
The Indomitable Clan

Apollo was born to a well off family in a small village called Greenhaven. He led a happy life but his father, Chen, always desired more for him. Having been suppressed by various Clans and cultivators his whole life Chen had a burning desire for his son to lead a better life, and so with all his might he acquired enough resources to send Apollo on this path. When he turned 16 years old, Apollo's father Chen died, and thus he set off to Pentaarch City according to his father's plan

FoolsGambit · 東方
7 Chs

Chapter 2 Father and the Book

Successfully advancing to the 4th Layer, Apollo was elated to say the least. 'Finally I can be considered a true expert.' He smiled to himself, as he flexed his Qi. Immediately, red waves of power erupted from his dantian and covered his body in a thin layer.

He then threw a light punch, the air trembled under his might. 'While much less voluminous, the sheer power I can exert is many times greater.' Apollo analysed, retracting his Qi.

'After two years I've finally completed Step 2 of the plan.' With that the young man, then exited his cultivation chamber and headed towards his bed and once again lifted up so as to access the hidden compartment.

Inside, there was now nothing, besides a dusty old book. This was his father's last will, his wishes for Apollo and the plans he had made for him. Before his father had died, he had always instructed Apollo that there was a cabinet behind his bed he should access.

Upon his death, Apollo naturally recalled this and accessed the cabinet find this book inside. Opening it up, a great sadness washed over Apollo, but simultaneously a great determination entered his eyes.

"My son, if you're reading this I have most likely passed away this my last testament to you, my will. I am sure you have many questions, about my past, about why we left Pentaarch and moved to Greenhaven but that doesn't matter now.

I let go of my grudges a long time ago, and as my son it is not your duty to fix my failings, rather it is my greatest responsibility to make sure you do not repeat my same mistakes. Thus these are my final lessons."

Reading this once again, Apollo took a deep breath, his father had always been a straightforward and honest man. And this was the culmination of all his teachings, Apollo's guiding light.

"The most important thing I can teach you, is that in this life cultivation is king. I had suffered from this myself. As someone who never cultivated young, and merely entered the 1st Layer of Qi Gathering at an old age I suffered greatly.

Whatever you desire to achieve, whether it be to be a merchant as I was, a great warriors, or someone of importance. Cultivation is the key to success, I dare say there is no profession or ambition in this world which doesn't make use of cultivation!"

This was the first lesson, and something Apollo had taken to heart. There was a reason that Chen had started Apollo on cultivation at the age of 12, and had somehow got in his hands on a Top Grade Mortal technique. It was because of this fundamental lesson he had learnt, and his desire to not see his son trampled upon.

Originally when he had read this, he hadn't thought much of it, but as he lived in Pentaarch and matured he understood what his father truly meant. 'Its not that everything in this world is meaningless, and strength is everything. But rather father did not wish for me to live in fear of someone strong trampling on the meaning in my life.'

This was Apollo's understanding of this lesson and what he learnt from it. Besides this lesson, the book held a multitude of others. From "never underestimate anyone" to "always keep your secrets close to your chest", many of the lessons Chen had left in this book had arguably saved Apollo's life a multitude of times.

But this wasn't all the book had to offer. At the end was a carefully devised plan that Chen had concocted that Apollo followed until this day.

Step 1 was rather simple, it was for Apollo to leave Greenhaven and return to Pentaarch. Chen had left him the deed, to this house along with instructions on how to accumulate wealth as a 2nd Layer Qi Gatherer, and what were the most cost efficient cultivation resources.

It was safe to say that without his father's knowledge Apollo would still be milling about in the 3rd Layer.

The 2nd Step was arguably significantly more difficult, and even still Apollo hadn't truly completed it. First, the young man had to reach the 4th Layer, which he had just completed and then he'd have to join one of the 5 Great Powers.

Pentaarch City attained its name because of these 5 Powers. Namely the City Lord's Mansion, and the 4 Great Clans, being the Azure, Demon Whale, Fissure, and Burst Clans.

Each held vast power within the City, and boasted over 100 years of history. Because of this, a number of resources within Pentaarch were either monopolised or only available at them or for an exorbitant price at Mystic Heaven Tower.

Unlike some of the previous parts of the plan, Chen had been more open about this stage. After all his information of the 5 Powers was outdated and there were too many variables to consider, but he did provide a few recommendations.

The Azure Clan was ruled out. Despite being the most power of the 4 Clans and even comparable to the City Lord's Mansion, the Clan's arrogant demeanor was dangerous and something Chen considered a liability.

On the other hand the Fissure Clan had a similar issue, but instead of being overly arrogant they were rather extremely confrontational. The Clan was full of battle junkies, and the number of fights Apollo would be forced into by joining the Clan wasn't worth it.

Lastly the City Lord's Mansion lacked resources. Due to managing the city, and the entirety of the City Guard, while they held immense power the resources they could spare to each individual were sparse to say the least.

This left Chen recommending the Demon Whale or Burst Clans. Both had solid characters as a Clan, and while not necessarily beacons of moral virtue Apollo would have a much easier time working under them.

 Naturally during his time in Pentaarch, Apollo had done his own research and mulled over this question. And despite everything he found his answer was rather similar to his father's recommendation. Settling between the Demon Whale and Burst Clans.

Seeing as it was late at night, the young man continued reading over Step 2 before closing the book and placing it back within the compartment. Tomorrow he'd join one of the 5 Great Powers and truly make his name known within Pentaarch!