
1. Beginning

Alarms blared in the ears of all those that could hear them. Sirens that put the wails of the innocent to shame in the sheer terror that they brought. They signaled the coming of a beast tide.

The sky ripped apart as a deep blood red began creeping its way over the horizon until the heavens were painted in the Abyssal aura of the monsters. The clamor of their hooves and paws slammed into the walls of Bastion like the tides of the sea, ready to sweep away any that they could the second vulnerability was shown. Dust flew as they charged towards the city, their roars drowned out by that of the soldiers they were waiting to consume. Like many beast hordes, this one consisted of all manner of creatures from the undead to the mythological, and yet they would not be able to defeat the basest of creatures, humans.

"THEY ARE COMING" The commander shouted as he donned his battle suit. Black tendrils of darkness wrapped around his body until he became as dark as the abyss in the night sky. A sword shaped from this horror of the deepest black was gripped by a clawed hand from which the very shadows around it seemed to swirl. The man left no trace of existence as he dropped from the behemoth walls of one of the last cities on Earth ready to face the oncoming horde of monsters. The second he hit the ground he vanished into nothingness. No eyes could see him yet all that stood on the wall knew he was there and leading the charge. He was pure darkness, an absence of anything, so why would he leave a shred of his existence to be seen before he found the moment to strike. Those that saw this might trembled in anticipation in the blood bath that they were about to witness. Barely anyone had the privilege of watching a level 987 combat class spar, yet they would watch one slaughter.

All of a sudden in the far off distance, mere moments from the leap of the man clad in black, an eruption of blood and gore sprayed the sky and marred the beautiful fields below as the man ripped through bone and sinew alike.


All the soldiers screamed as they too leapt from their battle positions and charged headfirst into the horde. Each one of them activating their powers, yearning for an increase in Level and notoriety. A beast horde is a good place to die, but a better place to thrive.

Hundred of thousands of warriors descended the wall that day and fought for another year of humanity's survival, yet as with most years, only a few tens of thousands would live to fight again and protect humanity. That is merely the reality of Earth now that the Abyss has encroached upon it.

Everyone must fight for the survival of Humanity.


"How many times do I have to hit you until you actually start joining in on the training?" Coach Michael said with a sigh that contained so much disappointment it would put some Asian parents to shame. After years of dealing with Jack, he was at his wits end and was almost going to give up, but he wanted the kid to have a fighting chance in the case he ever had to face a monster. After all, he had grown to love the kid.

"Come on Mike, both my parents were botanists, there is no point me learning combat when I am probably gonna be the same?" Jack replied whilst leaning back in his chair. Coach Michael's office was actually pretty nice, though the seat Jack was sitting on was kind of hurting his ass. The 18 year old delinquent was at ease in the presence of Michael who had become somewhat of a father figure since the death of his parents years ago. 

"Firstly smartass, everyone knows that systems aren't genetic but based on the random gift of the gods and what not. And secondly, but more importantly, I'm your bloody godfather so you're my responsibility and I'll be damned if you disrespect my name."

"I don't carry your name" Jack smirked. He knew just how to set the behemoth of a man

"YOU KNOW THATS NOT I MEANT... Look, Jack, the system bestowal is a week away and I just want to pack as much training in you as possible in case you get a combat class. What class you get is so important these days when it comes to social and economic standing, and with the rise of monster hordes these recent years I might be conscripted again. You need to be able to fend for yourself if I get eaten by a beast. Plus I can't have you going to an academy and being the worst in your year, you would get bullied." Michael said with a genuinely caring smile.

It was an odd look on his chiseled white bearded dark skinned face, but smiling was something he had come to do a lot now that he looked after Jack. Coach Michael was a large burly man who barely fit on the leather chair of his office, despite the smile on his face he constantly exuded an aura of strength and superiority that proved he was one of the strongest that humanity had to offer. His long white braids brushed past his shoulders, embroidered by streaks of crimson red, the symbol of his abilities. The man's bright red irises seemed to burn with passion when he spoke which nicely complemented his dark skin and made him look like a warrior sent from the heavens. He used to be known as the Flame of Humanity due to him being bestowed the system called the "Ember of Hope" when he received it, but after his best friend died he decided to retire to become a training instructor in order to teach the brat that was left with him. 

"How about this Mike, if on the odd chance I get a combat class then you can train the shit out of me before I head off to an academy, but if I don't then you just leave me be? Plus give me the week before the bestowal to really destress. As you said its a very trying time for a young man like myself and I am just so so scared of what I will get. God forbid I get a work class like my parents that would be horrible. Sooo let me relax?"

"Don't call me Mike."

"I'll take that as a yes then. Right, thanks for the chat but I'll be off. Gotta prepare for the terror that is my system bestowal oooooo scary." Jack quickly jumped up and left the office, entering the warm embrace of the summer sun. It was a beautiful day, one that was perfect to bunk school with friends and go to a park. 

"That stupid kid" Michael grinned as he watched Jack saunter off, clearly not going to class like he should be.


Hi, Lonely Boy here. weird name ik but I don’t know how to change it. the series will pick up later since I’m mainly just worldbuilding right now and laying the background for characters. I hope to make it as good as possible when I’m writing so please make sure to point out any mistakes!! Thanks for reading!

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