

What is Infinity?... a Number, a Being, or maybe... just maybe... something much more extraordinary... This is the story of Meng Tian, a normal high-school student, who stumbled into an amazing reality much like his own. Meng Tian was an ordinary sixteen year old boy who accidentally fell into a world where a unique energy was taking form and changing the environment. Modern day humans were focused on improving their body strengths to fight mutated beasts on land to keep everyone safe. As he was trying to wrap around his head on what was going on, a blue screen appeared in front of him showing his body parameters as a Status. And he did not need to do much to improve his body, his martial techniques, etc. All he had to do was watch, learn and survive... marching towards an infinite set of possibilities -- Hey there!! Author here... Many thanks for taking the time to come here. Happy reading. --- Disclaimer: This story is a work of pure fiction. The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in it are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

Guggi · ファンタジー
53 Chs


1000 Kill Points spent... [Blood Carnage Clone Lv.4 (0/10,000)]

As Meng Tian added kill points to his level 4 Blood Clone skill, a purple aura emerged inside his consciousness space and drilled itself into the center of his soul body. Immediately, this purple aura mixed with the clone skill and converted it to become 'Blood Carnage Clone'.

Right after the new name appeared on his status screen, new information on this skill also imprinted itself in his mind. Meng Tian was seated inside his tent and tried to use this skill for once. He had already made three clone bodies before which were placed inside his consciousness space.

He brought them out and and called out his new skill, only then did he realize that these clone bodies began to undergo a simple change as the blood red runes at the center of their chests were now purple in color. New and more complex runes were also appearing and merging with his clone bodies making the scene seem surreal.

Finally, after about a minute, this transformation was completed. And Meng Tian also came to understand the changes that had occurred. But the most drastic change that he observed was that the range within which his clones could operate had changed. Specifically, the spiritual sense limit in which his clones could operate was removed.

Now, he could just embed his clones with a part of his spiritual sense and they could function independently without needing for a constant supply of his spiritual sense. This meant that these bodies would now be true clones of himself that he could leave anywhere he wanted for different operations as he wished.

Meng Tian was ecstatic upon experiencing this change. But he was still confused as why this skill had the term 'carnage'. As he was trying to figure out what this meant, new information popped up in his brain again which showed that these clones could absorb the blood and qi of the targets, which can be used by the clones to increase their strengths.

Strictly speaking, these clones are body cultivators that can absorb the blood and qi of others to improve their bodies comparable to the qi cultivation methods. All of this was made possible by the ancient purple runes on their chests.

But the only drawback of this skill was that the number of clones that he could have had after completing level 4 reduced from 9 to 4. However, the percentage of strength that they can have remained at 50% of the main body at their time of creation. As after they begin killing and absorbing blood and qi of beasts or others, their strengths would improve as well.

At the end of the day, kill points remained an illusive part of his system, which could forcefully improve the quality of his skills, from very moderate to even extraordinary standards; the exact mechanism of which Meng Tian would probably never understand.

Currently, he had a total of three Blood Carnage Clones which looked exactly like him in all aspects, the runes on their chests could even be hidden and not shown on their chests. Each of the three clones had 40% of the strength of his main body.

Meng Tian decided to start up the newly modified clones and sent his spiritual sense inside the three bodies at once. But just as he did so, he felt an indescribable pain from the depths of his soul as his entire spiritual sense which had been divided into 1000 parts had separated itself into 4 sections, three of which cut themselves off and penetrated into the sea of consciousness of the three clones.

Beads of cold sweat completely drenched his entire body as he howled out in pain. Outside his tent, nobody could hear what was happening as Meng Tian had already set up a barrier that could stop any prying eyes as he entered his tent earlier.

However, no one could experience such pain without losing their sanity as his soul was literally experiencing a parts of it being forcefully teared from it. Although it seemed as his soul was just sitting without any changes happening to it, the tearing of spiritual sense is really a removal of his soul power which made up his spiritual sense.

Only now did he realize how dangerous a situation was he currently in. But it did not take much time before this process of tearing of his spiritual sense threads, that is his soul power was completed. Meng Tian lost his consciousness completely and fell into a deep slumber. The three clone bodies continued to accept the soul power of the main body.

By the time he opened his eyes, Meng Tian had already slept for about five hours. Although he was feeling a lot of pain and weakness, he could still see three clone bodies sitting near his bed with their eyes closed.

Just as he willed it, like the flipping of a switch, the three clone bodies opened their eyes and looked at each other. Meng Tian could distinctly feel four different parts of his body that are moving simultaneously without needing for him to issue specific commands for everything.

"Good Morning, my friend... Hope you had a good sleep. It is still quite early before the second day of camp begins and the sun won't rise for a few hours. Let's split up and get some rest."

One of the three clones greeted the main body and it was a little bit hilarious as they were all one and the same.

"Haha... Of course, I was thinking the same. Thank you, my friend."

Anyway, to remove the lingering feeling of weakness, Meng Tian decided to spend some Energy Points using the reserves of items that he had kept inside his consciousness space.

Just as he thought of doing so, he realized that the clones themselves had similar consciousness spaces that were connected to his main body's consciousness space and each of the bodies could also access the system panel.

But the status of the clones was shown as 'Clones' and no cultivation levels were apparent. Only the five primary stats were shown for the clones. They could not cultivate like the main body and could only improve their physical stats. However, this could also be considered a type of cultivation.

They had access to skills however which could be performed using the runic symbols on their bodies, which can drive the surrounding qi in the atmosphere for such uses.

Meng Tian was quite pleased by his system which was like an all encompassing phenomenon of the world itself. However, he pushed all these thoughts and started using the qi cubes inside his main body's consciousness space to gain Energy Points.

Because of his loss of soul power, his Spirit stat reduced from 8000 to 2000 and he had to replenish it immediately. So, he started absorbing the qi cubes and after using up 600 of them, he got the required amount to restore his soul power to the previous level.

60,000 Energy Points spent... [Spirit: 8000]

Upon finishing this process, the spiritual sense was completely restored and he understood the importance of saving up emergency supplies for later use.

Meng Tian was continuing his series of actions while the entire camp was asleep with sentries roaming around keeping a look-out for any unexpected situations.

He wanted to maximize his use of time with the three clones as he started planning out on how to use them. He had decided to send one of the clones to accompany his parents in secret and keep them safe. The second clone had to go deep into the forests of the land and experience the actual world outside, killing Beasts and improving his knowledge of everything around him.

The third clone was set to move to the portion of this world that was not under the control of the humans, that is the territory outside the land areas... the vast oceans. Meng Tian already had a huge amount of strength that placed him in the upper echelons of power of this world.

However, it was not completely certain if he actually had power or was it an illusion that was being propagated around. So, the best way was to infiltrate the enemies that had sole control over 70% of this world and see what the actual powers were doing.

The three clones had their own missions and were quietly sent out of the camp area by the main body. After doing this, Meng Tian had no thoughts of doing anything else as his main body's task was just to complete the duration of this camp while showing his domineering power in everything.

Although he did not know what the major powers of the human race had in store for him once he displayed his powers, he had no scruples to do so as his powers would keep increasing at speeds no one in this world could imagine.