
The Banshee and The Shack

Akira looted the house and got some casual clothes and a kitchen knife then walked out to see the screaming woman he saw was in front of him.

"why did you follow me here" Akira said as he took a stance with the knife held in reverse and ready for any move.

but he didn't get a verbal answer, the woman dashed with an inhuman speed with her claws extended, Akira caught by surprise rolled to the right, he was safe so he stood up again and was waiting for the next dash.

and as he predicted the woman dashed again but this time before Akira had the time to dodge, she screeched and it distracted Akira which led to him being hit by the claw in his chest.

he clicked his tongue from the pain and thought 'usually i don't get distracted when I'm focused there is something weird in her screech', then he checked his wound and saw something surprising.

he saw the wound close up rapidly, "this is what the serum does, that explains why they went crazy for it".

he smiled and said "you helped me discover my power so i need to repay you"

Akira dashed at her without caring about his defense and started aggressively slashing and stabbing, as he slashed one of her arms he noticed that her skin was tough like leather, but he pushed all his body weight into the slash so he did blunt damage and sent her flying.

after many minutes of fighting in a savage way he noticed that he didn't feel exhausted no matter what he did, so his smile got bigger and started going berserk, but he didn't expect the knife he just found to be cracking, 'i have to finish this soon' he bent his knees and let the woman send a claw to his head when he jumped up and did a gazelle stab (gazelle punch but with a knife).

he didn't wait for long before the result showed and the woman fell down limp and didn't move, as he tried to take his knife back he heard a *Ding*

[First Kill - World: Wizardly]

[Reward: low-tier Magic Destroyer(Dagger)]

as saw the window appear in front oh his eyes again he saw some light particles appear in his hand and felt a comfortable handle in his hand, looking down he saw a wave like Dagger that had the edge colored with a bloody red and the other parts were bluish black, 'looks cool, the window said Magic Destroyer Dagger'.

he looked at the window and saw a change.

[Wizardly Word - Death count: 1]

"this is the first step" he smiled as he saw that the woman didn't have any valuables, so he moved around the village and took money and some valuables from it, when he passed a body of a purple robed person he got curious and picked up the wooden stick that the robed person held tightly even after his death.

[Wizard Wand - not useable (Host lacks magic proprieties)]

"useless then" Akira shook his head and threw it away then he left the destroyed village, when he was in his path he heard a loud sound of trees moving and the ground rumbling, so he hid behind a sizeable rock and stopped his breathing and heartbeat.

'using the immortal serum i can extend the time of my heartbeat removal technique, the only drawback is that i can't have my full abilities when I'm using it' Akira stopped his thoughts and looked at the huge shadow, it was a half a horse and with the top of a human, The Centaurs had always had little affection for wizards. They did not allow humans to wander into the Forbidden Forest, and would never allow them to visit their colonies.

Akira didn't know this so he was careful but not scared, and as he saw the centaur looking at his general direction he knew that it had the ability to know presences.

'i won't lose anything, i don't think that it can hold me from running if i want' Akira said confidently, this confidence was from the thousands of assassinations he did successfully.

"hello, my name is Akira" Akira said while lowering his head a bit but still cautiously, The Centaur not expecting a human to appear here was surprised for a bit then it said with a deep voice "Humans aren't welcomed here".

"i didn't come here by my will" Akira said respectfully.

"how did you come here then" it crossed its arms and said.

"last thing i remember is a robed person saying something and aiming a wooden stick at me and i don't remember what happened afterwards, the only thing i know is my name" Akira said with a straight face, he grew up lying so he could think of a list of lies instantly and coordinating it with his perfect expression control almost no one would be able to tell the truth.

"you look like a human child so i will believe you, i will guide you to the closest human settlement and you are on your own after that" The Centaur said.

but Akira didn't respond his mind blanked when he heard human child, he then checked his body and saw that he was tall as he was in the previous world where he was 23.

he then noticed something and touched his muscles and noticed that they had tenderness to them.

'that explains why i didn't do much damage to the woman when i was slashing, my body is that of a young human, i need to work on my body as soon as i find a safe place' Akira thought and smiled to the centaur who was waiting for a response and said "thank you so much, that's way more than i could have asked".

he then after half an hour was escorted towards a shack that had a 2.5 meter man with a huge beard cutting wood and with a white horse sleeping near him.

this scene made Akira speechless 'did i get transmigrated to a manly Barbie world?'
