

my facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Hinglish-sama-novel-update-news-105542290905160/ This story is based on a world. Which is like our world. This story tells the history of that world. History that has been erased. When humans were not born. FIRE HUMANS ruled the world at that time. There came a time. Such kings started ruling the world. Who were very bloodthirsty. He used to persecute his people.   At that time the world was a storehouse of atrocities, corruption and crimes.   At that time a warrior fought the bloodthirsty kings.   This story is based on the hard work and hard work of that warrior and his companions, liberated the world from the bloodthirsty kings and established peace.

hinglish · ファンタジー
27 Chs


The armies of the two countries stood opposite each other.

King Ron William raises his sword and screams loudly.

The three kingdoms of the East kingdom attack the three armies of the South kingdom and make a swift escape.

General Feehaa raises his face upwards and sees King Ron William bringing his army from the front.

General Feehaa: "King Ron William How dare you attack the South Kingdom, I will not let you go alive."

king Ron William: "I didn't come here to go.

I will not go here until I kill the King Po Han and liberate the general public of the South Kingdom. That will come my way. He must face my sword."

King Ron William raised his sword and moved his army towards General Feehaa and then suddenly King Ron William saw General Feehaa smiling.

king Ron William asked his soldiers to stop at the same time.

All the soldiers stop there.

General Feehaa raises his sword towards the sky and shouts loudly "Wake up my slaves, now is the time."

The ground started moving and the army of dead came out from inside the ground.

This army of dead soldiers was very large.

The mass of all the soldiers is rotten. And a lot of them smelled. But whenever they are standing.

King Ron William could not believe his eyes.

king Ron William see his clothes he understood.

He is a common citizen.

Who stood against the crime of king Po Han.

Seeing his condition, King Ron William's eyes start to tear up.

king Ron William: "I will not leave you alive. You have done this to them.

Who voiced against oppression.

You have not only killed them but also insulted them."

  Saying this, King Ron William raises his sword and makes a direct attack with his army.

King Ron William's army is filled with the most powerful soldiers. Which includes the most powerful dragon rider and the most powerful magician.

This army was formed thinking that.

If the only Fire human standing in front is General Feehaa then he should be able to face it.

If those rumors are true then General Feehaa is a very powerful warrior and has an army of dead. This army should be so powerful. If a sudden attack occurs. At that time, this army is capable of handling that attack. Or should be able to help King Ron William defeat the Fire human and reach King Po Han. So that King Ron William manages to kill King Po Han with his sword.

The soldiers of King Ron William are moving rapidly with their legs amputated by the dead soldiers of General Feehaa.

King Ron William is also one of the retreaters. He is also advancing along with his army in pieces of dead soldiers.

Commander Ruizen and Commander are attacked by fire by Benzo Dragons.

But this attack on the zombie army also does not work. The attack fires the dead soldiers. But the dead soldiers keep on moving even after burning. And the dead bodies of King Ron and his soldiers who were cutting their hands and legs were moving forward.

The dead soldiers have started attacking again by folding their arms and legs.

king Ron's army is waning.

Whomever he kills, he stands again.

Even after cutting the extremities, their limbs rejoin.

King Ron is thinking.

'My army is very powerful, this soldier is nothing for them but even after cutting their hands and feet, they get up again and start fighting.

If this continues, all the soldiers will quickly get tired and become weak.

Then even this dead soldier can kill them.

I will have to do something soon.'

That's when King Ron starts his most powerful attack.

But there was no effect even after King Ron's powerful attack.

After some time the dead soldiers stood up again and the dead soldiers started fighting again.

Dead soldiers are not taking the name of stoppage.

He continues to attack.

That's when King Ron thinks.

'If we can't kill these dead soldiers.

So we should kill him. Who is controlling these dead soldiers.'

Comander from King Ron tells Ruizen and Benzo.

Come with me we have to kill the Fire human standing in the middle.

Who is controlling these dead soldiers.

He raises his hand and loudly calls out to the volcano dragon.

  Shortly after, a flying volcano dragon arrives. King Ron jumps from his horse and sits on the back of the volcano dragon.

Both Commander Ruizen and Bonzo move quickly toward General Feehaa, clearing the way for King Ron. And behind them is King Ron.

Comander Ruizen and Bonzo aim to make way for King Ron. So that King Ron William with all his strength make an attack on General Feehaa that General Feehaa dies in an attack.