

"Yes sir, the informants name is Hisoka," Heinrich said while he was bowing. His voice had a hint of venom and anger in it.

5 elderly men were sitting in the room of authority. These were the 5 men in charge of the entire world government.

"This is certainly troublesome, how much of a threat do perceive him as?" A bald glass wearing man asked. He had a sword next to him which he was polishing with a white clothe.

"I'm sure he could have killed us all. He took out Anastasia with ease and managed to destroy our ship while he was nowhere near us." He explained.

"We have our hands filled with ROCKS and now this, the balance of the world is slowly falling out of our grasps. Is he co-operative?" A younger Gorosei asked, he had lighter hair than the rest which was a sign of youth within in the Gorosei.

"He seems to not care who he sells to. All he wants is for us to not interfere with his business and he'll act accordingly. He doesn't seem interested in money so he seems to be doing this for fun."

"He doesn't care who he sells to? That is troublesome. We had Kasumi in the palm of our hands and this happens." The elderly man with Dreadlocks said

"He seems to be having an auction of sorts very soon, perhaps that will something of interest for us." He brought up.

"Well done you three. We will inform you of any updates. You may leave." The samurai Gorosei said.


"Anastasia I heard you got your ass kicked." A woman with particularly short shorts said. She had blonde hair that reached her waist and curled up at the end. She was wearing a modified version of the outfit. A simple white shirt and shorts.

"Who told you that Elizabeth?" While she didn't show it she was pissed off. Elizabeth was her senior so there wasn't much she could do about it.

"We are CP-0 we have eyes and ears everywhere." This new Elizabeth lady was now behind her.

"Quit playing around, Elizabeth." A voice came from above.

"Ok ok, Im very sorry leader." She said in a singing voice.

"Oh, you're here, Hermes?" Heinrich looked up in the air and a young man was sitting cross-legged on the air above them.

He had a massive eye-patch over his left eye that covered half of his forehead. He had green wavy that was being covered by a black round hat. His white suit had a small rose in the front pocket.

"Why wouldn't I be here? This is where we live after all." He said as he adjusted the red scarf around his neck.

"No I'm just surprised you aren't herding sheep." He said.

"Tell me about the informant." He asked out of the blue.

"I think you'd like him, you should come with us next time. He gets to the point very quickly and doesn't mess around." He said as he sat down.

"So he's the opposite of Kasumi. That's bad. Kasumi wasn't the smartest but that meant we could get what we wanted very easily. Now we have someone crafty and smart. The world Government should try and get him to kneel as quickly as possible." He said to the other members. "What do you think Apollo?"

"It's as you said leader, this isn't an ideal situation. Such an unknown coming out of nowhere and putting himself on a seat of power isn't great. The marines can't do anything so it's up to us agents of the world government to sort this all out. Who knows what kind of dealings he will make that will not be beneficiary for us." The said the second of command in CP-0. "With ROCKS on the move, the times are truly changing."

"We truly have work on our hands, Heinrich, Antoine and Anastasia well done you three your work will be rewarded. Once Heydrich and Alexander return from their missions we will all gather and talk to each other." He announced.

"Sounds great leader," Antoine said. He knew Hermes was a boring man but he didn't question his orders.


"I want you to infiltrate Mariejois. Pose as a guard and feed information to me from there." After CP0 left he didn't like what happened so he was going to have an inside man. Getting to Mariejois wouldn't be a problem what would be a problem was staying without getting caught

"Understood." The clone disappeared. Each of his clones while looking different to him all had a small portion of his powers. They could never go against him as they were extensions of his mind.

In around 3 days the auction would take place and he was placing all his time into that. The people he had sent out had come back and he had a lot of devil fruits. He had around 27 in stock, he sent them back as soon as they came back. Most of them were paramecias but he had gotten an ancient zoan and a logia. Some of these were incredibly versatile and he'd be keeping them for future plans.

Someone barged through the door and fell onto his knees.

"You could knock on the door you know. What's wrong?" He could tell something was wrong but he didn't know what it was.

"It's Rocks. He's here."

"What!" This was an unprecedented turn of events. He was not expecting this at all, it was one thing after the other. He knew how to deal with CP-0 but this was an unknown variable which wasn't even in his planning books.

Hisoka closed his eyes and imagined himself outside.

8 people were standing on the shore. They were arguing about something but he didn't know what.

"Shut up Edward, I'll beat you one of these days!" A gruff voice said. He had horns that faced upwards and long black hair that reached his back.

"In your dreams, brat. You're 20 years too early to be making those kind of threats." The man called Edward laughed.

Hisoka could feel the threat that was coming off these 8 people. He felt that he was going to get a headache dealing with them.

The crew saw Hisoka and all took out their weapons. Swords, clubs and guns all types of weapons were taken out.

Hisoka was a fair distance away from them and he took out his hunting rifle. "Why don't we talk, there's no need for violence." He asked.

"Wahahaha, no need for violence you say, then why is your weapon out?" The leading man, Rocks D Xebec laughed. He was a lot calmer than Hisoka thought he would be as his hair that was sticking out in every direction was giving him a wild look.

"Why are you here?" Hisoka asked.

"Straight to the point aren't you. I heard Kasumi had died and wanted to see who did it." He said with a grin on his face.

"Well you've seen me now, will you be on your way or are you here for something else?" Hisoka pointed out, he knew someone like Rocks wouldn't come here for something so trivial.

"Why don't we play a game, Mr informant." Rocks said.
