
The Normal World

When Lady Dame heard that she raised her eyebrow up and said "most people with powers leave the world of normal humans and go to the supernatural one, why do you want to do the opposite?"

"let's just say, i want to live like a normal human" Akira said with a smile, Lady Dame understood that he wasn't going to tell her, so she said "alright, i can help you with that but you will owe me a favor".

Akira just nodded as he knew that she was already doing something she didn't have to, "i will remember this favor", then she stood up and said "follow me" and went towards a large hall and directly looked at the wall and said "videtur" a mirror came out of the wall, then she said "patefacio sursum" and a ripple appeared on the glass, as if it was a calm lake who was touched.

when Akira saw that he said "looks useful", "indeed, you can go through it and you will appear in front of a newspaper store in the normal world, have a safe trip".

"Thanks" he then dived into the mirror, as he did that Lady Dame's daughters appeared and one of them said "mother, you could have sent him to the abyss, why do what he says after he fought you".

Lady Dame just looked straight at the mirror that had her reflection on it and said "Demons like him with immortality can go out of the Abyss, the only difference is the time it takes them, moreover now he owes me a favor" Lady Dame waved her hand and the mirror merged with the wall behind it.

"let's wait for our next prey".

*in front of a newspaper store*

Akira just walked out of it and looked around just to see the people walking by him without acknowledging his existence, "hmm, neat" he then turned around and saw newspaper on a metal shelf like thing, Akira picked it up and saw that it was in the 2000's, and he whistled "i am back in time", he shook his head and went away.

after walking for a bit he noticed that some people were looking at him weird, 'oh, my clothes are too fancy for a random walk outside' it clicked in his head that he was wearing medieval noble's attire, in front of people with normal old suits and jackets with jeans.

he didn't do anything and still tried to go unnoticed, slowing his breath and moving with light steps, weirdly people who were looking at him became dazed for a bit before shaking their heads in confusion and walking with no awareness to what was happening, 'is this related to the Demon Bloodline, i am not using it right now, maybe it is a passive effect'.

Akira took this opportunity and moved into the large flood of people crossing the road, while walking he saw a man having bags under his eyes and looking disheveled, but he wore some good clothes, a brand new suit, with shiny red brown shoes, walking with quick steps.

Akira smiled and decided to follow him, after a bit of tracking he saw the man go into a complex, up the elevator, Akira took the stairs slowly dodging every camera that might have been there and noticed that in this time cameras weren't really used casually and focused on hearing.

'there is a woman wearing high heels speaking on her phone with an angry tone and the man with heavy steps is the one i have been following', Akira was surprised at his powerful hearing and he associated it with the Demon Blood, he waited for the right moment before the woman went inside and just as the man opened the door to his apartment, Akira rushed and pushed him quietly but with a huge force, there was a small thud sound if you were to hear it you would assume it was the door being closed with a bit of force, then Akira closed the door behind him.

"listen here, i will ask some questions and you will answer" the terrified man was shaking and nodded slowly, Akira proceeded to ask about random stuff just to get a gist of what kind of world this was, and learned that it was almost similar with his previous one, the technology was a bit slow developing, 'maybe supernatural beings are scared of what normal humans are able to make'.

after knowing about all this Akira just smiled and stabbed the oblivious man with his dagger, "sorry no witnesses", 'i should get a mask' Akira thought as he brushed the blood on the body's clothes.

"and now i will get rid of people who might have seen it" He then turned around and saw that the woman who was standing at the hallway when he stood at the stairs was looking at him, he smiled and said "hello", she smiled back and said "are you Jeremy's friend, he rarely even talks to anyone in this place", "aha ha, you can say that, anyways who were you talking to earlier you sounded mad", the woman was taken aback by the sudden question and had an awkward smile "it's my friend she did something to my room" she was clearly lying, but it didn't matter to him as he chopped at her neck and heard a crack, taking her body into the man's room before it even bled a bit.

he put a kitchen knife in her hand and dusted his hands "this won't do much but it would give the police a nice escape route when they don't find the murderer".


throw in some stones

and thanks for reading

ThyCubeVTcreators' thoughts