

my facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Hinglish-sama-novel-update-news-105542290905160/ This story is based on a world. Which is like our world. This story tells the history of that world. History that has been erased. When humans were not born. FIRE HUMANS ruled the world at that time. There came a time. Such kings started ruling the world. Who were very bloodthirsty. He used to persecute his people.   At that time the world was a storehouse of atrocities, corruption and crimes.   At that time a warrior fought the bloodthirsty kings.   This story is based on the hard work and hard work of that warrior and his companions, liberated the world from the bloodthirsty kings and established peace.

hinglish · ファンタジー
27 Chs

1st day of War

According to King Ron's order

General Othello Carnel begins the attack.

The dragons start attacking with their fire.

Seeing it, it becomes a sea of ​​terrible fire. In that sea, the entire army of the South Kingdom is submerged, thousands of soldiers are killed and thousands are wounded.

  King Po han finds out this.

The wind blows in his face.

  He gets very nervous.

He says?

  How could this happen.

  Our army is very large.

More than 4000 soldiers of our army were injured and killed in the first attack and then the East kingdome has not affected anything.

It seems as if.

  Like our vast army is a flock of flies for them.

King Po Han: Now what do I do, if it continues like this, we might lose.

General, you said.

  We will win easily. What is this happening.

If I do nothing, I will bite your neck and feed the dogs.

General Le don Sorry King I made a mistake. I made the mistake of underestimating the army of the East kingdome.

  please forgive me.

But King will not make such a mistake again.

I will do something soon.

where is the commander Do Ma.

Do Ma: General you called me.

General: Do Ma quickly take a troop of wizards and counter-attack the Dragons.

Show the East kingdome.

The army of the south kingdome has the power to respond to the bricks with stone.


Do Ma is fine.

  I go now

Do Ma takes 4000 magicians to the battlefield.

At the behest of Do Ma, 4000 magicians work together to create a whirlwind of a huge giant wind with their magic.

Due to the huge windstorm, the dagons get very hurt and the dragons become weak. He is no longer capable of attacking.

Seeing this, General Othello orders Dragons to retreat.

And the foot and jaggery riders order the soldiers to attack.

On receiving the General's orders, the cavalry start attacking, carrots like radish cut off the army of South Kingdom, cover a distance of 10 kilometers in just half an hour and start moving rapidly towards the palace.

   This is known to king po han.

Po Han gets nervous.

Po Han: Hey where has my poor General died.

general: King

PO HAN: Are you doing your work, King?

  Protect me and give a befitting reply to those who attack this kingdom. But you are sitting here. Tell me what will you do.

king Ron is coming to kill me

Do something.

  Otherwise he will kill me.

Send quickly

And send the army.

  Otherwise he will come here to kill me.

General: King don't panic at all.

  We will win the war easily.

Po Han: You will tell.

  How should I not be afraid, that the East kingdome army is coming towards the palace, killing our army.

How can I not worry?

general: King This is my strategy.

Are they understanding?

  We are very weak and are coming towards us, killing our army very easily. But they have no idea about this?

  Which soldiers are they killing?

  So there are only farmers.

  Those who are standing in front of him with only military clothes and some useless weapons.

  general Le don: Laughs.

  Are they crazy?

  We are losing to them.

   They don't know that we have not even started the war yet.

Then, on the other side, there are sudden blasts on the battlefield, and because of those blasts, the armies of both countries are greatly injured, thousands of soldiers are killed and thousands are injured.