my body, my brain recognized the voice, there was no doubt that that was definitely my voice.

Suddenly, a light shone, to reveal a completely neon black room, kind of like a cube, the floors were translucent like a mirror as it reflected my own image back to me, and around me, were 'me-s'.

Millions of millions of millions of 'me-s' surrounded me in a circle while I was in the middle, they looked at me with my own eyes, vicious and hungry. I was scared, no, I was terrified as I stood there, completely paralyzed as they slowly started to approach me.

"No, stop, stop." I tried to scream, but no voice came out and the first one of the 'me-s' threw itself at me and I shielded my face to try to protect myself, but instead of hitting me, he simply entered, inside, me!

My brain firstly seized to understand what just happened to me until a jolt of pain suddenly came over my body. I could feel my skin peeling, my muscles tearing, bones breaking, organs twisting and my mind shattering and then…. I died.

"Ghaaaaaa!" I breathed in, as I woke up, still standing in the middle pf the horror I hoped to be a dream, as another one entered into me and then once again…. I died.

"Ghaaaaaa!" I woke up again, as the same process followed, over and over and over again for over a million sessions as every time it did, without me being able to even let out a single scream

I died!


A 'zone' is a galaxy and

A 'world' is a planet