
Attention and clash

"Well ... didn't you want to say something?", I ask the astronaut. I see him starting to sweat like a leaking water bottle. He begins to tremble, due to my Haoshoku and shake all over his body. 

At that moment the Cipher Pol agents gathered enough courage to sacrifice themselves for these turds. They came at me but I swung my staff at them, killing them and spraying their blood everywhere, without even taking my eyes off the 'world trash'. 

"Tell me what you do with slaves. Tell me what you do with those that don't listen. Tell me why you believe yourself to stand above all others and tell the world about the Native Hunting Competition that you hold every three years. Come on tell them.", I taunt him. 

He isn't the only astronaut in the hall. There are two others as well. I guess this is a family, just like last time when I was bought by my boy Chrissy. I put my index finger on the astronaut's bubble and began to press it in. More and more the bubble came closer to bursting. 

"Well? What happens when you breathe the same air as all these poor disgusting mortals? Do you want that? Do you want me to hurt you?", I ask him and he begins to shake his head hard. 

"Then speak, or I'll pull you limb from limb boy. And then feed every piece to a Sea King, just because I can."

The aura that seemed to pull everyone in, also caused even my fiercest enemies to feel fear and respect towards me. So imagine this little nobody who didn't train a day in his miserable life. He was looking at the abyss right now. And I'm normally not even inclined to violence. I preferred to do things simple. This questioning was only to get the world's attention and expose these astronauts as what they truly are. 


"I-I ... I d-do-don't kno-w wh-at yo-yo-you m-m-mean ...", he said. 

"Why don't you explain to us what a Native Hunting Competition is?."

He continued to stutter as he talked and snot as well as tears started to fill his helmet. I was less interested in popping that bubble now. It would only ruin my mood and maybe make me vomit. 

So the astronaut started to explain what the Native Hunting Competition was, how the world nobles would choose an island to take over for their recourses and kill all the people in the form of a competition, in order to have fun while they steal land. 

He didn't stop there however, I kept asking him to tell us how he treated their slaves. How he and other world nobles treated them less than trash. How they abused them, killed them, had them kill each other, tortured them and did all sorts of despicable things just to satiate their perverted greed and boredom. 

I knew that the World Government and the good Imu were watching this and that they tried to cut me off forcefully. But I also know that they weren't able to do that, for I had used my Haoshoku Haki to take away their control of the Den Den Mushi and kept broadcasting all of this. 


"Well that was quite the tale my disgusting waste, wasn't it? I do wonder though whether you are telling the truth? Hmm, let me ask your other friends about this. Well, what do you two think, did he lie about anything?", I ask the two others who were with him.

"What we do, is right. You don't deserve any better than to be treated that way by us. We are your gods and you are trash that should follow what we want. This is the right of us Celestial Dragons!"

"Ah, such strong words coming from this thick-lipped person. Well, you heard it folks. We're all trash to be treated as such by the Astronauts. Now the only question remains ... do you all accept that ....? Well here's my answer to that question.", I say and throw the Den Den Mushi into the air so that it can still broadcast what will happen.

I then swing my staff and with ease bring it down onto the first Celestial Dragon. The strong head of my staff smashes into the bubble and the head. Both explode in blood and gore. My staff is again twirling in my hand as it impacts the second and third Celestial Dragons. 

I then catch the Den Den Mushi and turn it off. I am sure that I'll be visited by one if not two or maybe even three Admirals, depending on how was in the area right now. Maybe even Garp. That would be fun. I would get to have a fight that might challenge me in this world for the last time. I had already risen to the top after 17 years of training and getting the boost from my Essence. Every half a year, if I trained, my power and strength would double. So you can imagine my power right now after training with Rayleigh and Roger for 10 years. 

I had this feeling that there were more worlds out there. And I knew that I would soon be able to travel to them. What was missing now was some meditation to understand the essence of not only this world but also others and the entire Multiverse. Apparently, that theory was true. Maybe I should have spent some time getting more familiar with this in my past life. 


As I waited here, I didn't kill anyone else. It was not necessary, everyone who was present today, will be hunted for witnessing this and not doing anything. Everyone. So instead of killing, I went backstage and started to free the slaves here. 

"Ollo, everyone. I am here to help you today. Rejoice because this might not happen again. So be quick and make sure not to be captured again.", I say and break open the cages. 

"Thank you.... *sob sob* thank you so much.", a young woman says to me and gets on her knees. I pull her up on her feet and pat her on the shoulder. I tell her with a smile.

"There is no need to kneel to me, young girl. I'm no one special. Now go and enjoy your newfound freedom."

"Thank you.", she says again but then finally leaves. As do all the others who seemed eager to follow me and join my cause. That always happens. Maybe I should open an orphanage? Could make some real money there. 


I don't have to wait long for the response to arrive. I can feel him rushing towards my position since he must have felt me as well. I'm not suppressing my aura right now. No, today will be an important day in this world. They will come to learn of the might of one Gautama Siddharta. I will strike fear into these arrogant little shits who think of themselves as gods. 


The wind picks up and in front of me stands the one and only rival of Roger ... Monkey D. Garp. He has a... conflicted expression on his face. But I can see mostly anger. I guess he doesn't like the fact that I dealt with the problem the way I did. 

Now that I understand what the 'D.' stands for, I can't understand his choice to stay a Marine Vice-Admiral. His drive should be just as high and yet he forces himself to stay. I wonder what will happen with his spirit, now that Roger is destined to die soon. He will begin to age fast and his strength will decline. 

"Garp, so nice of you to come visit me. Fancy a tussle?", I say with a smile on my face. 

"Sid ... why did you do that? The entire Navy and World Government will be after you now. You won't be able to escape now. So why?"

"What? Did you think the World Government could just do whatever it wanted for 800 years without any repercussions? Only I get to do what I want. Hehehe, I was once captured by the Saturn saint. One of the five slaves to the one that sits on the empty throne ... uuups did that just slip out of my mouth? Oh my, I guess I should really learn some restraint.", I say with mock embarrassment. 

My fellow former crewmates wouldn't like that, but what do I care? I do what I want, as I stated so many times already. Roger was never my captain, I never called him Captain, only Roger. I enjoyed my time on board the Roger Pirates ship, but I was never truly under Roger. I stayed there because it was interesting and I got to learn about the truth of this world. 

Now, all the cards were on the table and I was ready for some humbling. 


*Puru puru puru*

Garps Den Den Muhsi was heard and he picked it up. The angry voice of the elders was heard, making me smile.

{Vice Admiral Garp, you are ordered to immediately kill Pirate Sid. Do it now!!!}

Garp looked very disturbed right now. There was no mistaking that this had never happened before. The five elders would never call him directly and only contact the Fleet Admiral. So them doing this meant that I had said something I shouldn't have. And I can only imagine what will happen to this island now. 

Well, that started our fight. Garp used Soru to arrive in front of me. He had his entire arm coated in Busoshoku and used internal destruction as well as emission. He wasn't messing around right now. But he wasn't giving it his all. I could sense the conflict in his eyes and his movements. 

I responded in kind. I let go of my staff and use my palm. I found out that using my palms and redirecting the force of my enemy back to them, causes them to exert more than double the energy and stamina to keep up with the fight. 

I also coat my palm in Advanced Busoshoku. But mine is a bit different. My Busoshoku doesn't just emit Haki, it can also distribute it. His fist reaches my palm, Instead of a loud bang, a rather silent sound is heard. 

I move my palm back and guide Garp's fist towards me. Then I move it to the side and cause Garp to unwillingly move forward. Using the new close proximity, I use the fluid motion of my palm and then redirect the energy that Garp used against him and plant my palm into his thorax.


NOW a loud sound is heard as Garp shoots backwards like a cannon ball and destroys the shops in the area.

I still stand there, knowing that this might have hurt and surprised Garp, but it by no means defeated him. He was stronger than that. And just as I knew it would happen, a small burst of Haoshoku no Haki comes from his position. 

The building explodes as I see the future of Garp appearing in front of me. He has his right arm coated in Busoshoku and has Haoshoku Haki infused into it. Now he means business. I do the same things as before. I still only use the same amount of Haki and reach out with my left palm. 

Normally, when two Haoshoku Haki-infused weapons or fists clash, they don't touch, but I'm not using infusion. The Haki reaches me and wants to inject itself into my body. I allow it but only the way I want it to. I again move my palms around and redirect his attack back to him. 

"Galaxy Impact!", Garp screams his attack.

I do what I want and redirect the force and power of his punch and Haki back to him. 


My palm impacts with Garp's face and a thunderous sound is heard. Garp shoots away even faster than before and I know for a fact that the man is knocked out for good this time. And he won't be waking up any time soon. 
