
The Hybrid Eclipse

The whispers started with a murmur, a tremor that rippled through the astronomical community. On November 3rd, 2013, the sky wasn't just going to witness an eclipse; it was bracing itself for a phenomenon unlike any other. They called it the Hybrid Eclipse – a celestial dance so intricate, so precariously balanced, that its effects would shift depending on where you stood on Earth. In some parts of the world, the moon would become a perfect circle, a fiery ring against the sun's brilliance, in a breathtaking display known as an annular eclipse. But for others, the moon would take a bolder step, completely engulfing the sun, plunging the world into an inky blackness for a brief, awe-inspiring moment – a total eclipse. But the true spectacle, the one that sent shivers down the spines of seasoned astronomers, was the way the eclipse would morph. As the moon's shadow, a ghostly silhouette against the cosmic canvas, danced across the Earth's curved surface, the eclipse would transform. It would begin as an annular eclipse, then, in a breathtaking display of celestial geometry, morph into a total eclipse for a select few, before reverting back to its annular form. It was a celestial ballet, a breathtaking display of the universe's clockwork precision. However, what started as a marvel in the sky soon became a turning point in human history. The Hybrid Eclipse wasn't just a dance of light and shadow; it was a foreshadowing of change. The exact nature of that change? Well, that, my friend, is a story waiting to be unraveled. The Hybrid Eclipse had cemented its place in history, not just as a rare astronomical event, but as the day the world, as we knew it, began to shift.

A_Paulxx · ファンタジー
61 Chs


A twisted grin stretched across the Carrion Weaver's face, a cruel anticipation glinting in its crimson eyes. This wasn't a creature afraid – it was a predator excited by a new, worthy challenge. With a roar that shook the very foundations of the city, the Carrion Weaver lunged. 

Alaric, transformed into a storm of raw power, met the charge head-on. The clash was earth-shattering. The Carrion Weaver's blade, a monstrous scythe of darkness, slammed into Alaric's form with a deafening boom. The impact sent shockwaves rippling outwards, pulverizing the surrounding debris into dust.

A cruel smile split the Carrion Weaver's face – a smile wiped away in an instant. The darkness it had struck didn't yield. It wasn't Alaric's flesh and bone the blade had met, but a shimmering barrier of black and gold energy. The Carrion Weaver whipped its head around, a flicker of unease replacing its predatory excitement.

Alaric, a blur of dark energy, materialized a few meters away, the lifeless form of Jake cradled gently in his arms. The raw emotion radiating from him painted the air with a heavy, oppressive atmosphere. He looked down at Jake's face, whispered a heartfelt, "Thank you," his voice thick with grief.

The Carrion Weaver watched, a growing sense of dread gnawing at its monstrous heart. This wasn't the same human it had faced moments ago. This was a force of nature, a storm fueled by loss and empowered by the very fabric of time.

With a final, tender touch, Alaric laid Jake's body down on a relatively undamaged section of the rooftop. "Rest, my friend," he murmured, his voice barely a whisper. "I'll finish this quest as fast as I can."

He straightened up, his eyes hardening with resolve. A translucent screen materialized before him.







Alaric gritted his teeth, a low growl escaping his throat. "Believe me," he snarled, his voice echoing in his head as he spoke to the Eye of Chronos, "That thing won't draw another breath after this." He tore his gaze away from the hovering blue text, locking eyes with the monstrous Carrion Weaver across the devastated cityscape.

The creature, deprived of its anticipated victory dance, glowered at Alaric with a simmering rage. It saw no longer the battered warrior, but a storm cloud of raw power, a vessel for the Eye of Chronos' desperate plea. This wasn't prey anymore; it was a worthy adversary.

In a heartbeat, Alaric vanished. One moment he stood defiant on the rooftop, the next, he was a blur of black and gold energy hurtling towards the Carrion Weaver. With a thunderous crack, his fist slammed into the monstrosity's jaw, the impact sending it reeling back with a roar of pain. Bricks crumbled and windows shattered as the Carrion Weaver slammed into the side of a nearby building, leaving a crater in its wake.

Alaric didn't hesitate. He was a whirlwind of vengeance, a storm unleashed. He launched himself at the creature before it could recover, his Crescent Reaver crackling with power as he materialized it in his grip.

The Carrion Weaver, though stunned, possessed a monstrous resilience. It surged back to its feet with a snarl, its crimson eyes blazing with a renewed fury. They clashed, a dance of destruction that echoed through the ruined city. Blow after bone-crushing blow they exchanged, the air itself crackling with raw energy.

One of the Carrion Weaver's monstrous fists slammed into Alaric's chest, sending him skidding back several meters. A grotesque grin split the creature's face, a taunt for the human who dared challenge its might.

But Alaric didn't even falter. The blow, while powerful, barely registered through the shimmering barrier of black and gold energy that now encased him. He stood tall, the grin on the Carrion Weaver's face twisting into a grimace of frustration.

The tide was turning. Alaric, fueled by the power of the Eye of Chronos and the burning embers of vengeance, was no longer fighting on borrowed time. He was a storm, and the Carrion Weaver, for the first time, felt the sting of fear.

With a roar that shook the heavens, the Carrion Weaver reached out, summoning its colossal sword from the debris pile. Alaric mirrored the gesture, the familiar weight of the Crescent Reaver settling comfortably in his hand.

As the monstrous sword materialized back in the Carrion Weaver's grasp, a crack of crimson lightning split the sky above. It was a primal challenge, a signal that ignited a firestorm in both combatants. In a blink, Alaric and the Carrion Weaver launched towards each other, their weapons held high.

Their clash was a symphony of destruction. Steel met obsidian in a resounding clang that sent shockwaves rippling outwards. Sparks, like miniature fireworks, erupted with each collision, illuminating the battlefield in a dazzling, deadly display. The air itself crackled with raw energy, a testament to the ferocious power unleashed with each blow.

Alaric roared, a guttural scream fueled by grief and vengeance. Each swing of his Crescent Reaver was a whirlwind of black and gold energy, carving through the air with a deadly hum. The Carrion Weaver, no longer underestimating its opponent, matched his ferocity with a monstrous growl that echoed through the devastated city.

The rooftop trembled under the relentless barrage of blows. Steel screeched, sparks flew, and the ground beneath their feet threatened to crumble. Alaric, fueled by the power of the Eye of Chronos, moved with an inhuman speed that defied the laws of physics. Each dodge, each parry, was a blur of motion as he danced a deadly ballet with the monstrous entity.

As the clash between Alaric and the Carrion Weaver reached a fever pitch, a group of hunters, alerted to the city's Calamity, finally arrived at the scene. One of them, a veteran with a weathered face, pointed towards the epicenter of the battle, his voice tight with awe. "Look! Up there! Someone's already engaged with the Calamity!"

"Who in their right mind would face that thing alone?!" exclaimed another hunter, a young woman with eyes wide with disbelief.

"We need to get up there and—" a burly hunter started, his voice tinged with urgency. He never finished his sentence. As he charged forward, a ripple in the air materialized into an invisible wall, stopping him dead in his tracks. He slammed into the unseen barrier with a sickening thud, crumpling to the ground.

Confused murmurs broke out amongst the group. The female hunter mentioned earlier, a strategist with a keen mind, cautiously approached the point of impact. Reaching out, her hand brushed against the unseen barrier. A soft, white light flared, revealing a vast, dome-shaped wall that encompassed the entire rooftop battlefield. It was an invisible cage, holding both the monstrous Carrion Weaver and the mysterious warrior locked in their deadly dance.

A sense of unease settled over the hunters. "What is this?" the strategist murmured, her brow furrowed in thought. She shifted her gaze back to the battle raging within the barrier, her heart pounding in her chest.

Within the invisible dome, the war between Alaric and the Carrion Weaver raged on. The air crackled with each clash of their blades, a relentless storm of destruction. The monstrous entity raised its colossal blade, a dark shadow blotting out the dying sun. With a feral roar, it swung downwards, aiming to cleave Alaric in two.

Alaric, fueled by the Eye of Chronos and his burning vengeance, reacted with inhuman speed. He danced to the side, the blade whistling past him in a blur. In that fleeting moment of opportunity, a surge of dark energy surged through him. He saw his chance.

With a powerful leap, Alaric landed a brutal stomp on the Carrion Weaver's monstrous hand, pinning it momentarily. The Crescent Reaver, empowered by the Ephemeral Surge, pulsed with a black and gold light as Alaric slammed it into the creature's elbow. A scream ripped from Alaric's throat, laced with both fury and exertion, as he dragged the blade through bone and flesh.

The Carrion Weaver's arm gave way, severed clean at the elbow. A geyser of dark green blood erupted, painting the battlefield in a macabre hue. The monstrous entity stumbled back, a guttural roar of pain echoing through the city.

Alaric, panting heavily but with a savage smile twisting his lips, locked eyes with the creature. "So," he rasped, his voice raw with exertion, "even the undead can feel pain, huh?"

The Carrion Weaver, its crimson gaze burning with a mix of agony and rage, clutched its remaining arm. Fury fueled its movements as it summoned its colossal blade back to its grasp. With a defiant snarl, it launched itself into the air, aiming for the highest point of a nearby building.

Alaric watched, his own purpose burning brighter than ever. He wouldn't let this monstrous entity claim another life. He wouldn't let it win. "You took someone precious from me," he roared, his voice echoing within the invisible dome. "And for that, it's time to even the odds."

He surged forward, a blur of black and gold energy propelled by his grief and determination. In mid-air, he met the Carrion Weaver's downward strike, his Crescent Reaver ablaze with power.

In a single, earth-shattering blow, Alaric unleashed the full fury of the Crescent Reaver. The blade, burning with black and gold energy, ripped upwards in a devastating arc. The Carrion Weaver's colossal blade, once a symbol of its terror, shattered under the impact, the fragments scattering like obsidian snowflakes.

The monstrous entity itself wasn't spared. The surge of power cleaved it in half, the dark energy searing a grotesque wound across the city skyline. It was a final, brutal display of vengeance. Above them, the storm clouds, cowed by the sheer force of the clash, parted, revealing a breathtaking scene – a pale moon bathed in a sea of ink-black stars.

The hunters and civilians outside the now-vanishing dome watched in stunned silence. The oppressive aura that had shrouded the city had lifted, replaced by the cool caress of the night air. As the invisible barrier shimmered out of existence, a collective gasp rippled through the crowd. They had witnessed the impossible – the defeat of the Calamity by a lone warrior.

Alaric, battered but unbowed, landed on the rooftop with a heavy thud. His vision swam slightly, but a triumphant smile played on his lips. He had avenged Jake. He had saved the city.

A soft notification from the Eye of Chronos flickered before him: **Congratulations! Emergency Quest: Crisis Call successfully completed. Due to the high amount of experience gained, all rewards will be accumulated shortly.**

A wave of relief washed over him, coupled with a profound exhaustion. He closed his eyes for a moment, allowing the silence to settle around him.

"Pssst! Alaric."

The sound jolted Alaric awake. He spun around, his hand instinctively reaching for the Crescent Reaver. His eyes widened in disbelief. Leaning casually against a nearby post, a familiar figure grinned at him with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Jake? But... how...?" Alaric stammered, his voice thick with shock. "How are you still alive?"