
Military school

We entered a bus full of students that are my age. I went to take a seat at the back next to a beautiful looking girl. The bus started to move. At first the ride was smooth but the a sudden notification popped up in my system.

[Sleeping gas detected]

[New skill aquired: Poison immunity]

Tio was shocked that they let out the sleeping gas. She looked around her only for her to see various student's falling asleep.

'I better pretend to sleep so I can spy' Tio said as she pretended to sleep. She then saw a Sergeant go round to make sure that the students were sleeping. Those that weren't sleeping, he put a bag over their head. She then saw him open a small patch on the top of the bus. It was a security system. She then saw him type 9000 as the password and suddenly they were transported to the entrance of the school.

The Sergeant then woke all the students and told the to come down from the bus. He also said that they should leave their luggage as they will be transferred to their dorm rooms later on. The students Hurriedly got down.

The students stood at the front of the school admiring the futuristic touch. It looked like something out of a Fantasy book. The students were then ushered into the training facility we're their power levels would be confirmed. They would take the test in groups of five.

"Hello maggot's, welcome to the worst years of you life. My name is Travis like the lengendary artist Travis scott that lived even before your parents wore diapers. For the next four years you will be broken down and remoulded into Proud soldiers of our great planet with the power to fight those pesky vermin that invaded the Earth. I advise you to make friends while you can and cherish those moments because it is not all the people that you are seeing today that will graduate with you". Travis said instilling fear into the hearts of the students.

Tio watched as people were called in groups of five to take the test.

"Natasha Wayne, Torres Krage, Lapis Jackson, Holly Blaze and Saiko Katsuki come forward for your test". Travis called

Tio looked at those she was to take the test with. Torres had a tall, muscular, well built and stood 6"0 tall. He was every girls dream but he was an original. Original's are those families that decided to keep their abilities from the world and Not share them.

Lapis was also handsome and tall but not like Torres. He stood at 5"8 just like Tio. She also recognized his name from a company that sells beast gear and other stuff. He wasn't an original but he was rich.

Holly Blaze was a beautiful , slim girl with tender skin who also stood at 5"8 . She was an original from the Blaze family.

Saiko Katsuki was an average kid because everything about him was average. From his height of 5"5 to his face which could neither be called handsome or ugly.

There were called one by one to take the test. First up was Holly. The first test was the strength test. For the strength test, we had to hit a machine as hard as we could by enhancing the punch with our abilities.

Holly first started by coating her entire arm in a crimson flame. She then Readied her fist and Drew it back, she then propelled her fist forward with a flame that came out of her elbow. The numbers of the machine started shooting up until it stopped at 942. Everyone except Torres was shocked.

Next was the agility test. For that we had to dodge hologram's shot out by the machine in front. Holly was doing pretty good. She would see the path they would take them propel her body away with her flames. She managed to dodge for a little more than three minutes which earned her a score of 842.

Next was the Stamina test. This was done by seeing how many push Up's you could do a weight of 10kg on your back. She did 156 before collapsing which earned her a score of 923.

Travis gave her a final power level of 14'560. She walked back to the line with an air of confidence.

Sorry guys, I'm a bit busy so I just released this to satisfy you. I might update this later today or post a long chapter tommorow.


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