
The Idol Is A Vampire

A Prince of the heavenly realm got teleported 1500 years to the future, lost his memories and became an idol. His life was going well for him until he met her, his destined curse.

authorpromzy · ファンタジー
16 Chs

6- The Superstar

Hardin walked out of his room wearing a pair of red pajamas and his phone in his hand. He stopped when he got to the dining room and saw Scott setting the table.

"No one told me that dinner is ready." He said as he walked closer to the table.

"Oh, I was planning on calling everyone as soon as I'm done." He responded and dropped the spoon in his hand on the table. "Take a seat, I'll go and call Marcel and Danny."

Scott left and Hardin used the opportunity to stare at the full course meal on the table.

Scott is like the mother of the house. He mostly does the cooking while Maria, the woman who does their house chores.

"I heard the aroma from my room, Scott you're at it again," Danny said rushing inside the dining room and Marcel trailing behind him.

When they saw Hardin sitting down there and staring at the food, they both stopped.

"Let's eat," Scott said as he also sat down beside Hardin.


After eating the boys were in the living room watching one of the variety shows they appeared on during their debut year.

"Wow, look at that," Marcel said, pointing at the cheap rugged jeans that Hardin was wearing.

Danny shivered while watching the show "We look homeless, I can't believe there was a time we were like this."

They were all solemn.

It was as if they were being taken back to that period again.

That period when everyone doubted them. That period when they were mocked, called ugly and talentless. GY was the only one who truly saw beyond their appearances.

They reminisce about that period when awards that should have gone to them were given to a more famous group.

Almost 16 years after their debut they became the most popular boy group and got awards they never imagined they could get. Worth more than they imagined and living in a multi-million mansion.

"Do you remember that time when we went to an award show and we were told to sit at the back because that's where we belong?" Scott asked Hardin and he nodded.

"How can I ever forget that humiliation? One of the worst f*cking days of my life." He responded and sighed. "Luckily we passed that and it is now a remembrance only."

Hardin was 10 years old when his parents died in an accident.

His parent's houses were demolished and he had nothing to survive with. He had to sit on sidewalks and beg people for money.

One evening GY was walking down the sidewalk. He had a small studio at that time and when he saw little Hardin singing his heart out, he couldn't help but stop.

"Please give me money. I'll take any amount." Little Hardin begged.

GY smiled at him and glanced around him before he asked "What if I teach you how to use your voice to make money?"

Little Hardin was surprised. He had always wanted to be an artist but his parents rebuked him every time he brought up the topic. He was a huge fan of Micheal Jackson and the Beatles. His inspiration.

"Is that possible? I don't have any money."

GY smiled at him and offered little Hardin his hand. "Come with me and I'll show you."

Little Hardin thought about it for a while and decided to take his hand. GY took him to his studio and told him to sing.

From there Hardin began his training under GY. Hardin had a childhood friend and his neighbor who also have a passion for singing and a voice that can melt a block of ice. He brought Scott to GY and they both started training together.

Marcel and Danny were also gotten from the street.

Their childhood was a mess.

When they finally saved enough money to debut their song, people trashed it, called the video low budget, and trashed their looks.

It was a disaster.

Hardin was so disappointed and depressed. Imagine after training for seven years. Seven years of immense training only for them to debut and get judged immediately.

But they didn't give up. Their second song received the same hate and also their third.

They decided amongst themselves that they will release their first album and if it doesn't do well then they will stick together and find another alternative.

They spent sleepless nights inside the studio writing and recording. Teenagers trying so damn hard to make it in the cruel industry.

When their first album was released 70% of which was written by Hardin it didn't receive much hate but it also didn't receive a positive response.

A week after the release all of a sudden one of their songs started gaining traction.

It became so popular that everybody loves it. "Fear" was a cultural reset, a song teenage Hardin wrote with tears in his eyes which also became the song that led them into superstardom.

"The more I think about it, the more I understand this cruel world. I pity those trainees. They don't know what they're in for." Scott said and sipped from his glass of wine.

"They want to be stars, they won't have it as hard as we did. They have everything they need. The budget is there, the furnished apartment, the big company backing them, they have GX1 as seniors and also us. We have built everything they need, the only thing that remains is talent and hard work" Hardin said without batting a lash.

"When our name can be positive to their success it can also be a disadvantage. People will expect a lot and if they don't deliver....." Marcel was saying before Hardin interrupted him.

"That will only happen when they debut. At this point... Let's just watch first."

Hardin stood up from the couch and started walking away.

"Practice tomorrow by 8:00 am and also gym practice." He announced while walking away.

"Next time when searching for a show to watch, find an interesting one and not something that will bring back bad memories," Danny said, slapping Marcel's back.

"I mean, what is wrong with looking back at where we started from? It's not a bad thing. Right bro?" He asked Scott.

"Right. It is not a bad thing. Only that the memories hurt." Scott responded and forced out a smile before walking away as well.

"Did I just spoil everyone's night?" Marcel mumbled, his expression turning solemn.

He just wanted to have fun and interact with his brothers but that turned bad for him.

He sighed softly and closed his eyes.

"We can never escape from the past no matter how hard we try. It will always haunt us."


Emma's POV:

The girls were sleeping and I just couldn't. I slowly climbed down from my bulk and walked out of the room. I went to the living room with my diary in my hand and a pen. on

I lay down on the rug and opened my diary then started writing.

Dear Diary,

I finally met him.

He is cold as Ice, his sharp eyes pierced into mine for the first time and I shivered down to my spines. He is a handsome ice King and also a perfectionist. Throughout the time I saw him he didn't smile or frown. It was as if he wasn't feeling anything.

I don't know why but when I looked into his eyes I saw a child who is so vulnerable and wants to be loved.

Am I stupid to think like that?

Am I weird to want to make him happy?

Is it weird of me to want him to smile at me?

I am going to see him again tomorrow.

Their tour will start soon and I want to see him as much as I can.

Since you're my best friend I'm telling you this.

I am crazily in love with a man who doesn't care if I exist.

He might have forgotten my face by now but I don't care.

Because he will see me soon.

Bye, dear Diary.

From your panda, Belle.

I closed my diary and placed my head on top of it.

Tomorrow we will be officially meeting GX1 and SHAKE, including the dancers and everyone else in the company.

I am excited and nervous at the same time.

Because training isn't the end.

I stood up from the ground and walked inside the kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water from it. I opened the cap and sipped on it.

The light went on since I left it on and I turned back in surprise. It was only Sandra.

"What are you doing out here by this time of the night?" She asked as she walked towards the fridge.

"I couldn't sleep., '' I responded. She nodded and sipped on her water.

"Tell me about it."

"I just can't help but keep thinking about what GY told us earlier today. Things will start getting more hard for us as trainees."

"Good things don't come easily, Emma. If you want to be a superstar, are you ready to think like one?" Sandra queried.

Am I?