
The Hot Bully and His Nerdy Pet

Brandon saved Brianna from the numerous bullies in her school and took the position of bullying her instead. She was a nerd and she hated him with passion. Bullying was just for fun until his feelings changed. He found himself deriving not only pleasure but also happiness from having her close. He realized his feelings had changed, but he couldn't fathom what it was all about. Until he discovered he was about to lose her.

SummerInk · 若者
8 Chs



He was so angry, he knew that he was at fault, but seeing her talk to him, like that made him pissed off. Nobody talks to him, that day, ever, not even his little geek brother or his mum, and that was saying something.

"Who do you think you are, you overgrown seaweed. You slammed into me not the other way around, don't you have eyes embedded in that thick skull of yours? Or what?

Did your dad's sperm lose some of its compounds when it realized how useless you will turn out to be?"

How dare you.... Brandon started to say, as he marched towards her, and pushed her on the locker, as she hit it and her books fell down, again. She winced, when she found out that her head, had come in contact with the iron, handle as blood started slipping out. She fell to the ground as she crawled towards the wall, trying to get away from him.

Brandon scoffed as he saw the girl, on glasses trying to scurry off from him, instantly, she looked so scared, what happened to the confident person, he saw a minute again. And to think that he thought she was pretty, he laughed, as he pulled her up, by her collar and brought her close to him, bringing them in very close proximity with each other.

Arianna gulped as she came in close contact, with his lips, his pink lips, that were full, and inviting, during that moment, her pain stopped, she didn't even feel the blood gushing up, or that she was being lifted by her collars up, just to be in the same height with him, all she could focus on, was kissing him.

Romeo was cute, but this one was out of Romeo's league. She tried to pull her eyes from his lips, so that the boy wouldn't notice that she was busy having fantasies of his lips. she slowly brought her eyes up to meet his, as he was suddenly captured in those green eyes, or emerald, depending on where he looked at it.

Regaining himself, he tightened the grip, and said to her, with a low voice.

Next time, I wouldn't be so easy on you, you understand. He said before she nodded her head, he dropped her down carelessly, as she fell again hitting the floor with impact, as she winced.

She ought to have a bruise on her body from now. Brandon didn't even spare her a glance, as he opened his locker, and took some books, before making his way to the class.

Arianna struggled as she tried to stand up, and get to her feet. She couldn't believe that she was crushing on the guy, who bullied her. She palm faced herself in anger, but yet her heart fluttered at the thought of being in close proximity.

His lips, oh how she was dying to kiss, them, she had never felt this way before. She couldn't believe herself. She was supposed to be figuring out how to stay away from him, obviously so that he wouldn't pick on her again, as the rest of the arrogant bullies in her class, Stanley, and David, bullied her also. She always hated the fact that she was the person, always being bullied. There was a reason, to why she was being bullied. Stanley and David bullied her right from middle school, because she refused to help them and do their assignment, and the teachers were always used to compare the to her. She tried to stop be like a nerd, and actually fail some classes so that they would get off her back, but her parents had insisted that she kept her straight A's or else she was going to get sent to military school. And what she hated most, that bullies were, military school. So she just decided to manage the bullies as it remained a year for her finish and finally be free.

And now, she didn't know, what the new boy's reason for bullying her was, she knew that she insulted him first and the insults were harsh, but he deserved it. Slamming into him, she felt like her own body had been broken and she fell. Then he had the audacity to wait for an apology, from her, instead of him apologizing, so she snapped, at him. Before he picked her up, like a toy and threatened her.

So what made him different from the rest of the bullies? She wondered as her mind was blank. Opening her locker, she shoved all her books inside, as she picked the remaining ones from the floor too, and shoved it inside her locker. She brought out her timetable to see, what she had next, before school closes. She had already had technical drawing, history, math, use of English, and biology. Her brain was full from too much learning. She needed to go deflate her brain, by reading non educational books/novels, at the library. God, how she wished it was a free period

She saw that it was a free period, so she nodded her head. She would go to the library for an hour to catch up on her reading, before she goes home. The library would be way quieter, and she wouldn't have to worry about running into the two miserable bullies, that made her life hell. They hated anything educational/ academicals, so they always stick to the stairs, or any sports talent room, to be watching as classes were being carried out.

She slammed her locker shut, just as the bell rang for classes as she could see people leaving the cafeteria from the nearest school building window, and decided to hasten her steps. Every soon, the hallways would be full, and getting to leave would be a problem. She quickly hastened her steps, as she sprinted down the staircase and made her way to the adjacent building on the right. She could see some students already heading there, also. Maybe they didn't have classes, like she did.