



It just few months ago when everything is fine... until one day.. my mom and dad got divorced.. none of them wants to keep me... I thought my grandma can keep me and protect me..but... I was wrong...

... She abuse me everyday.. she never feeds me except for rotten and outdated canned food... why do i have to suffer...?


I'm Reine.. A girl who suddenly lost everything she had.. And now i'm homeless... 

... Sigh... i'm an idiot.. i... i hate everyone... i hate humans..


back when everything was normal, happy, cheerful... I thought i always wanted to achieve a dream of mine.. to be a doctor who can saves everyone.. but now.. my dream are crushed, and the only dream i hoped are places that i can belong to...

And now.. for 3 months.. i'm living here.. at this pitiful street... its cold.. i'm hungry... i'm stinks... someone please help me...


it was then... i glanced my eyes at the spot i always sleep at. I was just returned from my routine search of foods to survive and then when i came back...

Huh..? is that..? .. this is a baggage... but.. what it's doing here..? I been living here but i never seen this clean baggage before.. no.. it's at good condition.. must be new...

...this.. a note..?

"Dear Reine,

I'm sure you're confused right now.. don't worry, i'm not a suspicious person and i mean no harm. This baggage will helps you. Just trust me. Mom and Dad are cruel, not even considering of raising and keep you. it just recently i learned, not even Dad wants you, i'm sorry for not realizing it until now. I got a few connections to track where you at, i can't directly contact you or else Dad will realized and find out that i been secretly contacting you so.. use this baggage, it will help you to survive.

~Your brother,"

... I have a brother? what... wait i do? wait i don't...? i don't remember... well... uhh... 

Welp, just getting confused won't get me anywhere.. let's try check what this baggage's content are...


woah.. its packed with Military Ready-To-Eat meals! how generous... now i felt bad doesn't remember my own brother.... 

... *searching..*

oh! there's even a map! and smartphone!.... Why do i need smartphone?! i don't even have anything to charge it! wait-.. it said Solar-Powered smartphone.... is this 2030? am i in the future...? do we have YouPhone 20 now..?

well.. uhh.. i shouldn't complain and be grateful for these... thank you unknown brother that i don't remember....


Oh, there is camping Ge- Wait?! Camping Gear?! How big is this baggage is?!.... yep i'm definitely time travelled to year 2030 now...

... Hmm... i think that's it... Ready-To-Eat meals, a map, a solar-powered smartphone and camping gears... and extra item is this baggage... am i camping now? well atleast i can survive for few months now!


... Only few months... until everything will be back to the same... 

sigh... no.. i should use this opportunity to survive... 

hmm... how do i use this smartphone... Oh! it's light up... let's see... for starter i will try use internet.. no luck huh? this phone has no signal... sigh... welp.. first i guess i will check out the map...

... ... i see ... ... 

i don't understand a single thing. 

where even am i in this map? what is this numbers... 35? 189? wat... ah.. that's right.. i am a dropout... i never learn any geographic map... sigh... i guess i will put it away for now...

...ughh.. i'm hungry.. i don't want to waste the RTE meals though... i guess i will just eat this carrot that a nice lady gave me...

... ughh.. it taste raw... Sobs...
