
Unexpected Enthronement

"His Highness…!" Aloud scream could be heard behind me. "You need to carry out your duty." said a white hair girl running after me. The girl chasing me is my personal maid and the daughter of a baron name El von Elisabeth, she was trying to force me to become the emperor of this depressed empire.

{Back Story}

A world were wars and conflict are common occurrence in this world. The continent where our empire is on is call Continent en guerre (literally means continent at war). Our empire was a super power in the world stage with a population of 3 million before Luis Valois (my grandfather) change the whole empire and turned it into a war zone. Because of my grandfather's rule we lost 2/3 of our land to civil war and enemy nations and the population went down to 1 million. Because of him I was left with the task to fix the empire after my father died. My name is Alexander Valois. I am a 10 years old child born third in line to the throne. When I was born no one thought that I was going to be the next emperor so they did not pay much attention to me. However, when I turned 3 I was known as the prodigy prince because I could read and write at the age where other children were stay trying to figure out how to walk and I could use a sword at the age of 5(A small wooden sword). My siblings were 2 brothers who were older than me but the eldest was an arrogant brat and the second brother was considered as not fit for the throne so I was the only choice they had.

{Present Time}

Elisabeth continued to chase after me throughout the castle while I kept giving reasons why I should not be the emperor. "If you become the emperor you can change this vast empire" shouted Elisabeth as I was running. Abruptly a tiny rock appeared in my path. Me being a dumbass. I kept looking back not knowing what was ahead of me and I tripped on the rock and fell. When I fell Elisabeth got a hold of me and hugged tightly so I could not escape. She kept talking my ears off about how the empire will be at its peak with me being in control. I declined at first but Elisabeth whispered into my ears "are you afraid that you will fail." I became furious because no one had ever dared to provoke me, if they did I would always prove them wrong.

All of a sudden I accepted the challenge and I then realized that I was played but I could not go back on my word. I stood up from the fell state and walked back slowly to the throne room. I was quite upset but I found it was amusing that a girl made me do something I did not want to. When I got back to the throne room. Everyone was already bowing as if they knew that Elisabeth would be able to convince me.

I then sat on the throne and demanded the report so that I could fix the problem. In the report it stated that the agriculture rate decrease by 10%, the military budget went down 25%, the taxes went down by 20% and the population went down by 5%. It was the worst possible situation because there was also a civil war about to start from my eldest brother because of my suddenly enthronement and noble did not want to waste all the effort to bribe my brother so they joined the war. We expected that he would declare war next week by the time the formal inauguration begins. But before then we need to secure the treasury and recruit more soldiers and get more supply. The first order I passed as the soon to be emperor would be to sell useless items in the treasury and give all the equipment and weapons in the treasury to the soldiers and keep the national treasure for future infrastructures and projects. After my orders the knights went around alerting the commoners that I would be the next emperor.

I thought they would not be pleased hearing that a 3rd in line to the throne takes over. But I was wrong, they thought the exact opposite, they knew that I was a prodigy so they were not that concerned and cheered and shouted long live the new king or prosperity to the empire. I was also pleased to hear that my citizens trusted me.


My very first serious writing so if you have any thoughts on how to make it better please leave comments!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Lazormenotcreators' thoughts